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jazzfanz AWESOME Fantasy Basketball League

Then no deal. I spent all of my money to get in the league.

Fine. I'll go to the highest bidder, then.

We'll start the bidding at 10% of your winnings if you win the league, nothing if you lose.

I've done 2 fantasy leagues before. I won the first one, then dropped out of the second cause of school and crap. Oh, and I was second in the all-time fantasy draft. So, I'm basically the Heisenberg of fantasy basketball.
The epicness of this league has surpassed what I ever could have imagined.

Props to Zulu for his creation of this masterpiece...

Sorry PKM at least I got you a full head of hair and your UK phone!!!

With all the time it took to think of and find stuff for the other guys I didn't have it in me to redo you, me and UGLI
Sorry PKM at least I got you a full head of hair and your UK phone!!!

With all the time it took to think of and find stuff for the other guys I didn't have it in me to redo you, me and UGLI

It's okay. I think I look quite handsome.
Would join, but I'll be too busy with school stuff. Sorry dewdz. Following Jazz games alone is almost unfeasible, let alone balancing my time around this as well.


Can I get in or are you full already? Also, when's the draft?


did XSY rsvp?


and are wes and gameface official?

*not confirmed*

Would do it, but I get so bored halfway through every season.


I'm def in!

Got a private forum for the league.

We'll do the draft there, and use it to keep everything in order.

League Members get the password when they pay!

And the rest is history...


I just PM'ed you. You know I'm in. I just wanted to offer my general thoughts on some things you mention here. I fully understand it's your league and I'm not trying to step on your toes but I think it's good to have open dialogue here and have rules and such straightened out pre-draft.

Keeper--We have to do this. This is why I'm joining. That said, keeping eight player is way too many imo. I think 3-5 is good. We want there to be liquidity year over year. Otherwise, the first few rounds are not only weak in prospects, they're thin as far helping out those teams who are keeping the some knuckleheads because their team sucked the year before. While we don't want to punish those who draft really well, I still think eight is too many. At the absolute most, I would say six guys, one center, two forwards, two guards, and one player atb any position who was drafted in round five on, or something to that effect.

Money-$50's good. I wouldn't offer too many weekly and other such prizes or it'll make the final prizes sort of week. IMO, we don't need too many incentives. We're adults and know what we're getting into here.

Scoring--what are the eight categories again?

Weekly Auction--As far as the dollar amount each has to buy auctioned players, is this real money? In other words, might I have to put in another $30 on top of the original $50 entry?

D League--I think we should be able to call up a player but be able to send them back down and call them back up once more. Maybe twice more. Also, once I name my three D League guys at the beginning of the year, they're on my team for two years no matter what, and don't count toward the number of keepers I can keep?

I would not have two separate drafts...just one with vets and rookies. Mixing it up like that makes strategy more important.

Just my two cents. Now email me the G'damn link.

*Shoots self in face*

No. Dis my first time. Im a noob. Ive played fantasy football though.


I thought you had 12 definites? Who's ****ing this up?

You bro. Def you.


Havent heard from Hack and his PM box is full.

If he doesnt object by tonight, we will go ahead and get started without him.

Otherwise we will have to wait til we find a 12th guy.

I think I'm gonna go ahead and do the lottery at 11 PM tonight, unless I hear from Hack.

Don't want to be a douche and leave someone out but we gotsta get this draft started.

Damn. So close bros.




Use some conditioner, Z.
