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The New Hate?

You watch Red Dwarf and are familiar with Tom Lehrer? Are you secretly related to me? I feel like I need to start a bromance with you somehow.

I also prefer NPR over sports radio(I can't stand the Jim Rome types on sports radio). I wear boxers not briefs. I think anyone who orders a steak well done should be dragged into the restroom and shot. I believe all men should sport beards and women push up bras. I think that if you bother to eat an organic vegan diet you should probably quit smoking and drinking so much damn coffee.

Do we still sound like brothers?
I also prefer NPR over sports radio(I can't stand the Jim Rome types on sports radio). I wear boxers not briefs. I think anyone who orders a steak well done should be dragged into the restroom and shot. I believe all men should sport beards and women push up bras. I think that if you bother to eat an organic vegan diet you should probably quit smoking and drinking so much damn coffee.

Do we still sound like brothers?

Are you abnormally short, frail, and lacking skin pigment? That seems to be the final hurdle.
I also prefer NPR over sports radio(I can't stand the Jim Rome types on sports radio).


I wear boxers not briefs.


I think anyone who orders a steak well done should be dragged into the restroom and shot.

I don't usually order steak, but I understand the sentiment.

I believe all men should sport beards and women push up bras.

This doesn't apply. I'm not certain I could actually grow a beard.

I think that if you bother to eat an organic vegan diet you should probably quit smoking and drinking so much damn coffee.

I like hating hipsters.

Do we still sound like brothers?

This still sounds closer than at least one of my actual brothers. So sure.

Are you abnormally short, frail, and lacking skin pigment? That seems to be the final hurdle.

This comes up every once in awhile. Trout, how tall do you think I am?
My wife would definitely divorce me for taking up this suggestion. Sometimes I really should appreciate her for what she is.

I'll be completely honest: if going to a bar to watch a television show is grounds for divorce, and that attitude is something that is so fundamental to a person that you feel you should appreciate her more for it, then we are from such different cultures and viewpoints that it's somewhat shocking we share a planet, much less a country and shared cultural heritage.

I presume the grounds for such a statement is that it is a gay bar with a somewhat gay targeted television show (although I've never met anyone, gay or straight, that didn't love Drag Race after watching a few episodes). That attitude is so dismissive of an entire class of people. I have a hard time even getting into a frame of mind where I can comprehend why the idea of even potentially being associated with gay-friendly activities is shocking or appalling in any way.

She doesn't want to talk about things with me very much. . . . feels too threatened with ideas or something. . . . I told her once that women who don't want to talk to their mates are on the same level as . . .. well. . . . the exact term would push the buttons on the filter in here. . . .

Do you two even like each other? In my mind, this is a much better reason to get divorced.

I consider that gays have "sold out" on their maleness and their possible posterity, and I hold it as a fundamental truth that people are better served by leaning towards either a male or female gender in accordance with the hope of having some kids come along.

This is the kind of statement that, in the year 2050, people will find astonishing that it was ever acceptable to say in a public forum.

I got a gay start in life. With no father around and a completely incompetent mother, I was abused by some folks in the neighborhood. When I tried to tell anyone what was happening, I was told I was a damn liar.

There is no evidence that any of these factors make someone more or less gay.

I am not your stereotypical notion of someone who just doesn't understand people.

This post is not incredible evidence of this claim.
I hear a lot more intense hate for Republicans than I hear for Democrats. The Republicans seem to direct their political hate not directly at Democrats but at what they perceive to be be evils in our society (degradation of Christian values, illegal immigration and the non-American immigrant communities, welfare state, etc.) but in that they seem fairly often to have a more something needs to be done but the damn Democrats are benefiting from it so they won't do it attitude. It's really from the hard core liberals that I hear the most shocking sentiment. They view the intentions of the Republicans as evil and the Republicans as hateful puppet masters with their hordes of mindless hate and fear fueled followers. Now, don't get me wrong, Conservatives have no lack of hatred for Reid and Pelosi, along with their disgust with Obama, but I hear much more shocking general hatred coming from liberals in regard to conservatives. Like everything would be flowers and sunshine if we could only get rid of "those types".

I recently started visiting the Tribune comment section and holy ****. I dare you to express a moderate position there. Be prepared to get mass shouted down and have every aspect of your being ridiculed. The "intellectuals" there know your type and they aren't going to stand for it for a goddamn second.

I can't believe honestly you think the Dems are worse. Look how far right the entire Republican Party have gone. They are led by tea party types, and no one can even agree with the President without fear of being an outcast. That is flat out embarrassing, and impeding any potential progress we could make.

