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Conley is a chemistry problem and we should trade him

Conley is certainly tradeable. The Pistons, Knicks, and Cavs would all be willing takers (especially Cleveland as there have been no takers for Kevin Love's contract). The Jazz need more help in rebounding than they do in ball handling.

I don't know why Mike Conley hasn't worked - it's one of those things that on paper should have been a perfect fit. Maybe he will find his groove with the team just in time. Maybe not, I hope he does. The dude has Jazz DNA. Crazy as it sounds, maybe Donovan missing a few games here and there might help Conley adjust, but you really can't do that. It'd be nuts.
Not sure where you get this from... Conley is clearly a bad fit. He needs the ball in his hands to run the entire offense. Quin focuses on ball movement. He doesn't let one single player run his offense. Even rubio has to give up the ball a lot and learn to shoot/score. That is what we need. We need guards who can shoot and score. Playmaking is a bonus rather than necessity. Conley can shoot/score. But he is not elite in that department. In fact he's not elite at anything. He’s known for his wellroundedness as a PG and “underratedness”(so "underrated" in the past that now he is overrated). Jack of all trades expert at none.

And since he's not an elite shooter or scorer who can just bring you buckets from day one, by taking the ball out of his hands, it completely takes him out of his rhythm. The guy needs his touch to find his shot, but we cant give it to him. That's why we see him on so many awkward iso ball situations as of late. The guy is not good enough of a scorer or shooter to justify these iso possessions. He’s trying to force it when he should’ve given it up.
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There would be more than a handful of deals if we really wanted to move him. Many better than this one.

We are pretty much tied to $30 million next season one way or the other. I'd rather not be tied to $30+ beyond 2021. In saying that....not many deals where we don't lose more assets or more financial flexibility.

I hate this deal I proposed, but it's realistic. Not much else is realistic unless we bite another bullet (more bad money or losing more draft picks).

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We are pretty much tied to $30 million next season one way or the other. I'd rather not be tied to $30+ beyond 2021. In saying that....not many deals where we don't lose more assets or more financial flexibility.

I hate this deal I proposed, but it's realistic. Not much else is realistic unless we bite another bullet (more bad money or losing more draft picks).

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Nah NY would do expirings on some pieces... I think Orlando would do something around some of the contracts they have. If we want to really push all in Some sort of Conley for CP swap would still be out there. I think we should be willing to take on money if need be.

Worst case he continues to play backup pg role. He’s had a couple solid games off the bench. He’s not a chemistry problem... he doesn’t affect JC negatively... JC just chucks and it goes in or it misses. Joe didn’t come to play last night... he’s still a world hero but he gave half *** effort most of the night.

Whole team played stupid last night.
Yeah the reason the Ingles/gobert pick and roll works is because Ingles can easily lob over the defense. Conley gets lost among the trees and cannot complete the play other than forcing up a heavily contested floater or layup. He also just plays too much iso ball. He is our new ball stopper.
Yep. Conley is simply too short to fit Rudy or DM. Rudy is not Gasol, Z-Bo or JV. He is too slow on his gather so he needs to catch the ball high then finish high. As long as Rudy is on the floor. Conley's playmaking will not work in our offense. Whenever Rudy comes out to set a screen, you either lob the ball over to him as he rolls to the basket, or drive all the way and finish using his pick. Conley could do neither.
We have a chance for a championship but we need to play well. Conley is sugar in the gas tank. Are we really going to let a guy play over better players just because of money when our best chance for a ship is right in front of us. Bench him and if he wants to play then he has got to prove he still can. Mudiay and clarkson are better players and we need them to play to win it all. Moehill mike is going to have wake himself up if he wants to see action but I dontt think he fits here he needs a team where he can dribble for 15 seconds. And the jazz need to pass the ball around to be at their best
Nah NY would do expirings on some pieces... I think Orlando would do something around some of the contracts they have. If we want to really push all in Some sort of Conley for CP swap would still be out there. I think we should be willing to take on money if need be.

