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Jeremy Lin


Moderator Emeritus
I'm watching the Washington/Dallas summer league game and this guy is impressing me. Anyone else have an opinion on the guy? Based on what little I've seen, he looks like a nice alternative to Sudiata that can actually hit his free throws.
I've seen him play quite a bit. I think he is a better alternative to Sundiata--and the first Ivy Leaguer since Walter Palmer on the Jazz I believe.
My favorite part of these summer league games is the absurd announcing. Every guy on the floor "will be playing for a team this fall" and I've heard comparisons to at least four hall of famers.
Another guy I have been thinking about is Rashad McCants. I know he has had his problems. I read an article in ESPN the magazine on him and I think he may have learned his lesson. We could sign him for a minimum contract I believe and see what happens. He is extremely talented. With us having to fill the roster I think he would not be a bad choice. We could ask Jefferson what he thinks :)
Is Patrick Mills a free agent? I like what I see out of this kid. I guess I just want some one besides Price or Gaines. Never heard of Jeremy Lin. I just can't believe that the Jazz think either Price or Gaines are the answer. I know it is only 10 minutes a game but there are many times in those 10 minutes the Jazz sure do lose the lead. This year the back up job will be even more important because the Jazz will have a better bench. With Jefferson playing center Okur will be either the backup PF or C. Okur is most affect with DW penetrating and dishing it to Okur to shoot the 3pt.

The versatility of our roster shows the importance of having a PG who can run the offense and pass the ball.

DW, CJ, AK, Millsap and Jefferson
?, Raja, Hayward, Jefferson, Okur or move Okur to the Pf and have Fes get some minutes.
Too bad we traded Eric Maynor
Jeremy is a baller. He was consistently outperforming all the Big East players when he had the chance to play them... not to mention he played well against John Wall today. He had been underestimated his whole life because of his heritage.. but this is a smart player who hopefully will find a spot on a team somehow, because he will be a nice role player for years to come... at the very worst, a lot of Asians will buy tickets just to see him.
Another guy I have been thinking about is Rashad McCants. I know he has had his problems. I read an article in ESPN the magazine on him and I think he may have learned his lesson. We could sign him for a minimum contract I believe and see what happens. He is extremely talented. With us having to fill the roster I think he would not be a bad choice. We could ask Jefferson what he thinks :)

ESPN said:
McCants, meanwhile, wonders how a player can "get $25 million for being just a shooter," or why guys with criminal records -- McCants has never been arrested or suspended -- somehow get more consideration than he does. "I'm out of the league because of facial expressions?" he asks. "Players get arrested or demand trades, and I'm the one they call difficult?" It's not easy being the guy who frowned himself out of the NBA. "They say I don't smile," McCants says. "Does that make me a bad person?" In his eyes he's done everything asked of a good teammate. He sees none of the accountability issues everyone else can't stop talking about. What coaches label as sulking McCants says is just being quiet. "Management doesn't see how well I get along with my teammates when we're hanging out together," he says. "They're not interested in that."

That might be the article you read, but it doesn't sound like he's learned his lesson to me.

And on Jeremy Lin, I gotta admit, I really do like what I see from him when he's involved in the offense and aggressive.
The post-game interview of John Wall was just ridiculous. They acted like he had some great game when he shot 4/19 and made no mention of the fact that the Mavs nearly came back from 18 down, largely because Lin and Dominique Jones completely bottled Wall up.

Lin made a few bad decisions in the fourth quarter and at the very end of the third. He blew a last shot opportunity and didn't get Samhan involved on a couple post-ups when the Mavs had mismatches against smaller Wizards players. His shooting numbers didn't look as great at the end either since he had to take some desperation shots when the Mavs were trying to make up the points in the last 45 seconds or so. But for the section of the game I saw I thought he looked very promising. There was a six minute stretch when he appeared to be the best player on the floor on both ends, and that was against the guard that was picked #1 in the whole draft.

Admittedly, it's just one game and it's summer league but I'd seriously consider giving him a look. For one night at least, dude could play.

EDIT: Apparently I wasn't the only one that noticed. Truehoop carried this nugget:

Zach Harper of Hardwood Paroxysm on the John Wall-Jeremy Lin fourth quarter battle: "Funny thing happened on the way to the Bellagio … Jeremy Lin and John Wall faced off in the fourth quarter of the Wizards-Mavericks game in Vegas and pretty much played each other to a standstill. That’s right. An undrafted Harvard, SMAHRT kid, point guard went toe-to-toe with the number-one pick in the NBA draft and sort-of held his own. The final box score will show John Wall with an impressive 21 points (let’s just forget about the 4/19 shooting), 10 assists and seven rebounds. But it won’t show that the majority of the Lin’s 11 fourth quarter points were the result of him getting the better of the 'best player in the draft' for times than Wall will care to remember. Lin and Wall played the equivalent of an iso chess match on the hardwood game board. The kid from the Ivy League refused to back down from the YouTube sensation and while Wall walked away with the highlight reel, Lin walked away as the fan favorite."
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I didn't fee like making a new thread for this but another player on Dallas' roster that may peak the interest of the Jazz is Ajinca. After their trade with Charlotte sending Chandler and Ajinca to Dallas they are trying to move him as he is 4th on their depth chart behind Haywood, Chandler and Ian Mahinmi. As the link states normally he couldn't be traded for a certain period of time but if he is the only player involved he could be now, so maybe using one of the Jazz' trade exeptions?

I would love Alex Ajinca(SP) He is really young and full of potential. He worked out for the Jazz the year he was drafted. What other exceptions do we have besides the Harpring and how much are they worth?