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NAOS had a spat with Spazz and NAOS left in haste.

Spazz oviously felt bad enough about it to never return.

Lose-Lose for Jazzfan imo.
Never understood the whole alt account thing. But I don't take this board as seriously as most though.
NAOS had a spat with Spazz and NAOS left in haste.

Spazz oviously felt bad enough about it to never return.

Lose-Lose for Jazzfan imo.

Maybe both are his accounts and when he wanted to leave,he decided to orchestrate this drama leaving everyone guessing...
Bluesrocker = Hack

Freakazoid = Matt Harpring (I guess now that we've figured him out, it's best he doesn't give too much inside info away)

Cy going soft = sorry that was my fault.

Jazz_fanatic leaving = not my fault, but yes it is sad indeed that she's gone.. she's been travelling a lot and seems to be enjoying it. Good on her!!