Worst case he continues to play backup pg role. He’s had a couple solid games off the bench. He’s not a chemistry problem... he doesn’t affect JC negatively... JC just chucks and it goes in or it misses. Joe didn’t come to play last night... he’s still a world hero but he gave half *** effort most of the night.

Whole team played stupid last night.
So NY wants to send us expirings for Mike Conley? C'mon man....

Orlando sends us what? Aaron Gordon for Mike Conley? C'mon. Even Fournier and Aminu and more for Conley? C'mon.

Chris Paul? Not now. He has proven to be valuable to OKC. It would take a pick.

The only way we dump Conley without giving an asset is either by taking long term bad money or trading him for equal value.

And I'm not saying trade him. I'm just talking about what we could get. Just keep him I say.

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So NY wants to send us expirings for Mike Conley? C'mon man....

Orlando sends us what? Aaron Gordon for Mike Conley? C'mon. Even Fournier and Aminu and more for Conley? C'mon.

Chris Paul? Not now. He has proven to be valuable to OKC. It would take a pick.

The only way we dump Conley without giving an asset is either by taking long term bad money or trading him for equal value.

And I'm not saying trade him. I'm just talking about what we could get. Just keep him I say.

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Don’t cmon man me...NY needs a name and they won’t get it in free agency... they’d do expirings for him... this years free agent crop is bad...

Orlando May or may not do something centered around Fournier but it’s not cmon man worthy... they have some concerns going forward on salary and Evan likely gets overpaid this offseason.

CP is exactly the type of long term bad money you take on to upgrade... you made the argument for me... thx. Even straight up they might consider it... they can stay competitive while taking the worst year off that deal. They aren’t really going anywhere and likely make the playoffs either way.
I don't think the Jazz trade him. Even if he was playing well but was clearly a bad fit, I don't think the Jazz would trade him. The narrative is that he is getting into rhythm this entire year, and we keep him next year too because hes been such a great team mate and he struggled with some injuries. Next year will be the year we see the "real" Mike Conley in Jazz land, then it'll be more of the same. They might pull the trigger next year if they can get anything at all for him. I was opposed to this trade from the beginning, but I didn't think we would be talking about his lack of effectiveness against 2nd and 3rd team players this season.
Conley looks a little lost at times. But it's athleticism looks fine. He was quick and cutting hard this game. Things will slow down for him and make us a better team. Give it another month and we will be rolling.

We didn't lose to Houston because of conley. The team played really sloppy and didn't seem to care until the end. They thought they could coast through the game and then turn it on at the end and win.

We need Conley to get minutes and get in rythym. Him playing well could get us a championship this year. He isn't washed, he just had one of his best years last year. He needs to stay healthy and learn the system. It takes time for a pg in Snyder's system. Especially a player like Conley.
I keep hearing this statement that the jazz need conley because he could get the jazz a championship. Ive heard players repeat this sentiment as well and im miffed as to why conley is the missing piece? Has conley ever won a championship? How many playoff series has he won. Maybe hes a top 10 player in the league and perrenial all star who is a game changer? Is he an elite defender who can turn a game on that end? What exactly does he bring that say mudiay didnt?
Certainly, if Conley is traded this season, it will be at the deadline and no sooner. I’m happy for him to have opportunities to improve and gel until then, but if he hasn’t substantially improved then I will be 100% in on trading him.
Certainly, if Conley is traded this season, it will be at the deadline and no sooner. I’m happy for him to have opportunities to improve and gel until then, but if he hasn’t substantially improved then I will be 100% in on trading him.
Depends on what we get. I’m fine with having him come off the bench if there is nothing out there that makes sense. Last night was his first bad game off the bench... the turnovers were the biggest issue.

He hasn’t hit his three point shot since coming back but he’s getting more at the basket. I’ve been encouraged about how he looked. He could still be a super sub at very worst.

Joe and JC not playing well has almost nothing to do with Joe. JC does not pass and it’s a bit of a problem. He’s not the panacea we all thought... he can still help us.

Conley is shooting 46% since coming back but like 16% from three... if that trends up to 35% then he’s great.

