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And yet millions in this country have the nerve to attack Biden and the Democrats right now?
Yes, because they suck. It is possible to have more than one thing that sucks. One of the things that sucked has already been voted out. Now it is time to vote out the other thing thing that sucks. The better question is: Can we possibly have a choice this time where at least one of the options doesn't suck?

I know you really admire the ideology of the Democrat party and will back them 100% even when the candidate is a ding dong, but even you have to a cringe when the President emphatically threatens "Get ready Bal, you're gonna for a problem!" He's not the political actor he once was and he's getting worse by the month. He almost never answers unscripted questions now because it is too big a risk. And that is now. What do you think he's going to be like three years from now? It isn't disloyal to admit that we can do better as a nation.
Yes, because they suck. It is possible to have more than one thing that sucks. One of the things that sucked has already been voted out. Now it is time to vote out the other thing thing that sucks. The better question is: Can we possibly have a choice this time where at least one of the options doesn't suck?

I know you really admire the ideology of the Democrat party and will back them 100% even when the candidate is a ding dong, but even you have to a cringe when the President emphatically threatens "Get ready Bal, you're gonna for a problem!" He's not the political actor he once was and he's getting worse by the month. He almost never answers unscripted questions now because it is too big a risk. And that is now. What do you think he's going to be like three years from now? It isn't disloyal to admit that we can do better as a nation.

Good post

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These NPR articles seemed informative.

If most of the cases in South Africa are actually reinfections, that might explain why they were presenting as mild:

Remember early in the pandemic when the cuckoo birds believed the vaccine was being used to get microchips into people? How crazy were those people? Totally ridiculous! Am I right! Am I right? It is ridiculous, right? Using the COVID-19 vaccination effort as a way to get everyone implanted with chips isn’t really a thing that could happen, right?
Remember early in the pandemic when the cuckoo birds believed the vaccine was being used to get microchips into people? How crazy were those people? Totally ridiculous! Am I right! Am I right? It is ridiculous, right? Using the COVID-19 vaccination effort as a way to get everyone implanted with chips isn’t really a thing that could happen, right?

So you're saying this is happening surreptitiously against people's will and directly as part of the vaccine shot itself? Crazy.
Remember early in the pandemic when the cuckoo birds believed the vaccine was being used to get microchips into people? How crazy were those people? Totally ridiculous! Am I right! Am I right? It is ridiculous, right? Using the COVID-19 vaccination effort as a way to get everyone implanted with chips isn’t really a thing that could happen, right?

That's old technology. My nephew had an rfid chip put in his hand about 6 years ago. That's a bit different from secretly implanting those chips in you when vaccinated.
I can't wait to see how many hundred of people get that chip.
I can't wait to see how many hundred of people get that chip.
Where can I get one? Can I get one to unlock my phone automatically, or turn on my lights when I come home? That'd be sweet!
Where can I get one? Can I get one to unlock my phone automatically, or turn on my lights when I come home? That'd be sweet!
I've heard of some Tesla owners getting their keyfob chip implanted so they can turn on their car without the bulk.
That's old technology. My nephew had an rfid chip put in his hand about 6 years ago. That's a bit different from secretly implanting those chips in you when vaccinated.
It is old technology for sure. My dogs have been chipped for years. What is new is the idea of using them for vaccine passports.
After I received a booster my midichlorian count was off the chart. Even higher than Yoda's. There is no question that I'm joining the dark side. That lightning power is the shiznit.
Lightning, smightning. What would you ever use it for? Fight Thanos?

I'd be much more interested in getting a beer from the fridge without having to get off the couch.
Lightning, smightning. What would you ever use it for? Fight Thanos?

I'd be much more interested in getting a beer from the fridge without having to get off the couch.
My Tesla never needs to stop for a recharge. Plus my red lightsaber is kickass.