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No one is committed until they sign. It's that simple. IMO, if you're "committed", you don't go visit other schools. I'm committed to my wife, so I don't go out with other women. I'm committed to my job, so I don't go out looking for a new one.

I agree with your overall point. If you are committed, you act like it. And that is why BYU pulled their offer to Schwenke, and why Utah pulled their offer to Moore.

However, a verbal commitment should absolutely be treated the same as a written commitment. If give a school a verbal commitment, and the school then starts offering your scholarship to someone else, that would be wrong. And it goes both ways too. If you tell the school you have accepted their offer, you should not be out selling yourself to other schools hoping for a better offer. Verbal commitments (should, and usually do) matter.

Again, I believe Moore was coming to Utah and was only trying to get a free vacation out of the Ole Miss trip. But I can certainly understand why Whitt pulled the offer when he learned about the Ole Miss trip.
Wouldn't it be more like a non-marital relationship? You're technically in a relationship but always keeping your options open because you haven't pulled the trigger(signed) yet? Because if you meet another person that is better than the current person you're with, you should be free to ditch them.

Although, of course, I understand why schools do it. You can't be locked into a situation where scholarships are left unused. The game is simply to get as much of the best talent you can and hope some of that talent develops.
If your fiancée went on a date with another man would you dump her? I certainly would.
LOL! Langi and Utah are made for each other. Enjoy!

I highly doubt you'd be doing anything but drooling all over Langi's nuts had he decided to go to BYU. The kid made some poor choices as a High Schooler. Either way, a 4 star recruit that Stanford and USC still wanted to be a part of their programs. I'll take it. You can keep your sour grapes.
I highly doubt you'd be doing anything but drooling all over Langi's nuts had he decided to go to BYU. The kid made some poor choices as a High Schooler. Either way, a 4 star recruit that Stanford and USC still wanted to be a part of their programs. I'll take it. You can keep your sour grapes.
I'd expect nothing less than this kind of ignorant statement from someone like you. I'm pretty sure I know more about him than you ever will (and I love that it bugs you). I'll amend my statement and say Langi, Utah, and Jazzman12 are made for each other. Enjoy!

And FYI BYU dropped Langi a long time ago.
I'd expect nothing less than this kind of ignorant statement from someone like you. I'm pretty sure I know more about him than you ever will (and I love that it bugs you). I'll amend my statement and say Langi, Utah, and Jazzman12 are made for each other. Enjoy!

And FYI BYU dropped Langi a long time ago.

None of what you said actually bothers me one bit. It's neat that you think it does though.
Where did the Langi/Unga comparisons ever come from? I don't see. That's basically all BYU fans were saying a few years back when Langi was pretty much locked onto BYU. Maybe more like a Jamal Willis type if you want to compare him to a BYU player, although I've only seen a few games of Willis and highlights of Langi so I could be way off.
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None of what you said actually bothers me one bit. It's neat that you think it does though.
If you say so, Chief. You've tried to discredit my statements before and gotten pie on your face and even once claimed it was some junior high popularity power play. And now you follow almost every post I make on either BYU or Utah with some response trying to discredit it or at least pull your Debbie Downer act. It's clear I get under your skin and I tried to alleviate that by removing my sig cuz you mentioned that was bugging you more than once. So ya, we all know it bothers you much more than a bit. But you can keep living in that iworld you've created. Salty does the same thing so why should you be any different.

But you can prove me wrong by just not responding to my posts unless you have something of substance to add (which you don't). Good luck with that, Sport!
If you say so, Chief. You've tried to discredit my statements before and gotten pie on your face and even once claimed it was some junior high popularity power play. And now you follow almost every post I make on either BYU or Utah with some response trying to discredit it or at least pull your Debbie Downer act. It's clear I get under your skin and I tried to alleviate that by removing my sig cuz you mentioned that was bugging you more than once. So ya, we all know it bothers you much more than a bit. But you can keep living in that iworld you've created. Salty does the same thing so why should you be any different.

But you can prove me wrong by just not responding to my posts unless you have something of substance to add (which you don't). Good luck with that, Sport!

You're openly talking about how Utah winning the top in state recruit is a bad thing, and lying about BYU not even wanting him. But we're the ones living in an iworld? lol, good luck with that, chief.
LOL! I never said BYU didn't offer Langi. I just said they dropped him. They took the offer off the table.

You guys and your spinning and twisting are hilarious though. Or else you need to think more before posting. That could be it.
LOL! I never said BYU didn't offer Langi. I just said they dropped him. They took the offer off the table.

You guys and your spinning and twisting are hilarious though. Or else you need to think more before posting. That could be it.
You're saying BYU didn't want Langi because they took the offer off the table after they knew they had no shot at him, and we're the ones spinning and twisting? Lol, typical conan.

We both know if Langi called Bronco last week and said he wanted to go to BYU then there would have been an offer on the table.
You're saying BYU didn't want Langi because they took the offer off the table after they knew they had no shot at him, and we're the ones spinning and twisting? Lol, typical conan.

We both know if Langi called Bronco last week and said he wanted to go to BYU then there would have been an offer on the table.
LOL! Ya no spin here at all. Let's just make up hypothetical situations and throw them against the wall and hope they stick.

It is a fact that at one point BYU had an offer on the table for Langi. It is a fact that as BYU got to know Langi they took the offer away. That's all I said and that's the truth.

If you lying clowns want to spin that into some anti-BYU pro-Utah message then go ahead. You can make up whatever you want. But the truth cannot be changed. Sorry kiddos.
Well that is what happened. He had been tweeting that he was committed to Utah for several days before the Ole Miss trip.
Maybe Ole Miss was adamant about bringing him out anyway because they knew Whitt would pull his offer if he went.
Either way, he thought he was going to be a Ute before, during, and after his Ole Miss trip. And his tweets while it was happening confirm it.

He read it on Twitter, it has to be true.

Cell phones > Computers and laptops
Do you have anything that implies it isn't true?

Knowing what you're talking about >>>> talking out of your ***.

Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk.

You'll note that I rarely claim to know anything about anything. I give my opinions, and that's about it. You, on the other hand, are citing a college students 'tweets' as proof of your ridiculous claims. At least I know and am comfortable with being a dumbass, it's the guys like you who actually think you're right/smart that make my heart tingle.
It is a fact that at one point BYU had an offer on the table for Langi. It is a fact that as BYU got to know Langi they took the offer away. That's all I said and that's the truth.

And by "got to know Langi" you really mean "found out they had no shot at him."

We both know if Langi wanted to be at BYU, Bronco would not have pulled his offer.

Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk.
You'll note that I rarely claim to know anything about anything. I give my opinions, and that's about it. You, on the other hand, are citing a college students 'tweets' as proof of your ridiculous claims. At least I know and am comfortable with being a dumbass, it's the guys like you who actually think you're right/smart that make my heart tingle.
His tweets are proof of what happened, lol. The dude was committed to Utah (as it says in his tweets). Utah pulled their offer, as it also says in his tweets.

There are other tweets too, like the picture he tweeted of him and Whitt throwing up the "U" together.

Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk.