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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

This is not the Age of Enlightenment. Not for the rational of mind.

View: https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1739407502410760305
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Imagine if Biden had done this. It would be a 2 week front page story on the media. This is like almost to the level of Obama using Dijon mustard or wearing a tan suit.

View: https://x.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1756164250827948384?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

This is why republican depravity has completely changed the rules; shifted the Overton window. Trump is so damaged and so ridiculous. He says so many lies and spews so much fascistic rhetoric, that the media to maintain “balance” must ignore some of the worst things ever said by a presidential candidate and focus on the dumbest things by Biden.

It’s all about the horse race. The media needs its clicks. So they water Trump down, ignore all of his many gaffes and horrible and hateful rhetoric, and focus on Biden’s gaffes that he wouldve made 10 or 20 years ago because he’s always been a gaffe machine. Gaffes that while embarrassing, are typically normal of an older person with a stutter. Again, Biden can actually talk sane policy. His administration has been the most productive one in my lifetime. Manufacturing, green energy, expanding health care, infrastructure, student debt forgiveness, foreign policy, etc. the media ignores that Trump’s whole pitch right now is retribution on his political enemies and tax cuts for loyalists.

This is now two democratic presidents now where their administrations have been relatively competent and boring, free of scandal, and so the media in order to generate rage, focuses on the dumbest things. All while ignoring dangerous movements on the right. What Trump is saying about “gutting the deep state” aka replacing non-partisan state employees with loyalists, is dangerous. It’s what authoritarian regimes do. Abandoning Ukraine and our European allies because Trump wants Russia to lose, is insane and might lead us to more war (China, are you hungry for Taiwan? Russia, hungry for some more Baltic states? Maybe a chunk of Poland?)
Certainly knew exactly what he was doing. Every effective demagogue-snake understands what his potential followers want to hear….

This is not the Age of Enlightenment. Not for the rational of mind.

View: https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1739407502410760305

Good article. White evangelical support of Trump can never be emphasized enough. It’s because they want to maintain the social and political hierarchy of the country. They see gains by women and minorities as threats. They don’t want a multicultural democracy. Equality for those used to privilege see it as discrimination.

I also believe that geography figures into it a lot. Areas that are typically dense with white evangelicals are isolated from real America. These aren’t urban or diverse areas. Many of these people live isolated from those who think or look differently. Their children have long left these areas in the dust, replaced by beer, meth, and grievance. They have completely lost touch with real Americans and real America.
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These are some of the best books I’ve read on this subject

And honestly this book has some keen insights into the whataboutism used by Trump and trumpists today. It’s ironic that holocaust deniers and Hitler ball washers have so much in common with Trumpists, Trumper ball washers, and their alternative facts. You see cultist trolls on this very website engage the same strategy every day here:

for some reason the link isn’t working:
Denial (Deborah Lipstadt)
This is not the Age of Enlightenment. Not for the rational of mind.

View: https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1739407502410760305

This is insane. Imagine the outrage if a Democratic candidate received these types of prayers from black or Muslim pastors or clerics. Especially Muslim, people would be labeling the Democratic candidate as being in league with a terrorist network. It also provides a rational for trumpers to brush off all of his crimes. They’re not violations of our laws; it’s merely the “satanic deep state” trying to get god’s annointed!

Even though there are different pastors giving these prayers at each rally, the theme generally remains the same—that there are dark, satanic, sinister forces who have taken over the government behind the scenes (the Deep State), and these forces are threatened by the only man capable of defeating them—Donald Trump. Attendees are then typically asked to pray to put a “hedge of protection” around Trump and his family, or to “put the Armor of God” on him to safeguard him, because the agents of the Deep State will stop at nothing to destroy him.
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This is insane. Imagine the outrage if a Democratic candidate received these types of prayers from black or Muslim pastors or clerics. Especially Muslim, people would be labeling the Democratic candidate as being in league with a terrorist network. It also provides a rational for trumpers to brush off all of his crimes. They’re not violations of our laws; it’s merely the “satanic deep state” trying to get god’s annointed!

Even though there are different pastors giving these prayers at each rally, the theme generally remains the same—that there are dark, satanic, sinister forces who have taken over the government behind the scenes (the Deep State), and these forces are threatened by the only man capable of defeating them—Donald Trump. Attendees are then typically asked to pray to put a “hedge of protection” around Trump and his family, or to “put the Armor of God” on him to safeguard him, because the agents of the Deep State will stop at nothing to destroy him.
I think they’re up there with the flat Earthers, and other irrational beliefs, just plain nuts, but, because it’s a “religious faith”, we’re supposed to be cautious in our criticism. And then, of course, in its Christian nationalism component, it can easily support far right narratives, fascist trends, but again, it’s somebody’s “faith”, so were expected to be sensitive to that fact. Hey, when it’s insane, you should be able to just say it, they’re freakin lunatics…
I know Biden trips over his words sometimes and he’s not as young as we’d want, but consider the alternative

View: https://x.com/ronbrownstein/status/1756337438316962086?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

Do you really want this? How does this end well for anyone? If you don’t think he’ll hesitate to use his army of goons against your tribe, then you have zero understanding of history. Authoritarian leaders always end up going after those who since thought themselves as being sufficiently loyal and safe.
The rapist telling Putin to attack NATO countries is probably just fine with his cult. Strong leadership.

