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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

If there was a shred of evidence of Trump's boys doing the same thing it would be a huge story.
This to me, is hilarious.

Trump's daughter and son in law got jobs in the White House. A company Kushner owns got 90 million in foreign money after he got a job in the Trump admin working in foreign policy ffs.

The Trump org has pursued and closed on deals in foreign countries (to say nothing of the countless stays by foreign dignitaries at Trump properties in the US). This has been talked about literally since before Trump was even elected.
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If there was a shred of evidence of Trump's boys doing the same thing it would be a huge story. You appear to just be making things up. I have read many stories that claim that the Biden's didn't do anything wrong. In the Dem debate Anderson Cooper literally apologized to Biden for asking him a question about it. He didn't suggest in any way, shape or form that anything was dubious about it.

Biden leveraged his name to get jobs. You think the trump boys won the meritocracy game? That influencing daddy has nothing to do with their business? Come on be serious.
This to me, is hilarious.

Trump's daughter and son in law got jobs in the White House. A company Kushner owns got 90 million in foreign money after he got a job in the Trump admin working in foreign policy ffs.

The Trump org has pursued and closed on deals in foreign countries (to say nothing of the countless stays by foreign dignitaries at Trump properties in the US). This has been talked about literally since before Trump was even elected.

but Fox News doesn't report these things.
Just another day in the White House:

which triggered historian twitter:

First African American GOP chair:

My favorite follow but I put it as a spoiler due to language in his tweet:


Is this a distraction from the impeachment and G7 scandal? Is Trump really a racist deep in his heart?

At a certain point it doesn't really matter. This is reprehensible. It's exactly what every conservative pretended to be offended about regarding concentration camps at the border, except worse because Trump is appropriating the victims of lynching's suffering for himself.

What I find curious about this is that the quid pro quo was for a public statement that Ukraine will investigate the Bidens.

This sounds like Trump was concerned with public perception of the Biden's dealings and not about actually investigating wrong doing. This makes sense as his primary goal here was to undermine a political opponent, and he is probably aware that there's not actually any "there" there wrt criminal wrongdoing.

What I find curious about this is that the quid pro quo was for a public statement that Ukraine will investigate the Bidens.

This sounds like Trump was concerned with public perception of the Biden's dealings and not about actually investigating wrong doing. This makes sense as his primary goal here was to undermine a political opponent, and he is probably aware that there's not actually any "there" there wrt criminal wrongdoing.

I'd like to hear Trumps supporters say that isn't quid pro quo. I'm sure their response is going to be that this person is just another angry democrat.
I'd like to hear Trumps supporters say that isn't quid pro quo. I'm sure their response is going to be that this person is just another angry democrat.
It's going to be the exact same playbook as they used during the Mueller investigation.

Ignore reality and create a false narrative of "deep state" actors trying to destroy Trump from within.
I'd like to hear Trumps supporters say that isn't quid pro quo. I'm sure their response is going to be that this person is just another angry democrat.

You libtards are so hilarious.

Squid pro quoes happen all the time.
Hitlery got one from Christopher Steele, the disgraced MI6 agent who manufactured dirt on Great Leader. Remember? Golden shower and all that Russian disinformation nonsense? She colluded and got a Squid Pro Quo.

What about Biden threatening that prosecutor “son of a bitch” by withholding money to Ukraine?

What about Obama claiming he’d have greater flexibility after the election?

why shouldn’t we investigate the server? A server In my mind isn’t a network making up a cloud. It’s a box that was physically removed from the DNC headquarters to someplace in Ukraine.

See, these types of things happen all the time. It’s yet another nothingburger attempt to lynch Great Leader.

sorry, been listening to waaayyyy too much am radio. But these are their arguments.
You libtards are so hilarious.

Squid pro quoes happen all the time.
Hitlery got one from Christopher Steele, the disgraced MI6 agent who manufactured dirt on Great Leader. Remember? Golden shower and all that Russian disinformation nonsense? She colluded and got a Squid Pro Quo.

