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OFFICIAL: Trade Deadline Thread

Quick! Some players isn't my favorite so let's tear him down!! Die, die!

i love bledsoe. im a huge kentucky fan and the least effective bracket ive filled out in years had Wall, Cousins and Bledsoe going deep. been a huge bledsoe fan well before i knew burks existed.

also cp3 has been my favorite player since i read this story and saw the highlights(in hs): https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125484&page=1
cp3 endorses bledsoe and says hes unguardable thats worth lots in my book. i remember him saying hed visit wake forest and steal the ball off of jeff teague easily, everytime, until he explained why.

i dont mean to 'tear him down' more or less provide perspective on why im not panicked over the no trade. i will always be a proponent of not buying high, that was by-far my biggest issue.you guys will acknowledge that people were endorsing Millsap + Hayward/Burks to get bledsoe... right?

and not to nitpick but his 42% 3pt is obviously an outlier not a trend, as someone who has kept an eye on bledsoe since college, i havent seen a large enough body of work from bledsoe to believe in the consistence of that %
i love bledsoe. im a huge kentucky fan and the least effective bracket ive filled out in years had Wall, Cousins and Bledsoe going deep. been a huge bledsoe fan well before i knew burks existed.

also cp3 has been my favorite player since i read this story and saw the highlights(in hs): https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=125484&page=1
cp3 endorses bledsoe and says hes unguardable thats worth lots in my book. i remember him saying hed visit wake forest and steal the ball off of jeff teague easily, everytime, until he explained why.

i dont mean to 'tear him down' more or less provide perspective on why im not panicked over the no trade. i will always be a proponent of not buying high, that was by-far my biggest issue.you guys will acknowledge that people were endorsing Millsap + Hayward/Burks to get bledsoe... right?

and not to nitpick but his 42% 3pt is obviously an outlier not a trend, as someone who has kept an eye on bledsoe since college, i havent seen a large enough body of work from bledsoe to believe in the consistence of that %

Fair enough.
let me pose the question like this. i think painting bledsoe as the savior for the starting PG job is asking for disappointment, and locks you into a decision when the jazz are trying to maintain flexibility. (not to mention the costs)

did we not beat OKC handily with Watson and Tinsley logging over 25mins apiece? is our pg situtation as bad as its being made out to be? considering our main PG got injured(or is this mainly peoples concerns with the future)... we are about to seize the 6th seed, thats not good enough with ~27 games left?
They need to be able to knock down a wide open jumper which they have proven they cannont do. We will win the one off game with either of thise two playing major minutes, but it will be the exception.
Regardless he was worth trading a 1st or two and an expiring for.

i was all for that yesterday, i was even considering both the 1sts, now that the dust has settled i like this team. its more fit to win this year, i cannot believe some fault the jazz for wanting to be competitive. especially when the rumored trades are with the enemy.

im an ex-knick fan, ( i said **** this and converted to the jazz the second we traded our kids for melo, so i understand some of the frustrations being vented)... all i ever wanted(for SO many years) was a competitive team with some youngs i could actually get behind believing in. we have 4 of those, and 2 draft picks, and were not 'rebuilding'.... bravo KOC

sorry if this comes off as really bitter or obtuse, but i cant help but feel like when i was a kid being raised by a single mom, just getting by, i was like 6 and visited my friend from school at his mansion, the kid was kicking and screaming about the things he didnt have (all the time), still does. i kinda feel the same way as an ex-knicks fan repping the jazz.

(I mean c'mon the biggest scapegoat here is Al, our closer. hes a fringe all-star nomatter how you spin it... this teams LOADED)
If it's good for the courts, it's good enough for me.
That's what "Love" is by the way. You don't convict someone even in your heart, without evidence.

What the hell are you talking about? You're not making any sense.
1) Show me where the courts ruled on the truthfulness of the Linsey and KOC statements in question.
2) That is not what love is, you are making chit up.
3) You are implying that I convicted someone in my heart. That is not true, which makes you a liar.
You are the one who has convicted someone (me) without evidence.
They need to be able to knock down a wide open jumper which they have proven they cannont do. We will win the one off game with either of thise two playing major minutes, but it will be the exception.

