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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

I can't remember exactly what she's said, but I assure you she's both tweeted and has made comments that show she doesn't understand the EC.

Roll your eyes if you must. I did too.
Having looked up her comments, it seems pretty clear to me that she does in fact understand the EC.
Would anyone here actually vote if the choice was between Trump and Biden?
Yes, absolutely!

I'm not a fan of Biden. I'm not excited about Biden. I hope the nominee is someone other than Biden.

But almost all of the potential nominees would be reasonably competent in the role as President and Trump has demonstrated that not only did he enter the role incapable and unprepared, he has no intention at all to learn on the job.

I don't understand how people can see what he's doing and think that it's okay. And in this instance I don't mean it as "Trump is a bad man who does mean things," which is also true, but I mean he is doing things in such a stupid and utterly incompetent way that it is doing long lasting damage to the U.S. and our allies.

None of the other candidates would cause that harm to the U.S.. None of them.
This has been a pretty ugly string of comments, Thriller. Just saying.

people need to start respecting those of us who actually care to discuss politics in this thread. The nonstop trolling from certain posters has gotten out of hand. If @Jazzta wants respect, he needs to show it. His response to both @Zombie and myself was pretty combative and I responded in kind. Sorry if it got out of hand.
Yes, absolutely!

I'm not a fan of Biden. I'm not excited about Biden. I hope the nominee is someone other than Biden.

But almost all of the potential nominees would be reasonably competent in the role as President and Trump has demonstrated that not only did he enter the role incapable and unprepared, he has no intention at all to learn on the job.

I don't understand how people can see what he's doing and think that it's okay. And in this instance I don't mean it as "Trump is a bad man who does mean things," which is also true, but I mean he is doing things in such a stupid and utterly incompetent way that it is doing long lasting damage to the U.S. and our allies.

None of the other candidates would cause that harm to the U.S.. None of them.
I’ll take that you hope someone other than Biden is the nominee. I do wish that the electoral process was “closer” to the people. The current process just feels alienating imho.
This has been a pretty ugly string of comments, Thriller. Just saying.

Lets look at this objectively here.

Lets analyze three things here, because I feel like this is a teaching moment:

#1 Who was asking questions?
#2 Who was being combative/dismissive of those answering the questions?
#3 Who else admitted that they couldn't/didn't understand @Jazzta because his responses were so dismissive/unclear?

Want respect? You need to show it. Why give dismissive answers to your own questions unless you're merely looking to troll/start a fight? Which has been in ample supply since the hearings have begun.

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I’ll take that you hope someone other than Biden is the nominee. I do wish that the electoral process was “closer” to the people. The current process just feels alienating imho.

See, now this is a response someone can work with.

So why, @Gameface did he initially respond with this?

Just wow...

And this?

Here comes the voice of reason...

Hmmmmmm... Maybe some much needed self-reflection is the positive that we can pull out of this car wreck today?
Taking a dig at someone for their English skills when English is their second language is different than not understanding the point a person is making.
I’ll take that you hope someone other than Biden is the nominee. I do wish that the electoral process was “closer” to the people. The current process just feels alienating imho.

Just so I can understand what your saying here, is it the Democratic primary that feels alienating? If so what about the primary process should be closer to the people?
Just so I can understand what your saying here, is it the Democratic primary that feels alienating? If so what about the primary process should be closer to the people?

Well, just a thought that I had, imagine if the people had to vote for a candidate from each party. I’m curious what the outcome would be.
Well, just a thought that I had, imagine if the people had to vote for a candidate from each party. I’m curious what the outcome would be.
In some states you can vote in both primaries if you want to. I'm not sure how forcing people to vote for someone from both parties would be enforced, or what kind of impact it would have. Seems like a pretty blatant violation of voting rights, and/or free speech if you believe free speech extends to the ballot box.
Taking a dig at someone for their English skills when English is their second language is different than not understanding the point a person is making.

