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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Your head is buried in the sand, then. Here are some that seem the most egregious to me:

1) Blatant violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. I've been complaining about that since day 1. People curry favor with him by spending money on his properties (Trump tower New York, Mar-a-lago, the Scotland property, etc.). And his business holdings very well might be impacting his policy decisions (Trump towers in Turkey, for example).

2) Violating campaign finance laws. Need I remind you that he is literally an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the case that sentenced Michael Cohen to jail. Anyone else in the country would also have gone to jail for that. And he still might when he is out of office.

3) Obstruction of justice. See the Mueller Report, volume 2, which details several episodes that almost certainly would have caused obstruction charges to be filed against anyone else in the country. Here's a summary of some of those items (from https://www.lawfareblog.com/so-you-want-impeach-president): "Even if one believes that firing FBI Director James Comey was a wholly legitimate move, the president didn’t stop there. He also attempted to dissuade witnesses, specifically Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen, from cooperating with federal authorities. He attempted to corruptly persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit the scope of the investigation and to reverse his decision to recuse himself from personal involvement in the face of conflicts. He attempted to limit the investigation by pressuring Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire the special counsel. And he endeavored to have White House Counsel Don McGahn create a false record regarding Trump’s actions with respect to efforts to fire Robert Mueller." One can add his statements about the whistleblower to those items.

4) Abuse of power, namely "his attempts to leverage the power of the presidency to cause investigation and prosecution of political opponents" (phrasing from lawfare). This includes involving Rudy Giuliani--who is NOT a US government employee but rather Trump's personal lawyer/campaign employee--in attempts to pressure foreign governments to dig up dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden. Giuliani literally admitted this on the air. And if, as you may be thinking, it's about exposing corruption in general, (a) why did the requests to investigate criminal activity not go through government channels? (b) why are the Bidens the ONLY individuals that Giuliani and Trump cared about? Where are any requests to invest any other potentially corrupt individuals?

5) More abuse of power, namely his withholding of the congressionally approved aid to Ukraine in order to pressure them, again about the Bidens. It is a crime to withhold funds like that. Again in the words of the lawfare article which states things better than I can, "[there was] “collusion” with a foreign power for purposes of electoral advantage, gross misuse of congressionally appropriated funds, and pressuring a foreign leader for reasons of personal gain rather than public concern."

6) Repeatedly and unabashedly lying to the public. While not illegal, this is still unpresidential and impeachable. It was in fact, one of the impeachment articles against Nixon. And the quantity of Trump's lies leave Nixon's lies in the dust.

7) Obstruction of Congress. Trump is telling government employees not to cooperate with the Houses's impeachment investigation, including directions telling people to ignore subpoenas. That's obstruction. Most recent example was the former Ukrainian ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, who defied Trump's illegal order to testify on Friday, but there have been several others. The President's failure to cooperate with Congress was in fact one of the impeachment articles against Andrew Johnson--article 10 of that impeachment reads in part as follows (from https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/Impeachment_Johnson.htm): "ARTICLE 10.That said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his high office and the dignity and proprieties thereof, and of the harmony and courtesies which ought to exist and be maintained between the executive and legislative branches of the Government of the United States, designing and intending to set aside the rightful authorities and powers of Congress, did attempt to bring into disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt and reproach, the Congress of the United States, and the several branches thereof, to impair and destroy the regard and respect of all the good people of the United States for the Congress and the legislative power thereof, which all officers of the government ought inviolably to preserve and maintain, and to excite the odium and resentment of all good people of the United States against Congress and the laws by it duly and constitutionally enacted"

I'm sure there's more that could be added to the list but I'll stop there. And I'll remind people of my sig quote: "There aren’t enough tax cuts and judges in the world to justify a president who stands on the stage with Vladimir Putin and sides against America’s intelligence community; who ignores, if not invites, foreign interference in our elections and normalizes unprecedented levels of corruption and incompetence; who abdicates moral leadership both at home and abroad; who lies and obstructs justice and then lies about obstructing justice."