Agreed, we need mo and burks running point come playoff time. watson and tinsley will be sagged off of by whomever it will clog the paint. im sure, after the debacle with the spurs last year (and the consequent moves for shooters). thats not the plan.
Again just reiterating that I really liked (and still do like) Bledsoe, but if the FO thought the asking price was too high, then that's fine. The trick is using our flexibility in a meaningful way and avoiding signing Al to a big deal. I don't know who I'd like at PG going forward, but we have enough assets that we ought to be able to acquire a good one or even just get Mo more acclimated to the system and draft one for 2-3 years from now.
I don't think there is any way the Clippers wanted just a mid-1st pick and an expiring deal. Bledsoe's stock is too high right now.

Millsap is a better player than Bledsoe. To give multiple picks and Millsap for Bledsoe is just not a good deal. He is not even a true PG, but more of a combo guard. Bledsoe is just not such a great player to be upset about not getting. In his second year Mo Williams did better than Beldsoe is doing right now in his 3d, and we already have Mo. We have Burks, who is doing better now in his second year than Bledsoe was doing in his second year. The bottom line is, Eric is a nice player, and is a solid back-up. Maybe one day he will be a decent starter. Giving up picks and Millsap, who is probably better now than Eric will ever be, and whom we might end up resigning in the off season, is just not worth it. If getting Bledsoe was the best deal available, KOC was right to stay put.
Again just reiterating that I really liked (and still do like) Bledsoe, but if the FO thought the asking price was too high, then that's fine. The trick is using our flexibility in a meaningful way and avoiding signing Al to a big deal. I don't know who I'd like at PG going forward, but we have enough assets that we ought to be able to acquire a good one or even just get Mo more acclimated to the system and draft one for 2-3 years from now.

I really would like to know what that was. Hopefully something leaks.
al's gonna be resigned(front-loaded contract). they're not gonna crap on favors minutes this year then tell him to play center next.

paulie wallnuts is obviously the odd man out. hes been playing above his pay-grade for 7 years on the jazz, hes not gonna take a value contract.. go get paid paul(and showcase your talents during the playoffs... please)!

conversely Al has always said he just wants to be somewhere hes wanted, the jazz FO is pretty forthcoming about singing his praises, so i think its a read the tea leaves type of thing.
al's gonna be resigned(front-loaded contract). they're not gonna crap on favors minutes this year then tell him to play center next.

paulie wallnuts is obviously the odd man out. hes been playing above his pay-grade for 7 years on the jazz, hes not gonna take a value contract.. go get paid paul(and showcase your talents during the playoffs... please)!

conversely Al has always said he just wants to be somewhere hes wanted, the jazz FO is pretty forthcoming about singing his praises, so i think its a read the tea leaves type of thing.

I'd rather keep Millsap but I think you are right.
Millsap is a better player than Bledsoe. To give multiple picks and Millsap for Bledsoe is just not a good deal. He is not even a true PG, but more of a combo guard. Bledsoe is just not such a great player to be upset about not getting. In his second year Mo Williams did better than Beldsoe is doing right now in his 3d, and we already have Mo. We have Burks, who is doing better now in his second year than Bledsoe was doing in his second year. The bottom line is, Eric is a nice player, and is a solid back-up. Maybe one day he will be a decent starter. Giving up picks and Millsap, who is probably better now than Eric will ever be, and whom we might end up resigning in the off season, is just not worth it. If getting Bledsoe was the best deal available, KOC was right to stay put.
I agree with you generally, but I think the Clippers have an inflated view of what they can get for him.
What the hell are you talking about? You're not making any sense.
1) Show me where the courts ruled on the truthfulness of the Linsey and KOC statements in question.
2) That is not what love is, you are making chit up.
3) You are implying that I convicted someone in my heart. That is not true, which makes you a liar.
You are the one who has convicted someone (me) without evidence.

The different between love and hate is this. Love doesn't judge. Love doesn't assume that someone is lying as the starting point without evidence. Love don't "convict" someone before knowing the whole truth.

You make the assumption that all men are liars. To me that's "convicting" that ALL MEN, "every man on the planet" to be liars without proper evidence. That's contrary to love.

'is all I'm saying.