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Open Enrollment - Let's All Complain


Well-Known Member
It's that time of year again.......open enrollment for insurance. As such, I wanted to start a thread where we can all complain about the horrible state of health insurance and health costs in the goold ole' US of A.

My Plan:

Coverage for my family of 4

Premium: $575 a month for me, $1,015 for my employer

Deductible: $3,000 for individual and $6,000 out of pocket max (insurance pays 20% of costs once $3K is reached). For the family, it's $6,000 individual and $12,000 out of pocket max.

This does not cover dental or vision, which is another $150 a month for my family coverage.

I've haven't met my deductible over the past 5 years of working with my employer.

My Analysis: I'm paying nearly $22K a year (premium payments - including employer portion since this is basically just a reduction in how much they can pay me and thus coming out of my pocket) for insurance that I will likely never use.

This is only my insurance premiums. I still put about $4,500 a year into an HSA account to cover miscellaneous doctor visits, prescriptions, etc.

I'm not sure what the tipping point is.......but when should we all revolt due to the cost of all of this?

Please share your experience completing this past open enrollment.
It's that time of year again.......open enrollment for insurance. As such, I wanted to start a thread where we can all complain about the horrible state of health insurance and health costs in the goold ole' US of A.

My Plan:

Coverage for my family of 4

Premium: $575 a month for me, $1,015 for my employer

Deductible: $3,000 for individual and $6,000 out of pocket max (insurance pays 20% of costs once $3K is reached). For the family, it's $6,000 individual and $12,000 out of pocket max.

This does not cover dental or vision, which is another $150 a month for my family coverage.

I've haven't met my deductible over the past 5 years of working with my employer.

My Analysis: I'm paying nearly $22K a year (premium payments - including employer portion since this is basically just a reduction in how much they can pay me and thus coming out of my pocket) for insurance that I will likely never use.

This is only my insurance premiums. I still put about $4,500 a year into an HSA account to cover miscellaneous doctor visits, prescriptions, etc.

I'm not sure what the tipping point is.......but when should we all revolt due to the cost of all of this?

Please share your experience completing this past open enrollment.
At some point it feels like the best business decision is to just die... save the money in health insurance and if you get sick just die.
My family coverage is $492/month, no deductible, no coverage for going out of network (except for the ER). People making under $50K pay $369, $1169 for part-time/ACA). I get co-pay discounts if I choose WUSTL-SM providers.
When I first started my business, my wife and I went two years without insurance. Whenever I had someone pay me in cash or write a check directly to me I put that money in a separate bank account to be used only for medical. Basically a self ran HSA. We never touched that money. For the most part, we’re a healthy family and just dealt with the few little things that came up. I took out a worker’s compensation policy for myself, even though I wasn’t required to, just in case. Didn’t use it.
We knew we were going to have medical stuff this year, so we got a plan through Obamacare. Our portion is $290/month for just the wife and I. $10 copays and $10 prescriptions. $3500/$7000 limits. She hit hers (hysterectomy), but I wasn’t close. Price is going up $15/month next year for the same plan.
Honestly, without Obamacare, insurance wouldn’t be an option for me. I used to think it was a bad idea. Now, it’s the only reason I have insurance.
I do like the idea of allowing people opt out, but they should have to put money away every month, like I was doing before. If given the option to choose out of insurance, but be forced to put $500 a month into an account and self pay, would you do it?

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I pay something like 18 K a year for coverage for my son and myself. I've met my deductible the last three years of 2k and this year of 3k. After the deductible, I still have to pay 20%.

Surgeries and the process to be diagnosed have the surgery and follow ups are freaking unreal. I have a $500 bill for my surgeon for meeting with him 3 times for 5 minutes each and then he was on to the next.
I do like the idea of allowing people opt out, but they should have to put money away every month, like I was doing before. If given the option to choose out of insurance, but be forced to put $500 a month into an account and self pay, would you do it?
I don't like the idea of forcing anyone to pay. Even if they are putting $500 a month into an account, that's never going to cover the costs of some type of catastrophic injury. At the same time, hospitals are obligated to help people, regardless of their ability to pay.

We have such a messed up system.
This isn’t relevant, we need to get Trump out of the WH first and then ignore this issue during the next term as well.
Seems like some of the presidential candidates are actually really involved in looking at changing this issue.

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I have a wife and a daughter. I will pay about 350 per month in premiums (not sure what my employer pays). I went with a high deductable/lower premium plan this year because the price on the premiums went up too much on the plan that I was on (and liked). I also contribute 24 dollars per week to an HSA (HSA's are freaking amazing). My deductible is 6000 dollars and after that insurance pays 70%. Max out of pocket is 9,000.

I just don't go to the ****ing doctor anymore. I have literally been sick for about 3 months currently. Haven't been to the doctor cause insurance won't pay anything until I hit that 6000 dollar mark. I encourage my wife to go to the doctor and I absolutely take my daughter to the doctor whenever she has an issue (actually have to make an appointment today cause I'm worried she might have broke her ankle yesterday. Hoping it's just a sprain) but I have to be dying to see a doctor.

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And I am shocked by their quality. Can't have it all.
Also can't say that just cause one country is one way, ever other country would be the same.

We are the USA. I consider is too be the best country in the world. If any country could have it, or at least have the best healthcare, then it should be us.

Then again, we are also probably the greediest country so it will probably never be very good.

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Bernie being the boldest with his M4A. He wrote the damn bill after all.
I think the next administration will actually make some changes to this broken system. Whether republican or Democrat.
Unless the next administration is still Trump's

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At what cost though? Quality and availability of services in a timely manner most likely.
Know one knows as of now.

Maybe the cost is simply less weapons, tanks, naval warships, stealth bombers and war.

Maybe that's all it would cost.

Also, we are already paying the cost right ****ing now between workers and employers. The money already exists. Just needs to be used and distributed differently.

Or cut that enormous military budget in half.

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Also can't say that just cause one country is one way, ever other country would be the same.

We are the USA. I consider is too be the best country in the world. If any country could have it, or at least have the best healthcare, then it should be us.

Then again, we are also probably the greediest country so it will probably never be very good.

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We do have the best healthcare. Just because the majority of other countries citizens like their healthcare because it "free" doesn't make it better than ours.