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Yeah I'm the one that said an old year old died fighting not murdered in cold blood.

I'm in favor of arresting the people that shot Turner. I don't see that shooting as an excuse to shut down protesting. I know you're more comfortable with black people dying from police over-reach, going to prison for minor crimes, etc., but that's not acceptable to me.
I'm in favor of arresting the people that shot Turner. I don't see that shooting as an excuse to shut down protesting. I know you're more comfortable with black people dying from police over-reach, going to prison for minor crimes, etc., but that's not acceptable to me.
Now you say rape, woman beating are minor. Vile.
I appreciate the free exchange of ideas. I also appreciate that giving fundamentally ill-conceived ideas an equal platform to sound ideas elevates the ill-conceived and gives them an aura of respectability. These competing interests make for difficult decisions, and downplaying down the discussion as "shut down thoughts you don't like" does not reflect these difficulties.

However, any such discussion should probably be had in a different thread. This one is already convoluted.

Zuckerberg is their North Star. I nearly fell off the couch when Nate reduced this down to “approved” ideas. His conception of this space is totally ignorant of the history of code switching.
Zuckerberg is their North Star. I nearly fell off the couch when Nate reduced this down to “approved” ideas. His conception of this space is totally ignorant of the history of code switching.
The history of code switching?

Well, you didn't just say those terms. But here we go.

Minorites can't simply fix or start to fix problems by trying to treat their oppressors equally. That does nothing to end racism. That's blaming the victim. The term cross the line is arbitrary and meaningless in this context. But, the original statement doesn't cross the line of being racism. Any time a skin color is mentioned isn't racism. I'm not actually sure you understand what racism is to be honest.

I'm sure I won't agree with your incorrect statements about this. But I'll keep responding for others who might actually be trying to learn more.

What you're trying to claim is reverse racism and that doesn't exist. It's an idea started by oppressors and is still used to keep people down. I'm hoping you're just ignorant on this.

The semantics battle is a worthless waste of time. This isn't about education or semantics or my definition of racism vs anyone else's. This is about DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.

You have argued for your limited scope to limit the term "racism" to the point that you have basically said equality is not a worthwhile pursuit. boo this theory because it won't fix crap.

I don't care what you call it. It isn't right. You know it isn't right. You have said it isn't right. So why defend it for a semantics battle? You defend the term because it is damaging. You say it is damaging because it was invented by oppressors to keep people down. I say that crossing the line of respect FOR ANY PERSON is damaging because it only furthers the divide and escalates the next action. At the end of the day, I am less interested in your history lesson about some undisclosed people who invented a term. I AM MUCH MORE INTERESTED IN HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER TODAY than how others treated people before our time.

The Jews and the Palestines have fought for thousands of years because when one group does anything the other group justifies the next punch. We will repeat this battle time and time again if we justify the next jab or punch. No thank you.

Christ taught (and his teachings were furthered by Martin Luther King) that we should love our enemies and turn the next cheek. My kindergarten teacher taught me to do unto others as I would have done unto me.

I pursue true equality and I treat people with respect and equality. I hope you will too. Turn the other cheek, don't cast the next stone. Get over the semantics battle business and into the RESPECT AND EQUAL TREATMENT OF PEOPLE business.

I have said my peace. I won't respond to your next comments. Thanks for the discussion.

By the way, I suspect Ron Mexico means you have ties to Mexico. Mexico is an amazing country. I love the people and food there. I have spent 10% of my life in Latin America and have been all over Central and South America. Mexico is my favorite country. Many of my best friends are Mexican.
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Great. I'm sure the history of code switching is a fascinating worthwhile topic. I'm glad you brought it up.
At first I assumed you knew what I was taking about. After this last post it’s starting to seem like you don’t. Sweet bruh.
This is the same **** people have been saying out loud for almost 100 years. Meanwhile they are NOT treating people equally.

