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Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 DEAD from COVID-19 Shots

"the various shots that people are getting now cover that. You’re OK, you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.”


This true guys? Because I could swear this is misinformation. Shouldn't he be called out for it? Or... Is this "misinformation" campaign blatantly and openly an attack on Republicans to shut the opposition up like China, Cuba, Iran, and other hardcore dictatorship countries do?
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While "CSF" has officially disinvited me from "his" thread, I've not officially been banned by the mods, so I'll take this opportunity to return to the general theme of global depopulation schemes such as public health system abuses.

First of all, the figures given in the title are laughable. Hardly significant. However CSF might have a point if it were not for scandalous misrepresentations like the title.

I have heard, independently, from some who know more than I do, more than most media sources, that in comparison with other vaccines rolled out in the past few decades, there are significant problems which are not being reported in the media. The figures are being squashed, not released, by official sources which are in fact following the incoming information and reports.

Something like double or triple the cases of reactions or negative outcomes from these vaccines compared to recent vaccine experience. Far from the cry in some crazed anti-vaxxer sites of "genocidal" outcomes. But facts that should be passed out so people can make informed choices.

But it would make the sales job for complete vaccination of the public more difficult, and so we are not being told. Something on that order.

Alarmist rhetoric and exaggerated false claims don't help officials make that right decision to release accurate information that is not "helpful" to the cause. It is still likely that the vaccines are saving orders of magnitude more lives than the vaccines are having any kinds of negatives on vaccinated people.

In general, I favor informed choice in personal health, and I consider that a human right. A right that requires competent and accurate official reports on public health measures as well as all available treatments on all health issues.
"the various shots that people are getting now cover that. You’re OK, you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.”


This true guys? Because I could swear this is misinformation.
Vaccines are not magic shields. The SARS-CoV2 virus will still be able to enter your cells and start replication. Infections will still happen. So, when you get tested, you'll get positive tests, especially from blood titer tests.

What the vaccine does is quicken the immune response, before you get a fever, sweats, lose your sense of smell, etc., the head-start from the vaccine will mean the your immune system kills off the infection before it becomes large or serious. So, you will not be considered to have caught the disease. To my understanding, this is standard medical usage. If you never get infectious and you have no symptoms, you aren't sick.

Shouldn't he be called out for it? Or... Is this "misinformation" campaign blatantly and openly an attack on Republicans to shut the opposition up like China, Cuba, Iran, and other hardcore dictatorship countries do?
I'm hard-pressed to see how this would stop anyone from talking. It certainly has not stopped you. Can you connect those dots?
On the broader issues of public health and "genocide" via either corporate or government policies and products, I think Johns Hopkins has been on the wrong side of some issues since oh about 1900. Too much moolah from corporate donors, too much moolah from the guvmint, perhaps, has put Johns Hopkins on the wrong side of human rights in regard to health policies. That could be another thread perhaps.

The Tuskegee syphilis "research" come to mind here. Not an expert here, what I understand is that a project was conducted by scientists with government funding to evaluate the disease on uninformed black folks who could be checked regularly, as Tuskegee a black school. By scientists affiliated whith Johns Hopkins. So if that is what an uniformed person like myself can "hear" or figure form too little information, what are the facts, and in general what can be learn from this regarding official government programs that have some genocidal intentions?

hmmm....... my ad hoc comment had some merit.

So in the context of the Covid 19 vaccines, any public official or publicly-funded officials or scientists, even people serving on boards making decisions on research regarding the vaccines' effects, should take note.

We as a public are not going to just ignore the facts when we get them, and people making bad decisions that harm people individually, are indefensible. And we are just going to have to do the damn fight for our rights.

Withholding information from the public is no longer going to be just overlooked or tolerated.

But we need to out stupidity even on the side of fear-mongers who give the cause a bad name.

/hijack. A new thread?
Yep, fully expect deaths to be nowhere what they were. ICU's will still be a bit strained especially in some locales where some breakthroughs are happening in non-vaccinated/immune populations as we're seeing this such as places like Louisiana.

I don't think eradication of COVID-19 is possible - monitor and control the best we can, but the hope has to be to cripple variants from continuing at the speed of which we're seeing.

It’s possible. People are too dumb to do the right thing and/or we as a country can’t handle such “tough” demands.
California has 1.1 million more CURRENT cases than any other state. Republican states like Florida, Texas, and Missouri have around 600,000 COMBINED.

It's time Democrat stfu for once

Six stages in the creation and evolution of a Covid misinformation lie, in this instance the lie that Covid vaccinations cause infertility. Good piece in illustrating in general terms how these lies are born and spread.