And of course there's this list I made for post 3 of this thread--a myriad of items which include some of the above. Imo many of these are also impeachable, although not all of them are criminal (the racism, for example).
  • racism
  • sex crimes
  • concentration camps
  • corruption
  • traitor
  • obstruction of justice
  • attacks on rule of law
  • assault on freedom of the press
  • pathological lying
  • unfitness for office
  • incompetence
  • attacks on our most important allies and alliances
  • systematic destruction of our environment
  • violation of international treaties and agreements
  • embrace of our enemies
  • defense of murdering dictators
  • serial undermining of our national security
  • nepotism
  • attacks on our federal law enforcement and intelligence communities
  • fiscal recklessness
  • degradation of the office and of public discourse in America
  • support of Nazis and white supremacists
  • the dead in Puerto Rico and the at the border
  • turning the US government into a criminal conspiracy to empower and enrich the president and his supporters
  • weaponization of politics in America to attack the weak
That's quite a list. Your thoughts are forcing me to reassess my thinking. I disagree with some of what you say but I can see your point on others. I'm still not on the impeachment train, though, probably largely because I am a political partisan. I am right of center, and to me there is a consistent and pervasive left of center bias in the reporting and in the way these issues tend to be dealt with. Trump is a reaction to the frustration with both the direction that leftists are trying to take our country, and to the leniency with which liberal politicians tend to be handled both by the media and within the halls of government/justice. I could give numerous examples of what I see as lax reaction to liberal wrongdoings, while I see the opposite on the conservative end of the spectrum.

The bottom line is that if i believed that justice would be evenly administrated on both sides of the aisle my thinking on all of these issues would be changed. I wish I saw a presidential candidate on the horizon who I could believe in. Unfortunately I think that more and more we are becoming shackled with a system where only the worst breed of narcissists are attracted to our nation's highest office. Well, that's not entirely true. Warren doesn't seem to be a narcissist. She does seem to be an extreme leftist who would try to initiate policies that would wreck our country. And she is certainly challenged when it comes to telling the truth regarding her personal life. I'd still prefer a Trump presidency to a Warren one.
If you truly believe this is all manufactured by the Democrats who are just "out to get Trump", then you're an idiot.

Joe is no idiot, nor is anyone else who can see the Dem and Meanstream Media bias or purpose. Many in here have exposed "The Resistance" for what it is, enthousiastically endorsing the Dump Trump cause.

If it were about principles or truth, they would have cared to investigate Hillary, Obama, and various players for their corruption and lies.
Joe is no idiot, nor is anyone else who can see the Dem and Meanstream Media bias or purpose. Many in here have exposed "The Resistance" for what it is, enthousiastically endorsing the Dump Trump cause.

If it were about principles or truth, they would have cared to investigate Hillary, Obama, and various players for their corruption and lies.
Hillary has been investigated, and investigated, and investigated. Now with Trump in the Oval Office and his boy Barr in charge of the DOJ she has been re-investigated and still, nothing that can be used to charge her with a crime with any hope of getting a conviction. Is she clean? I don't think so, not squeaky clean, but is there enough evidence to convict her of anything? Nope. So if we apply the same standard to her as you have applied to Trump she has apparently been "exonerated."
Your head is buried in the sand, then. Here are some that seem the most egregious to me:

1) Blatant violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. I've been complaining about that since day 1. People curry favor with him by spending money on his properties (Trump tower New York, Mar-a-lago, the Scotland property, etc.). And his business holdings very well might be impacting his policy decisions (Trump towers in Turkey, for example).

2) Violating campaign finance laws. Need I remind you that he is literally an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the case that sentenced Michael Cohen to jail. Anyone else in the country would also have gone to jail for that. And he still might when he is out of office.

3) Obstruction of justice. See the Mueller Report, volume 2, which details several episodes that almost certainly would have caused obstruction charges to be filed against anyone else in the country. Here's a summary of some of those items (from https://www.lawfareblog.com/so-you-want-impeach-president): "Even if one believes that firing FBI Director James Comey was a wholly legitimate move, the president didn’t stop there. He also attempted to dissuade witnesses, specifically Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen, from cooperating with federal authorities. He attempted to corruptly persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit the scope of the investigation and to reverse his decision to recuse himself from personal involvement in the face of conflicts. He attempted to limit the investigation by pressuring Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire the special counsel. And he endeavored to have White House Counsel Don McGahn create a false record regarding Trump’s actions with respect to efforts to fire Robert Mueller." One can add his statements about the whistleblower to those items.

4) Abuse of power, namely "his attempts to leverage the power of the presidency to cause investigation and prosecution of political opponents" (phrasing from lawfare). This includes involving Rudy Giuliani--who is NOT a US government employee but rather Trump's personal lawyer/campaign employee--in attempts to pressure foreign governments to dig up dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden. Giuliani literally admitted this on the air. And if, as you may be thinking, it's about exposing corruption in general, (a) why did the requests to investigate criminal activity not go through government channels? (b) why are the Bidens the ONLY individuals that Giuliani and Trump cared about? Where are any requests to invest any other potentially corrupt individuals?

