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but if we aren’t testing then we can’t tell the actual number of sick people there are. Thus, helping trump. In your face libtards!
CDC guidelines for older, and otherwise high risk, Americans.


"This ought to be top of mind for people over 60, and those with underlying health problems, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes, or compromised immune systems," Schaffner added. "The single most important thing you can do to avoid the virus is reduce your face to face contact with people."


Also: A sobering analysis of how coronavirus is likely to impact the US healthcare system suggests that hospitals will be quickly overwhelmed with patients, and that all available beds will be filled by around May 8th if the virus tracks with Italy's figures and 10% of patients require an ICU:

Same Twitter thread:

CDC guidelines for older, and otherwise high risk, Americans.


"This ought to be top of mind for people over 60, and those with underlying health problems, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes, or compromised immune systems," Schaffner added. "The single most important thing you can do to avoid the virus is reduce your face to face contact with people."


Also: A sobering analysis of how coronavirus is likely to impact the US healthcare system suggests that hospitals will be quickly overwhelmed with patients, and that all available beds will be filled by around May 8th if the virus tracks with Italy's figures and 10% of patients require an ICU:

Same Twitter thread:


its all fake news. It’s all fake. You libs are just trying to scare the markets so we go into recession and we elect a liberal instead of trump.


this is a bigly lethal super disease that was manufactured in China as a form of bioterrorism. It’s Obama’s fault we don’t have a vaccine yet! The mental gymnastics to be a Republican these days is mind boggling.
480,000 deaths? How the hell are people coming up with these numbers?

It’s been damn near three months now in China and even if the gov’t is lying and it’s 10x worse, that’s still only about 33,000 deaths there.
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480,000 deaths? How the he’ll are people coming up with these numbers?

It’s been damn near three months now in China and even if the gov’t is lying and it’s 10x worse, that’s still only about 33,000 deaths there.
I think the assumption is that the US won't have quite the same quarantine response as China had for Wuhan.
The **** we put up with because republicans are so weak. vote them out. For ****s sakes vote them out.

So many juvenile and unserious people were put into power because a black Democrat was elected as president. And now we all pay the price. Vote these ****ers out. Put serious people in who want to govern who will take things serious and who won’t value tv ratings and elections over lives.

I had a couple of fairly scary meetings at work today about this. Without being alarmist and posting irresponsible **** online what I can say is this.

- Conornavirus will almost certainly not be contained by quarantine protocols.
- You will most likely catch it or have to care for someone who has
- It will possibly be the biggest public health crisis since Spanish Flu.
Bring lots of hand sanitizer, and use it liberally.
In Turkey, most hand sanitizers don't have enough alcohol to kill viruses. Is it the same in USA? No sense in using it against coronavirus then. Alcolohic rubs works are better and they are great at getting viruses away since they are volatile.
In Turkey, most hand sanitizers don't have enough alcohol to kill viruses. Is it the same in USA? No sense in using it against coronavirus then. Alcolohic rubs works are better and they are great at getting viruses away since they are volatile.
Soap and water is WAY better than hand sanitizer in every conceivable way. Always has been, always will be.
It’s always about making him look good. If only there had been a way for senate republicans to dump this guy a month ago. Sigh

We purposely didn’t produce enough tests or screen people at airports until it was too late all because we were afraid of what it would look like. We were afraid that it would have detrimental effects on Donald’s re-election.

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Example 12,385,648,485 that the truth is the opposite of whatever trump says.

and stuff like this is why @colton created the impeachment thread. Trump has used his office to enrich himself. This is what happens when a president ignores the emoluments clause:

where have all the trump defenders gone? @babe @Catchall @JazzyFresh would y’all be okay with this if Obama or Clinton were benefitting financially like this?
Yikes. This might be our future. Especially since the president cares more about the effects this’ll have on his re-election

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No joke, I might have this thing.
I feel like total ****. I had been working out and exercising and eating better than ever before and feeling great..... Until 2 days ago. Now I feel like I'm gonna die

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