Ya he thinks if a country doesn't pay their bills then that means Russia should be able to attack them.

The irony is really high here. America has trillions of dollars of debt (that went up bigly when trump was president) and trump is famous for not paying his bills. I guess Russia should attack the US right trump?

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First Denver now Chicago. How can the left be so heartless. Evicting 13,000 people in the Chicago winter. That’s less than 3 days of migrants.

Wish they could be more like NY and Boston democrats and give them $$$.

View: https://x.com/qingenxu/status/1755903179345031338?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://x.com/bostonherald/status/1756119542047080615?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

I mean forget Americans in need:

View: https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1753429086993567946?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://x.com/tr00perr/status/1754566723376685260?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Well that shelter is now already at capacity in 1 week…need more shelters

View: https://x.com/andreafreedom76/status/1756082171633119684?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Now Boston is asking Americans to do more to help them out:


Because they ran out of shelters and airport space:


The whole state of Massachusetts is sheltering only 7500 migrants, equivalent of less than 2 days of border crossings. They are scrambling to find more space:

It’s just unbelievable that the federal government can’t pause / close the border till we can get more resources and put a plan together to fix the biggest issue right now.
First Denver now Chicago. How can the left be so heartless. Evicting 13,000 people in the Chicago winter. That’s less than 3 days of migrants.

Wish they could be more like NY and Boston democrats and give them $$$.

View: https://x.com/qingenxu/status/1755903179345031338?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://x.com/bostonherald/status/1756119542047080615?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

I mean forget Americans in need:

View: https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1753429086993567946?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://x.com/tr00perr/status/1754566723376685260?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Well that shelter is now already at capacity in 1 week…need more shelters

View: https://x.com/andreafreedom76/status/1756082171633119684?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Now Boston is asking Americans to do more to help them out:


Because they ran out of shelters and airport space:


The whole state of Massachusetts is sheltering only 7500 migrants, equivalent of less than 2 days of border crossings. They are scrambling to find more space:

It’s just unbelievable that the federal government can’t pause / close the border till we can get more resources and put a plan together to fix the biggest issue right now.

There was a plan to essentially do that. After 5000 encounters, not entries, per day the barter would have closed. Catch and release would have ended. More shelters and more agents would have been provided. But nah politics is more important.
It’s just unbelievable that the federal government can’t pause / close the border till we can get more resources and put a plan together to fix the biggest issue right now.
It is unbelievable, as in I don't believe it and no one should believe it. The laws are there. The current situation is entirely purposeful. The Biden Administration could close the border today by simply telling law enforcement to start enforcing the law.
There was a plan to essentially do that. After 5000 encounters, not entries, per day the barter would have closed. Catch and release would have ended. More shelters and more agents would have been provided. But nah politics is more important.
That is not even close to the provision written into the Senate bill. First, is was an average exceeding 5,000. The single day trigger was 8,500. Secondly, the border wouldn't be closed but asylum requests wouldn't be processed between ports of entry, meaning the border patrol would put migrants on a bus to transport them to a port of entry where a minimum of 1,400 asylum requests would be processed after the trigger point was reached. The port of entry could process more than 1,400 asylum requests above the trigger point but they were forbidden from processing fewer than 1,400 asylum requests after the trigger point per day. There was also a limitation on how many days the border patrol must bus excess immigrants illegally entering the United States to the port of entry, and once the quota of bussing days had been surpassed it was back to catch-and-release. Finally, the bill gave the President the power to suspend the limitations and bussing requirements any time he judged it in the national interest.
There was a plan to essentially do that. After 5000 encounters, not entries, per day the barter would have closed. Catch and release would have ended. More shelters and more agents would have been provided. But nah politics is more important.

Look at my math…I’m keeping it under 5000 encounters. It’s still too overwhelming. My point that I show is Massachusetts only has shelter for 7500 people… less than 2 days of 5000. They can’t take even 1 more day of “encounters”.
We don’t know the real number of “entries”.

Shelters and agents do not provide resources. Those are band aids. The border is still wide open at 5000 a day. 1.8 million people a year, which is more than 11 states total population. Again this is a resource issue.

The longer the border is open like it is, the more these cities and states give resources to migrants and forgetting about Americans in need, the more likely Trump is going to be POTUS.
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Look at my math…I’m keeping it under 5000 encounters. It’s still too overwhelming. My point that I show is Massachusetts only has shelter for 7500 people… less than 2 days of 5000. They can’t take even 1 more day of “encounters”.
We don’t know the real number of “entries”.

Shelters and agents do not provide resources. Those are band aids. The boarder is still wide open at 5000 a day. 1.8 million people a year, which is more than 11 states total population. Again this is a resource issue.

The longer the border is open like it is, the more these cities and states give resources to migrants and forgetting about Americans in need, the more likely Trump is going to be POTUS.
Yes, the sky is, in fact, falling.

Vote Trump, only his corruption can put the sky back up where it belongs.