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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

It was highly inappropriate and anyone with a brain knows full well what was happening there.

Conversely, the president has full authority to hire or fire anyone in those positions at his leisure.

One was legal, one most certainly was not.

You want us to believe would be happy if Obama fired the people investigating HRC.

just stop

try to regain an iota if self respect
Over one million people want to go yet an empty upper bowl. Basically getting a WNBA sized crowd about now. Hope it was worth camping out for a week.

Clowns. They will tell us outright some excuse and that the numbers are 20x what we can see with our physical eyes and nimrods will still buy it.
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It was highly inappropriate and anyone with a brain knows full well what was happening there.

Conversely, the president has full authority to hire or fire anyone in those positions at his leisure.

One was legal, one most certainly was not.
Lol. You have sticky stuff all over your lashes.... so you just see the bigger picture anymore.
Well, Trump is giving his rally. He's trolling the media and Biden, getting laughs. He's a showman for sure.

The riots, the Seattle chaz, and the defund police movement are giving Trump a broad platform.
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His jokes and his anecdotes are landing, lets just put it that way.
I watched some of it. Same ****, different day. “Landing” needs to be considered a relative term. Maybe they’re landing... relative to the crowd? Hmmm yes.
I mean, this is a crowd that cheered him for drinking a glass of water. That's how low the bar is.

what did you think of him running the Bernie playbook against Biden tonight? I mean, it sounds like “the far left” is using Biden and comrades Cortez and Omar are going to have prominent cabinet positions. They may form a “Soviet” to burn down churches and oil rigs. Trump even said that comrade Cortez hates windmills!

I’ll be honest, that didn’t seem to really land well in Tulsa. I mean, it didn’t seem like even they were buying that ****. I don’t think painting Biden as a radical socialist is working.
Showman, doe


One of the things that stand out to me is how easily he misses obvious opportunities to be human. How funny would it have been if he had purposely dropped the bottle? Then grabbed another one and drunk from it? And then make fun of his critics? That would’ve had a stronger effect.

It just blows me away how many opportunities he has missed. He could’ve passed universal health care. Democrats would’ve supported it and Republicans would’ve gone along with it because of his cult following. He could’ve passed gun reform for the same reasons. He could’ve kicked the crap out of this pandemic if he had told everyone to wear masks and take it seriously.

But he’s just not smart or focused enough.
I seriously cannot understand how anyone can still support this guy.

He's like a mob boss who fancies himself a celebrity. The problem is that he's running against quite possibly the least coherent, least charismatic, least energizing candidate I think I've ever seen in Joe Biden. I wouldn't put it past Trump to get re-elected.
He's like a mob boss who fancies himself a celebrity. The problem is that he's running against quite possibly the least coherent, least charismatic, least energizing candidate I think I've ever seen in Joe Biden. I wouldn't put it past Trump to get re-elected.
Yeah, if only I could think of a politician who is less coherent and charismatic...

Well, he beat Hillary, who was a much stronger candidate than Biden is.
Hillary had been vilified for decades before she ran. She had some of the biggest negative opinion numbers of any politician ever. People literally think she has been involved in over a dozen murders.
