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2020 Presidential election

Add Average Joe to the list of people who are unable to stomach the idea of continuing a conversation with jazzy.

But it's everyone else that's the problem. Jazzys posts are perfect. He has all the best words....

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Lol insults again. What a petulant child.

Night. Thanks for the conversation others. It's crazy how different we see the exact same things. Average Joe I apologize if I was a over the top.
Obama gave Iran hundreds of millions in the heat of night in which his own Press Secretary admitted would go to terrorism. Should we blame him too?

Earnest: "Certainly Possible" That $400 Million Cash Payment To Iran Was Used For "Nefarious Activities"


Do you even read your own sources? Terrible headline not withstanding. That`s not what the article you cited articulated. I`m not sure I even have the energy to go into it. Ok I will, edit upcoming bear with me... Edit: Nope i don`t have the energy. suffice to say the money was used predominantly for propping up the Iranian economy exactly as they expected as part of a preexisting nuclear deal the US had with Iran. I don`t want to read it for you or re watch the video.

Edit again: still out pacing me JazzyFresh. Just read your post below mine. To be frank I enjoy the dialogue, but it`s a little tiring to contend with someone who isnt citing their sources or doesnt have the same opinion as me. Left and right need to talk. Us lefty`s are pretty bad at that.
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Do you even read your own sources? Terrible headline not withstanding. That`s not what the article you cited articulated. I`m not sure I even have the energy to go into it. Ok I will, edit upcoming bear with me...
Meh I'm done for the night. No I didn't read the article but I listened first hand when he admitted that the money could be going to terrorism.

Earnest said. "We know that Iran supports Hezbollah and the Assad regime, and it is certainly possible that some of the money that Iran has is being used for those purposes, too."
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^^^ well, they made a value judgment. A trade off if you will that happens lots in diplomacy. Some of that money may have gone that direction, but certainly not most. They had to honor their agreement....energy failing....didnt expect this tonight.... Im dropping the mic and walking away, but cheers for debate I guess.
^^^ well, they made a value judgment. A trade off if you will that happens lots in diplomacy. Some of that money may have gone that direction, but certainly not most. They had to honor their agreement....energy failing....didnt expect this tonight.... Im dropping the mic and walking away, but cheers for debate I guess.
My entire point was that even though some of the money went to terrorism it would be Iran using that money and it would be absolutely ridiculous to blame Obama. Just as it's wrong to blame Trump for Iran's action.

Goodnight though for real. We probably will never agree on this
How dare you suggest Donovan gets cold! He survives and thrives in all elements!! (profile pic)

Id like the post above but i dont understand what the one thing you said has to do with the other thing you said (I maybe can appreciate the straw you are trying to grasp at but the correlation isnt there...but i digress. Plus my keyboard is literally failing to function.
Edit:Im a pathological last word wanter lol sorry)
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Used in the very short term for minors not accompanied by adults, under Obama. Which to you, seems no different than deliberately separating children from parents.
So when Obama deported far far far far more numbers of illegals than Trump explain to me where they kept the children... Holiday Inn express? In cages... That he built...
It's gonna be Trump vs Buttegieg most likely. Tiny chance of Trump vs Bloomberg. Biden and Warren are toast. Sanders barely won New Hampshire which is a terrible sign for him. He should have been able to trounce the competition there.
So when Obama deported far far far far more numbers of illegals than Trump explain to me where they kept the children... Holiday Inn express? In cages... That he built...

When the children had families, they were with their family.

I could go into a lot of details on how Obama's treatment of refugees and other border crossers was more humane. How much do you really care? How much will you bother to learn, so that you don't repeat the same thing a week from now?
When the children had families, they were with their family.

I could go into a lot of details on how Obama's treatment of refugees and other border crossers was more humane. How much do you really care? How much will you bother to learn, so that you don't repeat the same thing a week from now?
I honestly don't care a ton. Unlike you I didn't cry about it when Obama did it and I'm not when Trump did it. Using illegals as some political tool like you all have is terrible. You only care when it suits your agenda and you can use them.
You only care when it suits your agenda and you can use them.

1) I complained about Obama's deportations at the time. You didn't notice, probably because you don't care.
2) There's a huge difference in how Obama and Trump treat children. I understand that you don't care how these kids are treated, but some of us do.