5) More abuse of power, namely his withholding of the congressionally approved aid to Ukraine in order to pressure them, again about the Bidens. It is a crime to withhold funds like that. Again in the words of the lawfare article which states things better than I can, "[there was] “collusion” with a foreign power for purposes of electoral advantage, gross misuse of congressionally appropriated funds, and pressuring a foreign leader for reasons of personal gain rather than public concern."

6) Repeatedly and unabashedly lying to the public. While not illegal, this is still unpresidential and impeachable. It was in fact, one of the impeachment articles against Nixon. And the quantity of Trump's lies leave Nixon's lies in the dust.

7) Obstruction of Congress. Trump is telling government employees not to cooperate with the Houses's impeachment investigation, including directions telling people to ignore subpoenas. That's obstruction. Most recent example was the former Ukrainian ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, who defied Trump's illegal order to testify on Friday, but there have been several others. The President's failure to cooperate with Congress was in fact one of the impeachment articles against Andrew Johnson--article 10 of that impeachment reads in part as follows (from https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/Impeachment_Johnson.htm): "ARTICLE 10.That said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his high office and the dignity and proprieties thereof, and of the harmony and courtesies which ought to exist and be maintained between the executive and legislative branches of the Government of the United States, designing and intending to set aside the rightful authorities and powers of Congress, did attempt to bring into disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt and reproach, the Congress of the United States, and the several branches thereof, to impair and destroy the regard and respect of all the good people of the United States for the Congress and the legislative power thereof, which all officers of the government ought inviolably to preserve and maintain, and to excite the odium and resentment of all good people of the United States against Congress and the laws by it duly and constitutionally enacted"

I'm sure there's more that could be added to the list but I'll stop there. And I'll remind people of my sig quote: "There aren’t enough tax cuts and judges in the world to justify a president who stands on the stage with Vladimir Putin and sides against America’s intelligence community; who ignores, if not invites, foreign interference in our elections and normalizes unprecedented levels of corruption and incompetence; who abdicates moral leadership both at home and abroad; who lies and obstructs justice and then lies about obstructing justice."

And of course there's this list I made for post 3 of this thread--a myriad of items which include some of the above. Imo many of these are also impeachable, although not all of them are criminal (the racism, for example).
  • racism
  • sex crimes
  • concentration camps
  • corruption
  • traitor
  • obstruction of justice
  • attacks on rule of law
  • assault on freedom of the press
  • pathological lying
  • unfitness for office
  • incompetence
  • attacks on our most important allies and alliances
  • systematic destruction of our environment
  • violation of international treaties and agreements
  • embrace of our enemies
  • defense of murdering dictators
  • serial undermining of our national security
  • nepotism
  • attacks on our federal law enforcement and intelligence communities
  • fiscal recklessness
  • degradation of the office and of public discourse in America
  • support of Nazis and white supremacists
  • the dead in Puerto Rico and the at the border
  • turning the US government into a criminal conspiracy to empower and enrich the president and his supporters
  • weaponization of politics in America to attack the weak

Great post.

How people couldn't see all of this coming from the very start is beyond me. The dude called in to a NY radio show back in the early 90's pretending to be a supporter of Trump, but anyone with half a brain could tell it was him by his voice. No ****ing shame. Just before the election, the Billy Bush saga where he bragged about sexually assaulting women and going after married women didn't even faze the ***-clowns who ride his ****. We are half a country of wannabes who think his schtick is somehow cool or productive.
Fantastic op-ed by Dana Milbank, directed at those who may have supported Trump because they liked some of his policies, but who should now ponder the larger issue of checks and balances within our government: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...b0c720-ec34-11e9-85c0-85a098e47b37_story.html

Trump began staking his title to absolute power in his first weeks in office. “The whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned,” White House adviser Stephen Miller announced. He wasn’t kidding.

Trump soon stated that “I have the absolute right” to fire FBI Director James Comey. He subsequently proclaimed the “absolute right” to provide Russia with an ally’s highly classified intelligence; the “absolute right” to pardon himself; the “absolute right” to shut down the southern border; the “absolute right” to fire special counsel Robert Mueller; the “absolute right” to sign an executive order removing the Constitution’s birthright-citizenship provision; the “absolute right” to contrive a national emergency to deny Congress the power of the purse; the “absolute right” to order U.S. businesses out of China; the “absolute right” to release apparent spy-satellite imagery of Iran; and, most recently, the “absolute right” to ask other countries to furnish evidence that Joe Biden is corrupt.