If we pivot I think it is much more likely to be JC than Conley but I don’t really see much that makes a ton of sense for either.
One thing Conley definitely is NOT is a chemistry problem. He fits in fine with the other guys. He just needs to find his game. I still think he will. And keep in mind that it's very unlikely that the Jazz trade him.
One thing Conley definitely is NOT is a chemistry problem. He fits in fine with the other guys. He just needs to find his game. I still think he will. And keep in mind that it's very unlikely that the Jazz trade him.
He’s looked more like himself since coming back... him off the bench could be huge. He’s not going to be the guy that some of us expected myself included... whether it’s fit age or some other reason.

His three point shooting has been off since coming back... that should normalize... last night the turnovers were bad but that hasn’t been an issue in other games since returning. Had 5 last night... I do think there was a weird Kobe malaise... I felt it myself and I don’t know him and am not an nba player.
He is a chemistry problem. For one example, Clarkson's game was making a difference when paired with Mudiay. It's pedestrian since.
He is a chemistry problem. For one example, Clarkson's game was making a difference when paired with Mudiay. It's pedestrian since.
JC is 5/26 from three the last 5 games... is that Mikes fault? Or is it that he’s a streaky shooter?

JC operates in the pick and roll or iso and almost always shoots rather than facilitates... not knocking him but that’s what he does... nothing Mike is doing really hurts him at all. He’s been off.
JC is 5/26 from three the last 5 games... is that Mikes fault? Or is it that he’s a streaky shooter?

JC operates in the pick and roll or iso and almost always shoots rather than facilitates... not knocking him but that’s what he does... nothing Mike is doing really hurts him at all. He’s been off.
When Clarkson paired with Mudiay, the backourt had 2 bullies and that swagger lifted the entire team. That big bodied edge and aggressive is gone with Conley in over Mudiay.
His indecisiveness also showed with him slipping and another time in an unforced turnover. The guy has got to go. I much rather have Mudiay playing. Plus he's on the downside of his career Who would want him with his jacked-up salary? It's like the saying we can't see the forest for the trees.

Had we kept Rubio....we would probably be undefeated! He was a pass first point guard, he knew our system to a tee, got everybody involved, especially worked well with Rudy and Mitchel and even his shooting was improving. Oh, and by the way he was costing us about half of what were paying Conley! Worst trade we've ever made. Be that as it may, the best we can do now is cut, trade, or just plain dump Conley and stop playing him.
These posts are just ****ing ridiculous. We’re blaming the Rockets loss on him? Nobody played good at all besides Mitchell. Why isn’t there a thread about how bad Ingles has been playing? He’s put on a pedestal because of his story and how well liked he is but he’s been playing horrible lately.

Conley just didn’t become a horrible player overnight. He’s still the borderline all-star player. Has he looked rough at times? Hard to get comfortable when you’re on a new team and you’ve been injured for half of the season.

This is why it would have been smart to trade for him at last years deadline so we could have already gone through this process before this season started. Conley will be fine and we’re going to really need him in the playoffs. These posts are going to be hilarious to look at in a couple of months. Everyone is acting like he got his talent sucked out of him by the Monstars.
I can't figure out what the difference is. Maybe Conley does need the ball more to be able to get into a rhythm.

He shot 39.8% on catch-and-shoot 3 pointers last season. 37.7% this season - not much of a drop off (seemingly). His EFG% is 55.6% this season, compared to 59.5% last season - which is a pretty significant drop. If he does need to dribble to find his shot, staggering him and Donovan is the best you can hope for, and Quin is already doing that. The thing is, his catch-and-shoot and EFG% should be WAY up this season, as he is playing on a better team in a system that offers more easy baskets and catch-and-shoot opportunities. It's horrible, but I honestly sometimes wonder if he really did want to go to an Eastern conference team, or maybe subconsciously he does. It's just weird how poorly this experiment has gone. The Jazz would have been much better off keeping Rubio, Favors and Jae Crowder - if they could have still added Bogdanovic.