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Players only meeting.

C'mon. You seriously think there are gonna be riots from Republicans? Seriously? The closest thing to a right protest was some people standing on the courthouse steps in Minnesota looking like morons holding their guns and stuff.

If Biden wins, there won't be protests. If Trump wins, cities will burn like they are now.

I can't believe these guys are our only options.

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Yes I do think that butthurt Trumpers will try to sow discord and cause problems if he loses. Many of them are unhinged in the first place and believe every conspiracy theory they ever heard.

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Its boiling over now because the media. Its so clear. From hurricane coverage to protests to shootings. The shock and awe gets attention.

It wasn't the media in 1898 Wilmington, or 1919 East St. Louis, or 1968 Los Angeles, and it's not the media today. People don't react to media images with anger unless they resonate and bring out anger that was already inside them. Sometimes, once a few people start to show the anger, showing the anger becomes more and more acceptable until it builds into a movement.

Now, if you were to say covid19 and it's ramifications played a role in the timing, I'd probably agree with you.
I personally think this is all because many of the elite millionaire players are unhappy in the bubble. They aren’t willing to put up with the discomfort they are experiencing personally. I think it’s all a way for them to appear as if they are taking a big moral stance and sacrificing, but it’s really just a selfish act for most of them.
I have a hard time understanding the social justice stance that applies and has so much meaning to these guys in America - but these are the same people that continue to exploit so much about China.
I think you are wrong

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Maybe, just maybe, some of these players want to wait for the full details on this case before rushing to judgement. We know he was a convicted felon with a history of guns, we don't know if he was armed yet. Not everyone is as hopelessly lost as Numberica.
We know he wasn’t armed (there did happen to be a knife in his car but the cops did not know that, which is laughable considering our 2A fetish). Getting shot for not stopping on police orders is wrong. What else do you need explained to you like you’re five?
Yes I do think that butthurt Trumpers will try to sow discord and cause problems if he loses. Many of them are unhinged in the first place and believe every conspiracy theory they ever heard.

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You pretty much nailed leftists to a T. Too bad you're trying to shift their actions and clear history of the last 4 years to Trump supporters. Love him or hate him, there is irrefutable evidence that leftists are unhinged and have been causing extreme discord and violence across the country since 2016. They still haven't accepted the results of the election, but are trying to say that Trump is the one who wouldn't? Typical blame shifting game from Democrats, it's page 1 of their election playbook, accuse others of that of which I am guilty.
Reading this thread... wow... just wow. People wonder why Jazz fans get a bad wrap. It’s because of the idiots who came of out of the woodwork to complain in this thread.

Thank you to @NUMBERICA, @Ron Mexico, @fishonjazz, @Saint Cy of JFC and many more for not being pieces of **** and laying the smack down on these idiots.

Calling Luka a b***h a** white boy is not even remotely anywhere similar to the racism going on in America. That is just something racists are holding on to with everything they can to be faux outraged with to justify their racism.

This is the playoffs. You think the players would do something like this if it didn’t matter or if there wasn’t a serious problem or if they didn’t care?
Trying to claim reverse racism is hurtful and there is no empirical evidence of it.
When you judge or treat anyone differently based off the color of their skin, you fail.

I heard more racist things said to me recently in the 2.5 years I ran a rec center than I heard in my entire life prior. I was always the old white guy. Light skin guys got treated differently than dark skin guys. Etc.

When all you see is race, all you'll see are differences. We need unity, not division. Over the last decade, the media is driving a spike through our communities by making people look for differences instead of striving for colorblind unity.

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You pretending to be a victim when you're not only causes more problems. Some individual might think less of you for being white, but you aren't facing societal issues and the benefits you receive far outweigh anything else.

Don't equate things that aren't the same.
You're a little b1tch.
What the hell? The 3 likes on this post are from one brow, cy, and hekate? Doesn't add up.

This Chris dude called numberica a bitch for supporting the fact that they players want to use their power to enact change and those 3 posters "liked" it? Weird.

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President Trump needs to move most of the people on this board to Mexico behind the fence. Hopefully there is no internet down there.
One brow, cy and hekate liked this post too? Wtf is going on?

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And you are obsessed with the sound of your own voice. Every billionare has different motivations. You don't have them more figured out than anything else in your life.

Just like every NBA player isn't on the same page with decisions being made here, nor should they have to be.
You cannot really believe that the primary motivation of billionaires is anything but money.
What the hell? The 3 likes on this post are from one brow, cy, and hekate? Doesn't add up.

This Chris dude called numberica a bitch for supporting the fact that they players want to use their power to enact change and those 3 posters "liked" it? Weird.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Disliked, actually.
We know he wasn’t armed (there did happen to be a knife in his car but the cops did not know that, which is laughable considering our 2A fetish). Getting shot for not stopping on police orders is wrong. What else do you need explained to you like you’re five?

Evidence has come out that he was resisting arrest and fighting with the officers. They tried to tase him to no avail and then he continued to disobey orders and go and reach for something in his car which ended up likely being the knife but could've been a gun as well. It's a ****** situation but when you put it all together the police had every right to shoot the guy. Doesn't mean anyone has to like it but when a known criminal fights with police and then disobeys them and reaches for something it's a matter of safety for those officers at that time.

Sucks for sure but nobody would even know about this had Mr. Blake simply complied with the lawful orders he was being given. Everyone wants accountability but never seem to ask that of the people completely disregarding the law and putting themselves in dangerous and deadly situations.
Nope, just racism, which his statement was and was meant to be.
Nope, not racism. There is no such thing as reverse racism. There is no empirical evidence of reverse racism. It's just something angry white people made up to try to keep their power.
We know he wasn’t armed (there did happen to be a knife in his car but the cops did not know that, which is laughable considering our 2A fetish). Getting shot for not stopping on police orders is wrong. What else do you need explained to you like you’re five?
I also love the people saying he should have just been complicit... THE SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK FOR BLACK PEOPLE THE SAME WAY IT DOES FOR WHITES. Could mean guy is headed to jail to work for Prison, Inc. Would rather risk it to get out of there.
What the hell? The 3 likes on this post are from one brow, cy, and hekate? Doesn't add up.

This Chris dude called numberica a bitch for supporting the fact that they players want to use their power to enact change and those 3 posters "liked" it? Weird.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

Dislikes show up as likes on the app.
Maybe, just maybe, some of these players want to wait for the full details on this case before rushing to judgement. We know he was a convicted felon with a history of guns, we don't know if he was armed yet. Not everyone is as hopelessly lost as Numberica.
I don't understand why we don't see body cam footage the same day that the shooting happened.
Maybe it's because it would make the police look bad. I'm sure if the body cam footage were to show the shooting was justified then it would be released immediately.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I also love the people saying he should have just been complicit... THE SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK FOR BLACK PEOPLE THE SAME WAY IT DOES FOR WHITES. Could mean guy is headed to jail to work for Prison, Inc. Would rather risk it to get out of there.
It’s crazy how freedom fetishists also have a fetish for selective, brutal authoritarianism in this country.
I love it when white people who’ve never experienced racism in their life feel the need to tell black people how to feel and how to act.

How about you take a step back and listen to the people talking about it and who have experienced it.

It’s also comical the people who say just listen to the cops and obey orders. They are the same ones who won’t wear a mask because it’s infringing on their freedom. Just so stupid.