Six stages in the creation and evolution of a Covid misinformation lie, in this instance the lie that Covid vaccinations cause infertility. Good piece in illustrating in general terms how these lies are born and spread.

Biden says you won't get sick if you get the vaccine.

True or false

Or do you not really care about covid misinformation unless you can politicize it?
Wes Misinformation, Qhiller the Violent, Tabloid ..

COVID spreading fast in well-vaccinated California counties

Breakthrough cases seem to be increasing, and is one reason why mask mandates, or the suggestion to wear masks, may be needed, on at least a localized basis. This is the case in Provincetown, Cape Cod, right now, as there is clearly a serious outbreak of the delta variant there, with 31 people admitted to Boston hospitals from Provincetown, all with the delta variant, and all being fully vaccinated. Importantly, breakthrough cases, for the most part, among the fully vaccinated, are generally mild, or even symptom free. For the most part, those dying from the delta variant are from the population of the unvaccinated.

All that said, we are back to wearing mask in any crowded indoor setting. My state is at 61% fully vaccinated. Not bad, better than many states, but wearing masks indoors is hardly a hardship. We shall see….

The concern is with those regions lagging in vaccinations, that may allow still more mutations to develop. We don’t want to arrive at a place where the vaccines that do largely protect, no longer do so because of a strain even more virulent than the delta strain.
Biden says you won't get sick if you get the vaccine.

True or false

Or do you not really care about covid misinformation unless you can politicize it?
I believe I heard him say that. But we know there are breakthrough cases, and the efficacy was never shown to be 100%. That said, the evidence confirms that breakthrough infections are very rarely more than very mild, almost never require hospitalization, which is the very reason we do not have a true number of such cases, since we still do not test enough, and are often symptom free. One is clearly far better off having been fully vaccinated.

All that said, this surge in the delta variant is not expected to peak until October. It’s really a bad scene, which would be improved if more and more people vaccinated. And, it is a fact that those states with the lowest vaccination rate have seen a spike in vaccinations over the past week. Sadly, at least I believe, the politicalization in the direction represented by anti-vaccination misinformation and lies is very potent at the moment. Biden’s misstatement would not likely change minds anyway. JMO, vaccinations are up in the worse states, we can at least hope that trend accelerates. We don’t want to get to the point that the % of unvaccinated Americans is so far removed from allowing our population to attain herd immunity that much more virulent, vaccine resistant, strains develop. We don’t have to go in that direction.

So, Biden is wrong, but he certainly is not wrong in fighting the truly dangerous disinformation. Telling people they won’t get sick if vaccinated is not 100% true, just overwhelmingly true, to the best of our present knowledge, so his statement is not actually harmful. Anything that increases rates of vaccination is not something I would call harmful.
California has 1.1 million more CURRENT cases than any other state. Republican states like Florida, Texas, and Missouri have around 600,000 COMBINED.
I clicked on "Yesterday". Florida has 139% of the new cases compared to California, with 54% of the population. If you prefer, Floridan had over 617 new cases per million people just yesterday, California less than 241. Missourt is over 466 per million, Texas a much lower 242.

If you look at total cases/million, Florida is at #13, California at #37.

It's time Democrat stfu for once
I agree that the slightly superior response of the Democratic areas is nothing to brag about, and the massive failures of the Republican areas is no basis for positive feelings.
My employer was set to start bringing us back in August to the office but is now reconsidering.

Feels like this winter is going to suck.
My employer was set to start bringing us back in August to the office but is now reconsidering.

Feels like this winter is going to suck.
this is why vaccines need to be mandated. Otherwise, we’re constantly going to be playing whack-a-mole with variants and we’ll never be able to return to our regular lives safely. It’s time for society to move on. Anti vaxxers can stay home in the fetal position if they want. But the rest of us need to move on.
So bizarre how the term anti vaxxer has been parroted by the everyday average person. Every human on this planet earth has the right to question ingredients in any vaccine EVER made or will be made. So wouldn't that make people anti-ingredients? anti-aluminum? anti-mercury, anti-thimerosal, anti-polyethylene glycol 2000. It is a perfectly reasonable that someone should expect vaccines undergo rigorous safety testing. The real anti is big pharm vaccine makersdownload.jpg who are anti-safety anti-effective anti-ethicacy anti-liable. Unfortunately this the world be live in where governments have become water carriers for big pharm and dangerous criminal vaccine makers who are 100% free liable free from ANY death or injury. You tell me what incentive does that give the vaccine maker to create a safe product? zero

I can't believe we're told that acetaldehyde, A KNOWN CARCINOGEN, is an ingredient. Anything with that needs to be banned.

Yes, I'm talking to you, apples.