Whether you believe one side is worse than the other the point is what we are doing isn't working. This entire time Obama has been in office it's been extreme fear mongering on the right. That isn't helping the country. Neither is all the bickering back and forth from both sides. We've got to stop demonizing leaders to this extreme.
Screw a two party system.... democracts suck, and republicans suck.

How about everyone just being americans and all on the same team to do what's best for our country. (Crazy idea right)
I can't believe honestly you think the Dems are worse. Look how far right the entire Republican Party have gone. They are led by tea party types, and no one can even agree with the President without fear of being an outcast. That is flat out embarrassing, and impeding any potential progress we could make.

Whether you believe one side is worse than the other the point is what we are doing isn't working. This entire time Obama has been in office it's been extreme fear mongering on the right. That isn't helping the country. Neither is all the bickering back and forth from both sides. We've got to stop demonizing leaders to this extreme.

And this was different when Bush was in the Whitehouse how exactly? I have said this before, but no one side has a monopoly on all that is good, or all that is evil. Recently they both suck equally. Yeah neither side can work together and in the end that is the most damaging thing to the country. But I agree with Gameface that the rhetoric is different. From the left we get sentiments that if people don't agree, well it is just fine to stomp all over their rights and demonize them to get them in line. The left just is NOT going to even consider compromise. The only things I have heard from the left on compromise is how stupid the right is for not just doing what the left wants them to do. Every attempt at it from anywhere is shut up with media assaults and presidential arrogance. I don't think we have ever had such a divisive POTUS. I just don't hear that level of vitriol from the other side.
Screw a two party system.... democracts suck, and republicans suck.

How about everyone just being americans and all on the same team to do what's best for our country. (Crazy idea right)
Dems want to do too much and Reps want to do too little. In a sick way it kinda works.
You do realize the "other side" has is planning on shutting down the government in a couple weeks unless the POTUS gives up his signature piece of legislation that he campaigned on and passed several years ago? That he won re-election on while the GOP ran against it?

Do you seriously not regard that as scorched earth tactics? What does a compromise even look like if that's the demand?

Sent from my HTC One using JazzFanz mobile app
You do realize the "other side" has is planning on shutting down the government in a couple weeks unless the POTUS gives up his signature piece of legislation that he campaigned on and passed several years ago? That he won re-election on while the GOP ran against it?

Do you seriously not regard that as scorched earth tactics? What does a compromise even look like if that's the demand?

Sent from my HTC One using JazzFanz mobile app

Are you referring to my post? If so who said that I am for compromise?

They GOP have been going to "shut down the government" for 2 years now don't get your panties in a bundle. The US government is the largest and most powerful anything on the planet. The GOP may be a bunch of backwoods hypocrites but they play an important role in at least partially slowing down the machine. I just wish they hated excessive spending on the military as well.
I was responding to LG but the mobile app didn't quote the way I anticipated.

They've previously gone to bat over debt ceilings. This is about actual funding authorization.
If you deeply believe something is morally wrong, how the hell can you compromise? What kind of person does that make you?

If you really think even a minority of these politicians, from any side, have deeply held moral beliefs they are fighting for, I have a bridge for sale with deeply held moral beliefs.
If you really think even a minority of these politicians, from any side, have deeply held moral beliefs they are fighting for, I have a bridge for sale with deeply held moral beliefs.

Who's talking about politicians here? They just say the right things to get elected. I'm talking about people who elect them.
Who's talking about politicians here? They just say the right things to get elected. I'm talking about people who elect them.

So then you are saying that no one should ever compromise? Is it more important to hold out to get exactly what your moral code tells you is right, at the risk of never getting anything, or better to take one step forward even if it isn't ideal?

(and the first post of mine you quoted was directly about the politicians, not sure how you get here from there)
So is this "people like you" as opposed to "people don't like you" or is it "people like you" as opposed to "people who are not like you"?

It was, perhaps, meant for me, with some wiggle room natural to brevity in general, with a bit of both intended. . . .
So then you are saying that no one should ever compromise? Is it more important to hold out to get exactly what your moral code tells you is right, at the risk of never getting anything, or better to take one step forward even if it isn't ideal?

(and the first post of mine you quoted was directly about the politicians, not sure how you get here from there)

Because the politician's personal beliefs don't really matter. When you talk about what politicians believe, it's really just what their PR team tells them to believe, which is the PR team's best guess of what is going to get the most votes.

And no, I'm not suggesting you shouldn't compromise. I'm saying that when people believe that morality is absolute, how can you fault them for not compromising? Fault the freaking morality they've been taught.

To put it this way, if the Republican and Democrat leaders tomorrow announced a deal where the Reps will shut the **** up about abortion and stop trying to do anything about it, and the Dems will shut the **** up about gay marriage and stop trying to change current laws, do you think anyone in America would be happy with that?