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john stockton speaks out against the covid policies

I watched the video up to the point where it said people were experiencing symptoms/side effects after taking the vaccine.

Bruh, that's how you know it's working and your body is fighting back.
Oh! Oh! I think I know a valid answer to this one.
Granted, a vaccine wouldn't have helped (given that it was bacterial), but.... well... you get the idea.
Further Note: Wasn't completely "removed" from the population, so not sure this is a valid answer.

It is controlled by antibiotics, but still present.
Which diseases were removed from the population by herd immunity, to your understanding?

Herd immunity means that spread of disease is reduced and becomes unlikely, not that the disease is removed from the population.
I have had my first shot for the virus. All I have experienced is a sore arm for a day. I get my second in about two weeks. During my childhood, The history of vaccines have certainly saved more lives then they have taken. Unfortunately the Internet has become the misinformation highway and people have the taken half truths and turned it into the anti-vaccine movement. Without science and people who make vaccines the human race would be gone. Polio, small pox, Chicken Pox, Measles etc. I refused to watch the video simply because I do not want to have my opinion of John Stockton tarnished but if he is fighting against the vaccine then shame on him.
Stop trying to hijack my thread with your fear porn, Nothing was stated in this thread that this is a hoax. We as human beings have the right to question these lockdowns that cause more harm than the virus. Get off the tv and internet because you are brainwashed.
So what harm from the lockdowns is worse than death?
Which diseases were removed from the population by herd immunity, to your understanding?

Natural herd immunity is part of the evolution of every animal.

Europeans had acquired herd immunity to many diseases (smallpox, etc) that they carried to the Americas, where millions of Native Americans, who had no such immunity, were wiped out. See "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond, where it is well explained.

Here are a few others from a quick google search:
  1. Great Influenza (Spanish Flu)
  2. avian cholera in Arctic-nesting seabirds
  3. measles in humans in the 1930s
  4. Avian cholera in Arctic-nesting seabirds
  5. West Nile Virus across various bird species
Herd immunity is a 20th-century concept, so, of course, most cases throughout history and across all species are unknown and undocumented.
I would say, instead, that in the case of this disease, herd immunity will only be achieve thru immunization.

Herd immunity would occur for COVID 19 eventually, or humanity would be wiped out, one of the two. It is a bad solution because of the hundreds of millions of deaths. It would be an ugly death match between our immune system and the mutating/ evolving virus.
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So what harm from the lockdowns is worse than death?

I agree, but it is not a one-sided equation. Kids are struggling with serious mental health issues and suicides are a side effect. We need to strike a balance until we have this thing whipped.
This is from a trailer from a upcoming feature, stocks part is at the 4 min mark


John Stockton's comment was totally OK.

On any technical issue, particularly medical technical issue, free speech will result in all kinds of remarks ranging from moronic, evil, imbecilic, fear mongering, panic-causing, deadly if believed or followed, "medical insurrectionist" or what have you.....unlimited possible negatives in type and scale, depending on the subject and whether people will listen at all.

The only thing worse, with higher risks all around, is having some damn authority who wants to shut you up, or shut anyone else up.

John Stockton is apparently fairly informed. I don't know what his interest area is specifically, but in general his comment is something everyone could benefit from. Being concerned and willing to take up the subject and get more information..... good.

Being concerned about authoritarian meansures that don't make good sense...... responsible and sensible. Everyone should be asking these questions and doing more to get information about stuff affecting their lives.

Thank you John.
Europeans had acquired herd immunity to many diseases (smallpox, etc) that they carried to the Americas, where millions of Native Americans, who had no such immunity, were wiped out. See "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond, where it is well explained.

There was no herd immunity to smallpox; it was a continuing threat over generations until there were inoculations.

Here are a few others from a quick google search:
  1. Great Influenza (Spanish Flu)
  2. avian cholera in Arctic-nesting seabirds
  3. measles in humans in the 1930s
  4. Avian cholera in Arctic-nesting seabirds
  5. West Nile Virus across various bird species
Herd immunity is a 20th-century concept, so, of course, most cases throughout history and across all species are unknown and undocumented.
Measles were still around when I was a kid. The great influenza is still infecting us (it seems to have mutated into various strains of the annual flus).

I found this article on West Nile virus. Page 46 talks about a reduction in activity, but doesn't mention any populations where the transmission risk was insignificant.

