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2020 Presidential election

Were you singing the same tune in 2016?

Lol this is why I can't do it with you dudes anymore. Your response has absolutely nothing to do with anything and as always turns the attention elsewhere besides the matter at hand. Every single time. Sorry Zombie 4 years ago has absolutely nothing to do with an app malfunctioning that has Hillary's handprint right on it. Absolutely nothing.

It's impossible to have conversations when every single answer is Trump. There is more to life than him. Unfortunately people have been programmed to not even address their own problems and turn the attention towards Trump. He has absolutely nothing to do with the DNC openly doing everything in it's it's to hold Bernie back. Yet here you are, bringing him up to get away from the truth.

The crazy part it, the same deep state trying to rid us of Trump is the same deep state trying to rid us(I include myself) of Bernie. We have a lot more in common than you think if you'd just follow common sense and the paper trails. The Establishment hates Bernie for the same reason it hates Trump.
Were you singing the same tune in 2016?

I'm pretty sure there wasn't much, if any, rigging for Trump during the Republican primary process. The Republican establishment wanted him out.

The Democrat ticket will probably still come down to Biden and Bernie. Partial, preliminary data suggests that Bernie did better than Biden in Iowa, and this was expected. However, some polling data and some of the primary voting data suggests that Biden did very badly in Iowa and would have come in 4th behind Warren and nearly on par with Klobuchar. That would be enough to really hurt Biden's campaign, which is gasping for donations at this stage.

I don't like Pete Buttigiegs' premature declaration of victory, but quite frankly, he really needs Iowa in order to keep going and has nothing to lose by claiming victory.
Lol this is why I can't do it with you dudes anymore. Your response has absolutely nothing to do with anything and as always turns the attention elsewhere besides the matter at hand. Every single time. Sorry Zombie 4 years ago has absolutely nothing to do with an app malfunctioning that has Hillary's handprint right on it. Absolutely nothing.

It's impossible to have conversations when every single answer is Trump. There is more to life than him. Unfortunately people have been programmed to not even address their own problems and turn the attention towards Trump. He has absolutely nothing to do with the DNC openly doing everything in it's it's to hold Bernie back. Yet here you are, bringing him up to get away from the truth.

The crazy part it, the same deep state trying to rid us of Trump is the same deep state trying to rid us(I include myself) of Bernie. We have a lot more in common than you think if you'd just follow common sense and the paper trails. The Establishment hates Bernie for the same reason it hates Trump.
Not everything is a vast conspiracy theory lol. I mean, the other candidate that this app cluster **** hurts is the one tied most closely to it (Buttigieg), and the candidate who is openly calling the results into question is the establishment candidate (Biden).
I'm pretty sure there wasn't much, if any, rigging for Trump during the Republican primary process. The Republican establishment wanted him out.

The Democrat ticket will probably still come down to Biden and Bernie. Partial, preliminary data suggests that Bernie did better than Biden in Iowa, and this was expected. However, some polling data and some of the primary voting data suggests that Biden did very badly in Iowa and would have come in 4th behind Warren and nearly on par with Klobuchar. That would be enough to really hurt Biden's campaign, which is gasping for donations at this stage.
We agree about the lack of rigging for Trump in 2016, my point there had more to do with not jumping to conspiratorial conclusions, even if dear leader says to.
We agree about the lack of rigging for Trump in 2016, my point there had more to do with not jumping to conspiratorial conclusions, even if dear leader says to.

I can tell you that a lot of Bernie supporters are going to jump to the conclusion that Bernie is being robbed of a clear victory in Iowa. Obscuring the results of a primary that shows Bernie in 1st place and Biden in a distant 4th place only helps Biden.
Very real chance Biden finished 5th in the vote.

And as a Bernie delegate in Iowa, I'm not concerned about the process robbing anyone. Everyone I've heard from last night thought it went well and at this point everyone is just triple checking everything because another mess up would look bad.
I can tell you that a lot of Bernie supporters are going to jump to the conclusion that Bernie is being robbed of a clear victory in Iowa.
I mean, some will I'm sure and as a Bernie supporter I'd say the same thing to them.
... an app malfunctioning that has Hillary's handprint right on it.

The absolute irony of your making the statement above and the statement below is priceless.

It's impossible to have conversations when every single answer is Trump.

Thank you for the laugh.

The Establishment hates Bernie for the same reason it hates Trump.

The establishment loves Trump. He rakes in hundreds of millions in donations. All of his policies are pro-corporate and pro-establishment.

The establishment does hate Sanders.
I think Sanders is the best candidate.

However, everyone seems to forget Sanders is not a Democrat. He caucuses with Democrats, but is actually a Democratic Socialist. He is running into someone else's home turf, and asking to be treated like he's at home. If Sanders were running as a Republican, you'd see the same stuff going on.
Lol so Trump being a Putin spy is plausible yet the DNC rigging the election against Bernie is some crazy conspiracy even though it been 100% proven fact in the past.
Lolol as I said yesterday the sheep are flocking and making excuses for rigging. Crazy that y'all can't see what's right in front of your bloody faces. Scary actually...
The irony of this post is on another level

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Lol so Trump being a Putin spy is plausible yet the DNC rigging the election against Bernie is some crazy conspiracy even though it been 100% proven fact in the past.

I don't know anyone who thinks Trump is smart, or discrete, enough to be a spy.

The only "rigging" in 2016 I know of was advance notice of some questions in a debate. No election was rigged.
PS remember the conversations we've had about the FBI spying on Trump and associates and you all laughed at me?

They have openly admitted it and apologized.

Remember me calling the FISA warrant absolutely corrupt and you all laughed at me?
Deemed 100% illegal

Food for thought that you were wrong and I was right as usual.

Corruption is only bad with you all when the left makes **** up out of thin air... Like the FISA
PS remember the conversations we've had about the FBI spying on Trump and associates and you all laughed at me?

They have openly admitted it and apologized.

Remember me calling the FISA warrant absolutely corrupt and you all laughed at me?
Deemed 100% illegal

Food for thought that you were wrong and I was right as usual.

Corruption is only bad with you all when the left makes **** up out of thin air... Like the FISA
FISA court reform has long been something the left has been in favor of. But an FBI agent fudging a FISA application (of someone who was no longer on Trump's campaign team) is really not the same thing as "the FBI spying on Trump."
Yeah... You did. You seriously 100% did. You all claimed Trump and Putin somehow miraculously brainwashed millions of people to vote for him.
We really didn't. The allegation was that Russia helped Trump's campaign and that he either welcomed the help or at worst sought it out. The former was confirmed to be the case.