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Looking for genuine discourse re: Donald Sterling/NBA

And poor Silver is caught between a rock and a hard place. Neither he nor the other owners have any authority to force Sterling to sell the team. Sterling is meeting the financial obligations; therefore the league cannot seize the Clippers. Most Silver can do is fine and suspend him ($1M limit IINM). And expect Sterling to sue in return.

Actually, on the radio yesterday they said that the owners can vote to force Sterling to sell. Not sure if it takes a unanimous vote, majority vote, 2/3 vote, or what, but apparently that's a real option.
Actually, on the radio yesterday they said that the owners can vote to force Sterling to sell. Not sure if it takes a unanimous vote, majority vote, 2/3 vote, or what, but apparently that's a real option.

And in my opinion it is insane. Guy has every right to be a racist POS if that is what he is. He has done things that are just idiotic and paid the price, like the 2.7 mil(?) settlement mentioned in here. But he has also done a lot of good like giving money to charities and outreach groups, like the NAACP.

Forcing him out of his chosen business because he holds some antiquated, and horribly wrong, ideas is just bad.
She is his mixed race mistress. If his "peers" were racist, why would her hanging with blacks hurt him with his peers more than screwing around with her?

Marrying her would have hurt his image with his peers, not having sex with her.
And in my opinion it is insane. Guy has every right to be a racist POS if that is what he is. He has done things that are just idiotic and paid the price, like the 2.7 mil(?) settlement mentioned in here. But he has also done a lot of good like giving money to charities and outreach groups, like the NAACP.

Forcing him out of his chosen business because he holds some antiquated, and horribly wrong, ideas is just bad.

Agree, agree!!!

It's not like he failed a drug test mandated by his employment contract. What ever he said, whatever he thinks, I just don't like the idea that any private individual could be forced to sell their business because his/her private opinion runs counter to the prevailing wisdom. Unless we want to say that random secret audio and video taping is now a requirement of corporate ownership, I think it's over-reaching for the NBA to mandate anything like forcing him out.

Now if he had gone and spouted off in public or to a reporter (ala Marge Schott) I think it would be a different situation.
And in my opinion it is insane. Guy has every right to be a racist POS if that is what he is. He has done things that are just idiotic and paid the price, like the 2.7 mil(?) settlement mentioned in here. But he has also done a lot of good like giving money to charities and outreach groups, like the NAACP.

Forcing him out of his chosen business because he holds some antiquated, and horribly wrong, ideas is just bad.

Do you think a black player should be forced to work for the guy? If so, why? If not, what's your idea for a resolution here, short of forcing him out?
Marrying her would have hurt his image with his peers, not having sex with her.

rapists are thought to target, sometimes, on extreme hate. Men who set up co-habitation routines with their sexual partners, not so much. Rich men have a lot of options for getting sex; people they spend a lot of time with are mostly people they like. Instead of speculating on a wide range of statistical probabilities, there is nothing in the story to indicate the man actually hates or even dislikes blacks, nor that he actually thinks blacks are inferior somehow.

That's why I say it's not racism. He's a rhetorical loose cannon, yes. But he spends a lot of time with blacks, of his own choice. It looks more like a simple case of status differentiation based on wealth and publicity. .. . his concern is the effects of her behavior on the gossip values within the elite social milieu he cares about. He said he didn't even care if she was exclusive about having sex with him, he just didn't want her publishing the details in social media.

I don't call that racism. It's social consciousness in the elite strata of society. Nothing more, nothing less.

Elitists are worse than racists. They have an even more restricted set of "socially acceptable persons", "persons of relevance", and "people who deserve respect", and they have considerable power to affect the actions of governments including judges in discriminatory ways. . . .

His relationship with the biracial young women is exploitative, but not racially exploitative, just socially exploitative. He has the relationship, and has power in the relationship, principally because "it's his money".
Do you think a black player should be forced to work for the guy? If so, why? If not, what's your idea for a resolution here, short of forcing him out?

Again, none of those players are being forced to work for him.

It's not like Sterling's views on minorities are just coming out…most of this has been known for quite a while.
Actually, on the radio yesterday they said that the owners can vote to force Sterling to sell. Not sure if it takes a unanimous vote, majority vote, 2/3 vote, or what, but apparently that's a real option.

I want to say that I heard that they can only force him out if it's a financial issue. Not sure though.
Do you think a black player should be forced to work for the guy? If so, why? If not, what's your idea for a resolution here, short of forcing him out?

aside from being a rich man who lives above the law, rhetorically speaking, why would you think it would take force to get a black player to work for him? Most of us work for people whose ideas we can't really know a lot about,or whose views we would not support politically or intellectually, and in fact for people who don't really even "like us".