Kellyanne Conway asserted Trump’s “absolute right” to give his son-in-law a security clearance over security professionals’ objections. White House counsel Pat Cipollone said current and former White House officials are “absolutely immune” from testifying before Congress. As others have noted, Trump has repeatedly said the Constitution’s Article II empowers him “to do whatever I want” and bestows on him “all of these rights at a level nobody has ever seen before.”

At a level nobody has ever seen. Now we see the corrupting effect of this claim of own absolute power:

Without troubling himself to engage in the usual consultations with lawmakers, allies and military leaders, he ordered a pullout of U.S. troops from northern Syria, setting off a Turkish invasion as well as fears of a massacre of our Kurdish allies and religious minorities (including some 50,000 Christians) and of a revival of Islamic State. He did it at the request of the repressive leader of Turkey, where Trump has boasted of his extensive business interests.

Trump declared “perfect” his phone call with the Ukrainian president, at a time when Trump was withholding military aid to that country, requesting a “favor” and asking for damaging information about Biden — a stark violation of campaign-finance law. He then publicly asked China for the same on the eve of trade talks.

He responded to the resulting impeachment inquiry in the House with a bizarre letter from Cipollone asserting, essentially, that Trump is exempt from all congressional oversight and won’t participate in this “unconstitutional inquiry” — even though the Constitution expressly gives the House “the sole Power of Impeachment.”
Maybe [Trump supporters] will finally realize that by supporting Trump as he claims absolute power, they are clearing the way for a successor who ignores Congress and inconvenient laws to, say, expand abortion rights, gay rights, gun control and restrictions on Christian schools. Maybe they will grasp that the democratic safeguards they are now letting Trump overrun won’t be there when a future leader claims an “absolute right” to assault what they hold dear.


Trump has tried to be an inclusive administration, has been willing to work with people who have views other than his own, has understood that the establishment requires continuity in many ways, believing reasonable and practical agreements can be found.

The Dems have gone whole hog on accusing him of everything they do themselves, but never get called out on, because a lot of progressives and others who see a different future world goal simply do not get the scrutiny from the entirely onboard Media pushing for such views.

Making America Great Again is not their plan. They want an America that is level with China, India, Russia, and some other lesser lights, countries with absolute oligarchy and corporate-centered governance. It is fascism in it's simplest reality..... people are powerless without the money and angles of influence money buys..... politicians are scooping up payola like the Bidens.

what must be most interesting to Xi and Putin is why would Americans believe government isn't run that way. It's the only way they know. Everything else is just propaganda and lies.

That's the New World Order of the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Washington establishment. That's the grand convenience of "globalism": bought and paid for management of everything, by the rich, for the rich. Because that's how you have to play if you want to be in the game.

In another thread one of the leading most respected members of JFC was explaining why what the Bidens do is just normal in business today. Every corporation will pay for figurehead connected "board members" to buy their way into "The Mainsteam".

JFC members mostly, from the evidence in here, really see nothing wrong with that.

So it has always been just about sacking Trump and his MAGA political supporters. Nothing more, certainly with no honest considerations. Well, probably a lot more corrupt than I could even tell.

And this is what Colton wants, and what Jason wants, and what Kicky wants.

This whole site is all about selling that corrupt elitist load.

If you don't think you are just that kind of person, break ranks with the mob and demand investigation of Hillary, Obama, Biden, the whole swamp, right along with Trump and his players. Demand audit of the Fed. Demand Civil Service laws that will remove corrupt actors efficiently. Buy the Tribune and make it an honest rag, not an oligarch wipe. Treat people with respect when they speak the truth.

Trump has tried to be an inclusive administration, has been willing to work with people who have views other than his own, has understood that the establishment requires continuity in many ways, believing reasonable and practical agreements can be found.

The Dems have gone whole hog on accusing him of everything they do themselves, but never get called out on, because a lot of progressives and others who see a different future world goal simply do not get the scrutiny from the entirely onboard Media pushing for such views.

Making America Great Again is not their plan. They want an America that is level with China, India, Russia, and some other lesser lights, countries with absolute oligarchy and corporate-centered governance. It is fascism in it's simplest reality..... people are powerless without the money and angles of influence money buys..... politicians are scooping up payola like the Bidens.

what must be most interesting to Xi and Putin is why would Americans believe government isn't run that way. It's the only way they know. Everything else is just propaganda and lies.

That's the New World Order of the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Washington establishment. That's the grand convenience of "globalism": bought and paid for management of everything, by the rich, for the rich. Because that's how you have to play if you want to be in the game.

In another thread one of the leading most respected members of JFC was explaining why what the Bidens do is just normal in business today. Every corporation will pay for figurehead connected "board members" to buy their way into "The Mainsteam".

