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Gay marriage in Utah put on hold

If you are saying they are different and that's simply your argument, then duh, you don't need to explain that to anybody. But if you are saying they are lesser than a heterosexual relationship then you are really barking up the wrong tree. Homosexual relationships wouldn't even make a dent in the rate that humanity is reproducing, so who gives a ****? If two people die happy because they got to do what they wanted to do without hurting anybody, then I don't see what the point is of scrutinizing or assigning value to any relationship.

Exactly they are different. Yet everyone wants to say they are exactly the same and equal in every way. Call an apple an apple and call an orange an orange.
International committee for marriage. Create this, let them deliberate what the word marriage actually means, and come back with an answer upheld by the united nations

That just happened.
Conception occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Homosexuals can produce sperm and have eggs. There are many ways for fertilization to occur without sexual intercourse.

And as you just pointed out, they invariably rely on having both a male and a female. Not on two males or two females.
International committee for marriage. Create this, let them deliberate what the word marriage actually means, and come back with an answer upheld by the united nations

That just happened.

As long as it doesn't require U.S. boots on the ground I'm on board. Ahh, hell, even if we need to put boots on the ground, it's important enough.
Draw me a picture.
As long as it doesn't require U.S. boots on the ground I'm on board. Ahh, hell, even if we need to put boots on the ground, it's important enough.

That's kinda the direction the UN is heading, isn't it? Like a dog that has to borrow dentures from another to eat.

Turn it into a standards office.
And as you just pointed out, they invariably rely on having both a male and a female. Not on two males or two females.

I appreciate you have a very strong opinion on this, and for you it is firmly founded. I have no expectation you will change your mind.

That said, when you are defending the position formulated by Beantown against the position of Darkwing Duck, I really think it's time to carefully examine if those strong emotions are coloring your judgement regarding the worth of the particular argument being used.
You don't even make sense. Black people and white people are obviously biologically equal.

Does it really offend you to say that heterosexual and homosexual relationships are not biologically equal? Because that is 100% true.

How am I stupid for dumb for saying something that is true?

I'm late to this party, and I think Darkwing pretty much summed it up, but... Damn, I feel bad for your wife and kids.

I appreciate you have a very strong opinion on this, and for you it is firmly founded. I have no expectation you will change your mind.

That said, when you are defending the position formulated by Beantown against the position of Darkwing Duck, I really think it's time to carefully examine if those strong emotions are coloring your judgement regarding the worth of the particular argument being used.

This might be... No, it is, for sure, the best post I've ever read from OneBlow. Sig'n that ****, yo.
Tbh I know AMurika is s'posed to be secular and all that cheez but my Christian definition of marriage better apply to every goddamn pleb in this continental ****-bin, cuz **** y'all if you aint Khristian take a hike doe

-Le AntiGays
Tbh I know AMurika is s'posed to be secular and all that cheez but my Christian definition of marriage better apply to every goddamn pleb in this continental ****-bin, cuz **** y'all if you aint Khristian take a hike doe

-Le AntiGays

I always love seeing you use the term "pleb". It makes my day.
Where in the constitution does it say that one has a fundamental right to marry the same sex? If homosexuals were prohibited from marrying people of opposite sex, then I would buy your argument. But they are not, and they can--and many do--enter into traditional marriages. And many even have kids with their opposite sex partner. So in short, homosexuals have just as much right to a traditional marriage as anyone.

You know the kinda **** that you see in those old-school Eugenics textbooks, that you read now and think "Holy **** how was mankind ever so retarded to even utter that thought, let alone publish it in verbatim"?

People are gonna have the same sort of feeling when they read colton's post in 50 years time. Damn. The connotations of this post are just purely disrespectful, and narrow-minded /tobehonest //inmyopinion
You know the kinda **** that you see in those old-school Eugenics textbooks, that you read now and think "Holy **** how was mankind ever so retarded to even utter that thought, let alone publish it in verbatim"?

People are gonna have the same sort of feeling when they read colton's post in 50 years time. Damn. This post is just purely disrespectful, and narrow-minded /tobehonest

50 years? I think not. Colton's kids will be in their 20's and will stumble onto this and wonder why he decided drugs were OK -- for that can be the only explanation for this kind of talk.
50 years? I think not. Colton's kids will be in their 20's and will stumble onto this and wonder why he decided drugs were OK -- for that can be the only explanation for this kind of talk.

Glad you have decided things for everyone Fuhrer.

Edit: In all seriousness I see both sides attempting to force things on the other. Just look at all the lawsuits on private business owners for refusing to provide services for LGBT activities. Not making an argument that they are on the same level. It just undermines the whole argument when they turn around and force things on others.
Glad you have decided things for everyone Fuhrer.

Edit: In all seriousness I see both sides attempting to force things on the other. Just look at all the lawsuits on private business owners for refusing to provide services for LGBT activities. Not making an argument that they are on the same level. It just undermines the whole argument when they turn around and force things on others.

Except one group is "forcing" fairness, equality, and basic human rights, while the other group is...