In this article, the reduction in avian mortality from cholera occurred with a massive mortality rate.
Herd immunity would occur for COVID 19 eventually, or humanity would be wiped out, one of the two. It is the wrong answer because of the hundreds of millions of deaths. It would be an ugly death match between our immune system and the mutating/ evolving virus.
There was never herd immunity for measles (if anything, it was caught by pretty much everyone), and it didn't kill people off. In particular, because covid19 is more fatal to people above the age of reproduction, there is no reason to think it would ever go away.
Whatever John said is probably correct... he was way too good of a point guard to be wrong... thems the rules.
You need to actually look at what John Stockton said, and then get better informed...... uhhhmmm..... aren't you doctor??? But still, this is a subject that's developing so fast we don't get it in textbooks. So yah, even if you're a doctor, Stockton said we are needing to fix some stuff we're doing. Almost can't really be wrong there. I don't think he was claiming a new research report he's authored or anything like that. Just observing that what we're doing is raising serious questions about policies. For good reason. We're not even following the science we know in some things.

Way too much political pressure forcing public information or policies that are not that well-informed.
John Stockton's comment was totally OK.

Stockton was an ignorant, older, white guy speaking out on issues he didn't understand, based on social media that had been fed to him which reinforced his opinions rather than expanding his knowledge. Of course you would approve.

Being concerned about authoritarian meansures that don't make good sense...... responsible and sensible. Everyone should be asking these questions and doing more to get information about stuff affecting their lives.
Everyone should also remember that the wisdom to correctly understand the issue comes from years of education and experience in the field, not from doing some web searches a few hours a week.
You need to actually look at what John Stockton said, and then get better informed...... uhhhmmm..... aren't you doctor??? But still, this is a subject that's developing so fast we don't get it in textbooks. So yah, even if you're a doctor, Stockton said we are needing to fix some stuff we're doing. Almost can't really be wrong there. I don't think he was claiming a new research report he's authored or anything like that. Just observing that what we're doing is raising serious questions about policies. For good reason. We're not even following the science we know in some things.

Way too much political pressure forcing public information or policies that are not that well-informed.
I’m only a Love Doctor... it’s not an official degree but I printed an online certificate... as it relates to John... my comments are raging sarcasm. I won’t cancel my child hood hero... I just ignore anything negative and it’s better that way.
There was no herd immunity to smallpox; it was a continuing threat over generations until there were inoculations.

Measles were still around when I was a kid. The great influenza is still infecting us (it seems to have mutated into various strains of the annual flus).

I found this article on West Nile virus. Page 46 talks about a reduction in activity, but doesn't mention any populations where the transmission risk was insignificant.

In this article, the reduction in avian mortality from cholera occurred with a massive mortality rate.
I know some moms who have held parties to effectively distribute measles to kids so that they wouldn't get serious effects in later life if they got it later.

Pretty close to the idea of "herd immunity" locally at least, if you ask me, considering those parties, speaking as a cowboy, it impressively measures up to being a "herd"..

Just to save you the Obsessive impulse, here's the link you'd drag up to tell me I'm stupid. Measles Outbreak: Why ‘Measles Parties’ Are A Bad Idea For Parents – CBS New York (cbslocal.com)
In rural Mexican communities, a lot of parents have held these parties and with few negatives that they realized. Maybe not many immunocompromised people nearby.... cancer or HIV or transplant surgery ......

So far as I know, the vaccine is effective but there are legitimate health risks with the vaccine as well. Measles, Mumps, And Rubella Virus Vaccine Live (Subcutaneous Route, Intramuscular Route) Side Effects - Mayo Clinic

Institutional and governmental "authorities", as well as corporate providers, have a known bias towards minimizing the risks. Largely, the adjuvants, and preservatives are things that come with regulatory warnings if you are exposed to such stuff. Here, it's being injected, not just skin contact. The active materials are live viruses, possibly modified. The modifications may have effects on the patients as well.

Somehow, the pharma companies are not required to make all those disclosures as a matter of public policy favoring mass vaccinations. Probably, public policy here reflects some big money lobbyists leaning over the desks of politicians and bureaucrats.

And then our legislators give the pharma companies and care providers protection from being sued.

These institutional biases can not be excused by any legitimate arguments. People have the right to the facts, and to the legal process.

Rather than turning to mass public disinformation campaigns to achieve mass compliance, like what you have in the first link if you follow it to the end, perhaps the government should create an insurance pool by applying a fee to manufacturers and providers, and require tracking patients' later health. It would cost to do all that. But without that information, and without funding followup/tracking research. But that would do more to give us confidence in our government, and it would serious undermine the credibility of scaremongers.