Forgive me for not trusting in the sincerity of that notion. Especially when we are seeing specific examples of how hollow it is and getting the "just be patient, eventually we'll stop discriminating and imprisoning and killing black people, just so long as we all stop talking about racial problems using racial terms."

This needs to start by dealing with the very real racial issues that have existed here since before the Revolutionary War and have never even sort of gone away.

I have empathy for the plight of people suffering now. I get it. It's not fair. But I am a solutions oriented person. Clearly people need to hold themselves more accountable. But the pursuit of these principles is the only thing we have. Anything short of them will end in disaster.

Any HOW EXACTLY do you suggest we start dealing with very real racial issues? I posted a request for a list of tangible action items society can actually do to fix things. Do you know how many responses I got? 1. It said, I am not qualified to answer that. Care to add to the list?

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At first I assumed you knew what I was taking about. After this last post it’s starting to seem like you don’t. Sweet bruh.
Why would you assume I knew what you were taking about? You literally made the claim that I was ignorant about it.
Why would you assume I knew what you were taking about? You literally made the claim that I was ignorant about it.
I assume a broad base of knowledge when it comes to code-switching. I do this because, over time, I’ve found that most people know what it is; and most people have a sense for how it might’ve been deployed over time.
The semantics battle is a worthless waste of time. This isn't about education or semantics or my definition of racism vs anyone else's. This is about DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.

You have argued for your limited scope to limit the term "racism" to the point that you have basically said equality is not a worthwhile pursuit. boo this theory because it won't fix crap.

I don't care what you call it. It isn't right. You know it isn't right. You have said it isn't right. So why defend it for a semantics battle? You defend the term because it is damaging. You say it is damaging because it was invented by oppressors to keep people down. I say that crossing the line of respect FOR ANY PERSON is damaging because it only furthers the divide and escalates the next action. At the end of the day, I am less interested in your history lesson about some undisclosed people who invented a term. I AM MUCH MORE INTERESTED IN HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER TODAY than how others treated people before our time.

The Jews and the Palestines have fought for thousands of years because when one group does anything the other group justifies the next punch. We will repeat this battle time and time again if we justify the next jab or punch. No thank you.

Christ taught (and his teachings were furthered by Martin Luther King) that we should love our enemies and turn the next cheek. My kindergarten teacher taught me to do unto others as I would have done unto me.

I pursue true equality and I treat people with respect and equality. I hope you will too. Turn the other cheek, don't cast the next stone. Get over the semantics battle business and into the RESPECT AND EQUAL TREATMENT OF PEOPLE business.

I have said my peace. I won't respond to your next comments. Thanks for the discussion.

By the way, I suspect Ron Mexico means you have ties to Mexico. Mexico is an amazing country. I love the people and food there. I have spent 10% of my life in Latin America and have been all over Central and South America. Mexico is my favorite country. Many of my best friends are Mexican.
This post is silly.

You did a good job of topping it off with i have a (fill in the blank) minority friend. Well done, it's not a semantics battle it's you trying to simplify it and make things equal between people, but they are not. You're representation of what I've said has been very incorrect as well. You don't seem to want to have an honest discussion. You seem to just want to make yourself a victim as well and say it's equally hard for everyone.

You are throwing a fit about a single simple trash talk in a basketball game, that happens a lot. It's not nice, but its not big deal and not racist.

Wish you got this worked up from actual injustices happening to minorities.
I assume a broad base of knowledge when it comes to code-switching. I do this because, over time, I’ve found that most people know what it is; and most people have a sense for how it might’ve been deployed over time.
Wow. Tell me more.
Not sure if this was posted elsewhere, but this is a huge mic drop from the folks over on John Oliver’s show.

FYI, there’s adult language.

and FYI, the events in the NBA during this past week are featured in this video, and thus are very relevant to this thread.

Not sure if this was posted elsewhere, but this is a huge mic drop from the folks over on John Oliver’s show.

FYI, there’s adult language.

and FYI, the events in the NBA during this past week are featured in this video, and thus are very relevant to this thread.

Wow, did this just end the thread? The morans have nothing to say?