JFC members mostly, from the evidence in here, really see nothing wrong with that.

So it has always been just about sacking Trump and his MAGA political supporters. Nothing more, certainly with no honest considerations. Well, probably a lot more corrupt than I could even tell.

And this is what Colton wants, and what Jason wants, and what Kicky wants.

This whole site is all about selling that corrupt elitist load.

If you don't think you are just that kind of person, break ranks with the mob and demand investigation of Hillary, Obama, Biden, the whole swamp, right along with Trump and his players. Demand audit of the Fed. Demand Civil Service laws that will remove corrupt actors efficiently. Buy the Tribune and make it an honest rag, not an oligarch wipe. Treat people with respect when they speak the truth.

For the love of God, Babe, please smoke some pot or eat some shrooms. Your brain needs to be re-calibrated.
Maybe the reason so many people were against Trump from the get go is more due to the fact that he's long been a mob connected, racist, woman assaulting dirt bag, and less that we're all just irrational Hillary lovers.

Just a thought.

No, not really..... just a Zombie repeating what he's told.

Until he ran for President, he was Hillary's and Bill's friend. He just thought Americans weren't really happy with the oligarchy, the Clinton/Bush/ globalist lapdogs.

Being on friendly terms with power doesn't exclude mobsters, or any high-class connected sleeze, of course. But Trump paid for his women, and had no second thoughts about working with anyone of any race. Unlike Bill and Hillary, who had connections with and supported racist organizations like Cecil Rhodes' political creations, and Dems generally who have been horrible proponents for every non-white minority they toy with and despise.

Planned Parenthood operations set up in and operating to curtail black babe births. DDT ban killing by means of malaries, tens of millions of third world colored folks.... Just ask Sonnie Johnson.

For the love of God, Babe, please smoke some pot or eat some shrooms. Your brain needs to be re-calibrated.

I'd figure that maybe you shouldn't use so much pot and stuff, and give your brain some good fish oils or something so the neurons can rebuild.

Then wipe your *** with your propaganda sheets, and just go outdoors and talk to some humans.
For the love of God, Babe, please smoke some pot or eat some shrooms. Your brain needs to be re-calibrated.

So the facts aren't there in any substantial way, factor of ten or 100 or 1000 less that almost any other President who has been targeted by the left. I never voted by Nixon or Ford or Reagan.... and hell no for any Bush. I voted for Trump because, warts and all, or whatever else has been said, he is just not really on the happy little bandwagon of Progress as some see it. A lot of Americans were just looking for someone who is his own man.

We didn't impeach Clinton for his sex activities, we didn't impeach Bush for stupid wars or his oil dealings, we didn't impeach Obama for selling guns to the Mexican gangs or his payola projects like Solar companies with payola, nor for his dump and pump coal interests. Any of you know, actually, why he advertised the guv was gonna shut down coal.... after he did a huge short on coal stocks with a no-interest bank loan?

ya got nuthin on Trump.
So the facts aren't there in any substantial way, factor of ten or 100 or 1000 less that almost any other President who has been targeted by the left. I never voted by Nixon or Ford or Reagan.... and hell no for any Bush. I voted for Trump because, warts and all, or whatever else has been said, he is just not really on the happy little bandwagon of Progress as some see it. A lot of Americans were just looking for someone who is his own man.

We didn't impeach Clinton for his sex activities, we didn't impeach Bush for stupid wars or his oil dealings, we didn't impeach Obama for selling guns to the Mexican gangs or his payola projects like Solar companies with payola, nor for his dump and pump coal interests. Any of you know, actually, why he advertised the guv was gonna shut down coal.... after he did a huge short on coal stocks with a no-interest bank loan?

ya got nuthin on Trump.

If you want to call a 25,000 mile long train that has gone off the rails with all of its engines at the rear still propelling it forward nuthin, then yeah we got nuthin.
Bolton is a globalist deep state cuck. Of course he would lie like this to take Trump out

Something Donald has never learned: don’t give people motivation to bury you. I’m old enough to remember when Donald opened his mouth on twitter trashing Bolton. It was right before the whistleblower story broke. How Donald didn’t have the good sense to leave Bolton alone is beyond me. Guess his narcissistic personality superseded any sense of self-preservation.

I hope Bolton blows this case wide open.

Which would be ironic. The only reason why Donald brought him on was because he liked what he saw from Bolton on Fox News.
I’ve noticed a steep decline in the posts made by Donald defenders. It’s interesting. Just goes to show how galvanizing this story is when even the dumbest and most loyal aren’t posting much anymore.