What about Biden threatening that prosecutor “son of a bitch” by withholding money to Ukraine?

What about Obama claiming he’d have greater flexibility after the election?

why shouldn’t we investigate the server? A server In my mind isn’t a network making up a cloud. It’s a box that was physically removed from the DNC headquarters to someplace in Ukraine.

See, these types of things happen all the time. It’s yet another nothingburger attempt to lynch Great Leader.

sorry, been listening to waaayyyy too much am radio. But these are their arguments.

Sigh. It would be funny if it wasn't true.

What I find curious about this is that the quid pro quo was for a public statement that Ukraine will investigate the Bidens.

This sounds like Trump was concerned with public perception of the Biden's dealings and not about actually investigating wrong doing. This makes sense as his primary goal here was to undermine a political opponent, and he is probably aware that there's not actually any "there" there wrt criminal wrongdoing.

Oh yeah, this is the testimony we've been waiting for.

My favorite line from this Politico article:

--Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the president's lead defender in the room, was tight-lipped as he emerged from the closed-door deposition for a lunch break. He praised what he described as GOP lawyers’ effective questioning of Taylor but declined to say whether it yielded exculpatory information.


--William Taylor prompted sighs and gasps when he read a lengthy 15-page opening statement, two of the sources said.

--"The body language of the people hearing it was ‘holy s---,’ seriously,” Rep. Harley Rouda (D-Calif.), a member of the Oversight Committee, said in reference to Taylor’s opening statement.

--Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), a senior member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, characterized the testimony as a “sea change” that “could accelerate” the impeachment inquiry. Another lawmaker, Democratic Rep. Tom Malinowski of New Jersey, said it was “the most thorough accounting we’ve had of the timeline.”

“I’ll tell you, as a former State Department political appointee, in my experience the difference between career folks and political appointees is the career folks take very good notes,” Malinowski said, hinting that Taylor provided corroboration to back up his recollections.

--Another source said a phone call between Taylor and Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, was a key episode about which Taylor provided new information. That conversation came at Sondland’s request after Taylor, in one of the text messages released earlier this month, questioned whether the military assistance and possible White House meeting are “conditioned on investigations.”

“After today, Mr. Sondland is going to have some explaining to do,” Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) said.
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Hard to believe the administration never figured out who this was...

My hell... is the person still in the admin? Jeez, who could it be? The finance and economic guys seem too tired and old to do this. Miller thinks books make great firewood. Could George’s wife finally reveal herself to be the “Deep State Rat” she’s accused others of being???
My hell... is the person still in the admin? Jeez, who could it be? The finance and economic guys seem too tired and old to do this. Miller thinks books make great firewood. Could George’s wife finally reveal herself to be the “Deep State Rat” she’s accused others of being???
Kellyanne Conway being the author would be the least surprising thing tbh.

I've never understood how their marriage works, but if she's been working this whole thing for her personal benefit, and is not in fact a Trump loyalist it starts to make a lot more sense.

What I find curious about this is that the quid pro quo was for a public statement that Ukraine will investigate the Bidens.

This sounds like Trump was concerned with public perception of the Biden's dealings and not about actually investigating wrong doing. This makes sense as his primary goal here was to undermine a political opponent, and he is probably aware that there's not actually any "there" there wrt criminal wrongdoing.

It seems like there was more requested than just the public comment though.

It seems like there was more requested than just the public comment though.

yeah. That sounds important and all, but can’t we focus for a second on the real crime? Pelosi hasn’t voted publicly on the impeachment inquiry so we can’t attack vulnerable Democrats. Also, Adam Shifty Schiff added stuff while reading the transcript. Therefore, this entire impeachment thingie is a sham and we should just forget about “lynching” the president. The real crime is the procedure that the Democrats are employing. It’s really devastating to the Trump cartel. So mean. WITCH HUNT!