It's hard to tell when the responses are so dismissive. Honestly, I struggle to understand what he says most of the time so I apologize if it's a language barrier issue or just him being a troll Edit: Or me just needing to read his posts more better and be less confrontational. Communication is a two-way street. Given the amount of trolling lately, I'll admit my patience has been lacking and I've thought about taking an hiatus from here. I usually try to be patient and give people the benefit of the doubt. So if I jumped the gun on that then I'm sorry. But it seemed like his ******* response warranted an ******* answer, which was to assume the worst about his language skills.
I’ll take that you hope someone other than Biden is the nominee. I do wish that the electoral process was “closer” to the people. The current process just feels alienating imho.
I think I've been pretty clear about the fact that Trump is a special case.

I mean I absolutely abhor his politics. Sure. That's in compartment A in my brain.

But then there's his incompetence. His recklessness. His selfishness. His cluelessness. That's in compartment B.

Compartment B is why I could never vote for him under any circumstances. Not under any circumstances. And why I will vote for the best possibility to get him out of office, regardless of what that other option is, because I don't see any other options that enter compartment B at all.

I've found it just as baffling when people say "Well Pence is just as bad." Yes, in compartment A Pence is just as bad. But that's politics. I can absolutely live with a politician whose positions I don't like being President. What I can't live with is a politician who fills compartment B with the things Trump does.

I hope that makes some kind of sense.
There has to be another way though, in 2016 we got Trump and Hillary shoved down as options. Is that really the best the US had to offer?
To be honest, and I'd say this to people who were upset about how the last D primary ended up as well, you need to come to terms with the idea that there are a lot of people with different candidate preferences than you.

Biden isn't a handpicked candidate, he's leading in the polls because millions of people want him to be president. I disagree with them, but him leading the pack isn't due to some flaw in the primary format. Votes haven't even been cast yet, so I remain confused about what it is exactly you are complaining about.
I think I've been pretty clear about the fact that Trump is a special case.

I mean I absolutely abhor his politics. Sure. That's in compartment A in my brain.

But then there's his incompetence. His recklessness. His selfishness. His cluelessness. That's in compartment B.

Compartment B is why I could never vote for him under any circumstances. Not under any circumstances. And why I will vote for the best possibility to get him out of office, regardless of what that other option is, because I don't see any other options that enter compartment B at all.

I've found it just as baffling when people say "Well Pence is just as bad." Yes, in compartment A Pence is just as bad. But that's politics. I can absolutely live with a politician whose positions I don't like being President. What I can't live with is a politician who fills compartment B with the things Trump does.

I hope that makes some kind of sense.

I agree about Trump, I’m just not on the “anyone else will do” train. But I hear ya about Trump.
There has to be another way though, in 2016 we got Trump and Hillary shoved down as options. Is that really the best the US had to offer?

I feel like the way you and @Zombie are discussing things is really good now (@Zombie did a good job of working through this and I regret failing to do this) and I see that had a big hand in escalating things today. The lack of respect I showed was not cool. I apologize for being an *** earlier. Sorry to everyone else who had to read this crap today.

PM just sent. Unsure if @Jazzta has me blocked and if blocked profiles can still receive PMs. So if that's the case someone else tell @Jazzta that I'm sorry. I'll take a break for a few days...
Let’s not overreact here, American democracy is threatened by Trump and needs to be strengthened by certain reforms. But the entire system doesn’t need to be blown up. The cynicism one reads on libertarian and far right/left message boards these is astounding.

Ok, I see this thrown about, but it makes no sense. Trump is threatening democracy? How?
We still have elections. People can still vote. Trump hasn't done anything to stop that....well, unless you think that him wanting to stop non-Americans from voting.

Hilary said that Trump would not accept the results of the 2016 election. Well, Hillary is the one who lost and she's still btching about it. Seems she can't accept anything, but she isn't doing anything to stop the next election from happening.
As far as I can tell, nobody is.