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What’s the biggest mistakes the Jazz FO has ever made?

What’s the biggest mistakes the Jazz FO has ever made?

  • Trading Mike Conley to the T’Wolves

  • We don’t make mistakes

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He was most definitely an option and you provided no evidence that Booker wouldn't workout for us. Booker was in no position to not go to the team that drafted him.

Post-draft Kalipari mentioned that there were "a few" teams that he refused to work out for because "he wasn't going there".
Utah was certainly among them.

Marcus Smart
Chris Paul
Reggie Jackson

Are a few certainties that spring to mind, though Jackson refused to work out with everyone because he had a guarantee from OKC
Any outrage is a year early.

Saying it's the worst move ever is 100% factually incorrect. At most Conley will add around 5-8 regular season wins next year, and that's a high end guesstimate.

I'll take the Lakers 2027 pick over the 2025 Wolves pick being 5 wins worse.

Conley is 36. He's supposed to fall off at some point. The reason that the Twolves are surging is because Ant is a superstar, McDaniels matured, and Gobert got integrated. I can almost forgive the Conley trade. The main issue was that D'lo Russell was becoming a cancer to that team.
Post-draft Kalipari mentioned that there were "a few" teams that he refused to work out for because "he wasn't going there".
Utah was certainly among them.

Marcus Smart
Chris Paul
Reggie Jackson

Are a few certainties that spring to mind, though Jackson refused to work out with everyone because he had a guarantee from OKC
Paging resident Kentucky expert @Dr. Jones
Conley is 36. He's supposed to fall off at some point. The reason that the Twolves are surging is because Ant is a superstar, McDaniels matured, and Gobert got integrated. I can almost forgive the Conley trade. The main issue was that D'lo Russell was becoming a cancer to that team.
I don't think DLo can be a true cancer. He isn't good enough. He's just a regular season player.
The Wolves got whooped last year with Conley. They didn't play in any better in the regular season with Conley and the Nuggets beat them easily in the first round. I'm sorry, but this TWolves thing is happening with or without Conley. The Wolves are great and will be great because they have Ant and Gobert.

And I'm just going to mention it again for the last time: IT WAS NOT OUR CHOICE TO SEND CONLEY TO THE WOLVES IT WAS THE LAKERS.
We didn’t have to do the trade full stop.

Also with Conley it’s not just about his impact on the floor, more importantly it’s the heady headedness and the calming influence he brings to the locker room.
Conley is 36. He's supposed to fall off at some point. The reason that the Twolves are surging is because Ant is a superstar, McDaniels matured, and Gobert got integrated. I can almost forgive the Conley trade. The main issue was that D'lo Russell was becoming a cancer to that team.
And we removed D Lo..
I don't think DLo can be a true cancer. He isn't good enough. He's just a regular season player.
Still, by removing D Lo we helped them which is a counter productive thing to do when their picks are owed to us.

It was a gamble that didn’t pay off at the very least.
Still, by removing D Lo we helped them which is a counter productive thing to do when their picks are owed to us.

It was a gamble that didn’t pay off at the very least.
I don't think there is much difference in DLo/Conley when it comes to regular season wins. Maybe 3 more wins.
It was a bet as every trade Mike got injured here so it could work for us. But unfortunately Mike was healthy, shoot his best 3 points in career, teach a lot ANT specially on passing , optimize Rudy play ( pick and roll) and as Finch say at many itw, Mike was dammed important in the locker room and at clutch time. At the end, it become a terrible trade for us. And if i add NAW level up, it make it even worst.
It was a bet as every trade Mike got injured here so it could work for us. But unfortunately Mike was healthy, shoot his best 3 points in career, teach a lot ANT specially on passing , optimize Rudy play ( pick and roll) and as Finch say at many itw, Mike was dammed important in the locker room and at clutch time. At the end, it become a terrible trade for us. And if i add NAW level up, it make it even worst.
It was an amazing trade for the Jazz regardless of what happens with the Wolves.
Funny that we are arguing trading Conley to the wolves when we should be arguing trading for Conley in the first place. We gave up two firsts and two pretty good role players. To me that trade was devastating. I didnt understand the logic then and I don’t understand it now, and all for a guy on the downside of his career
Still, by removing D Lo we helped them which is a counter productive thing to do when their picks are owed to us.

It was a gamble that didn’t pay off at the very least.
They won at the same rate after the trade, so you’re wrong
And having Conley being the steady influence in the locker room and at the point on the court led them to how many wins this year?
Their success this year has less to do with Conley and everything to do with Ant becoming a superstar of the highest level. IMO they would’ve been just as successful with or without the trade.
Funny that we are arguing trading Conley to the wolves when we should be arguing trading for Conley in the first place. We gave up two firsts and two pretty good role players. To me that trade was devastating. I didnt understand the logic then and I don’t understand it now, and all for a guy on the downside of his career
I hated that trade with a passion but I still think we could have won a title after making that trade if DL didn't **** up the Dok pick and our MLE signings so badly over his final 3 years.
They won at the same rate after the trade, so you’re wrong

Their success this year has less to do with Conley and everything to do with Ant becoming a superstar of the highest level. IMO they would’ve been just as successful with or without the trade.
I don't think they would have been as successful. Still damn good but Conley and NAW have been those elite glue guys that fill in the cracks. We see those types of guys playing key roles on most great teams.
If we talk about having an opportunity and going for a much, much worse option then the biggest mistake the Jazz have made has been made by 30 other teams: they drafted someone else instead of Jokic. For the Jazz it was Exum and Hood. This mistake was especially egregious since the Jazz traded their 35th pick on the draft day for the second-round pick in 2016: they sincerely thought that nobody worth drafting was still on the board and that spending the 35th pick to take a chance on Jokic was too much.

P.S. Denver made this mistake too: they drafted Nurkic and Harris ahead of Jokic.