Po' folk work for money. Money represents disproportionate power in a lot of economic relations. Are you something like a marxist who thinks money should not be the reason we work?

The old man is a democrat, and liberal. Should that matter in our opinions about whether he is socially acceptable as an owner of a NBA franchise??? Should that matter in our opinions on his domestic squabbles???

Everyone uses rhetorical slurs to demean the value of other persons, in all kinds of ways. Words like "moron" are not edited out of this forum. Are you going to undertake to eliminate all possible degrading speech?

The value of a term like "racist" is only demeaned by applying it indiscriminately to peoples whose problem is only egotistical in relation to their disproportionate wealth. This man is not really a racist. He's an elitist.
Actually, on the radio yesterday they said that the owners can vote to force Sterling to sell. Not sure if it takes a unanimous vote, majority vote, 2/3 vote, or what, but apparently that's a real option.

Interesting. The article I read said Silver and the owners didn't have the authority. Guess I shouldn't believe everything I read on the internet. :rolleyes:

If the owners vote him out, Sterling will sue them. This is going to get ugly (well, uglier). Clippers have 10 players under contract for next season + a first round pick (their 2nd has already been traded). Wonder what happens if no one else agreed to sign with them and they just had 11 players on the roster?
Do you think a black player should be forced to work for the guy? If so, why? If not, what's your idea for a resolution here, short of forcing him out?

Absolutely not! Guy is free to hold any opinions he chooses. People should respond as such. If any players, regardless of skin color, orientation or nationality, do not want to play for him they should not have to.

The resolution is that he is denounced and pay a fine for tarnishing the NBA brand and then we move on. Perhaps even the loss of NBA draft picks. The public, agents and players should be left up the own devices on how they choose to shun or support Mr. Sterling.

I did not like the Clips players removing their warm up jerseys in protest. I certainly understand it but didn't like it. They are under contract with him to represent his basketball team. As such they need to wear their jerseys. If they felt they could no longer support him they can seek a trade or leave when they are free agents. I would.
Interesting. The article I read said Silver and the owners didn't have the authority. Guess I shouldn't believe everything I read on the internet. :rolleyes:

If the owners vote him out, Sterling will sue them. This is going to get ugly (well, uglier). Clippers have 10 players under contract for next season + a first round pick (their 2nd has already been traded). Wonder what happens if no one else agreed to sign with them and they just had 11 players on the roster?

I gurantee you that he will be able to fill his roster. Guarantee it. It may not be Chris Paul and Blake Griffin level talent but there are thousands of people that will sign on any dotted line he gives them to play for the Clips. His personal opinions be damned.
Interesting. The article I read said Silver and the owners didn't have the authority. Guess I shouldn't believe everything I read on the internet. :rolleyes:

If the owners vote him out, Sterling will sue them. This is going to get ugly (well, uglier). Clippers have 10 players under contract for next season + a first round pick (their 2nd has already been traded). Wonder what happens if no one else agreed to sign with them and they just had 11 players on the roster?

If Silver allows all the Clippers players to become free agents and they all walk, they'd have to sign 13 players next season. Can't see any quality players or coaches wanting to play there. Can't see many fans wanting to go watch the **** team they'd put together. If Silver could suspend Sterling long enough to not be able to do diddly, i'm sure that would **** him up even more.
aside from being a rich man who lives above the law, rhetorically speaking, why would you think it would take force to get a black player to work for him? Most of us work for people whose ideas we can't really know a lot about,or whose views we would not support politically or intellectually, and in fact for people who don't really even "like us".

Po' folk work for money. Money represents disproportionate power in a lot of economic relations. Are you something like a marxist who thinks money should not be the reason we work?

The old man is a democrat, and liberal. Should that matter in our opinions about whether he is socially acceptable as an owner of a NBA franchise??? Should that matter in our opinions on his domestic squabbles???

Everyone uses rhetorical slurs to demean the value of other persons, in all kinds of ways. Words like "moron" are not edited out of this forum. Are you going to undertake to eliminate all possible degrading speech?

The value of a term like "racist" is only demeaned by applying it indiscriminately to peoples whose problem is only egotistical in relation to their disproportionate wealth. This man is not really a racist. He's an elitist.

Sterling got mad at his ho for taking pictures with Matt Kemp and Magic Johnson, two super rich black dudes. Don't think money was that big of a deal here, just race.
Sterling Silver

ironic :)

at least it's not pure gold (except for the ratings on the sports shows...)
But regardless of your background, regardless of the history they have, if we're taking something somebody said in their home and we're trying to turn it into something that leads to you being forced to divest property in any way, shape or form, that's not the United States of America. I don't want to be part of that.

Mark Cuban just gets it.