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2020 Presidential election

Charlie Nails it

Trump and his supporters have tried to make Americans the #1 enemy of them.
In their deranged minds "the left" and the liberals and the Dems and the media and socialism are bigger enemies and threats than terrorists or isis or China or Russia or any other threat.

Fake Boogeymen scare them more than actual threats.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I mean, why isnt Fox News just trusted by you 100 percent? You seem to have no problem calling them fake.

Have you been living under a rock where Fox New is concerned, lately? Fox doesn't even trust itself 100%. Have you not noted the acrimonious battle between the Fox prime time opinion hosts and the Fox News division? The opinion hosts are pissed that news reporters like Shepard Smith were not reporting like a Trump compliant press. It's like the Hannity's and Carlson's of Fox are calling their own news division a promoter of fake news. Which some clearly are, Smith and Wallace being exceptions. Smith and Tucker Carlson traded barbs in public. Smith leaving the network. And you can actually ask me why I don't trust Fox 100%? That's such a silly question, guy.

And no, of course I have no problem calling Fox fake, in the sense that it's opinion division acts as state media, a Trump propaganda machine, promoting conspiracy theory:


Trump and company want a transition to Post Truth for the exact reason stated in the Snyder quote seen in my signature:

“Believe in truth. To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.”
― Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

What Snyder is talking about is where Trumpian "fake news", and "alternative facts" and baseless conspiracy theories, such as the Deep State Trump victimization complex, is taking us: to a Post Truth landscape where truth will be whatever anybody wants truth to be. Facts will be countered with alternative facts. When nobody can agree on what is true, what are facts, then authoritarian leaders can spout any lie they chose, and this Post Truth trend promotes a condition where it becomes more difficult to speak truth to power, probably the very last thing anybody should want to see happen in our nation.

Hey, believe what you want, whom you want. Or, pick up a copy of "On Tyranny", and maybe it will help you understand some of these issues.
Have you been living under a rock where Fox New is concerned, lately? Fox doesn't even trust itself 100%. Have you not noted the acrimonious battle between the Fox prime time opinion hosts and the Fox News division? The opinion hosts are pissed that news reporters like Shepard Smith were not reporting like a Trump compliant press. It's like the Hannity's and Carlson's of Fox are calling their own news division a promoter of fake news. Which some clearly are, Smith and Wallace being exceptions. Smith and Tucker Carlson traded barbs in public. Smith leaving the network. And you can actually ask me why I don't trust Fox 100%? That's such a silly question, guy.

And no, of course I have no problem calling Fox fake, in the sense that it's opinion division acts as state media, a Trump propaganda machine, promoting conspiracy theory:


Trump and company want a transition to Post Truth for the exact reason stated in the Snyder quote seen in my signature:

“Believe in truth. To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.”
― Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

What Snyder is talking about is where Trumpian "fake news", and "alternative facts" and baseless conspiracy theories, such as the Deep State Trump victimization complex, is taking us: to a Post Truth landscape where truth will be whatever anybody wants truth to be. Facts will be countered with alternative facts. When nobody can agree on what is true, what are facts, then authoritarian leaders can spout any lie they chose, and this Post Truth trend promotes a condition where it becomes more difficult to speak truth to power, probably the very last thing anybody should want to see happen in our nation.

Hey, believe what you want, whom you want. Or, pick up a copy of "On Tyranny", and maybe it will help you understand some of these issues.

Lmao. You are so gullible.

That has to be the most ridiculously short sighted post ever.

Are you just effing with me or do you really believe that only Fox news is biased? You cant be that naive. Can you?
Lmao. You are so gullible.

That has to be the most ridiculously short sighted post ever.

Are you just effing with me or do you really believe that only Fox news is biased? You cant be that naive. Can you?

I’ll take “that’s not even remotely what he said” for 400!

your tactics are getting old. Be better as your entertainment factor is in danger of slipping.
Anyone else find it weird that Meghan McCain, Rand Paul, Ronna McDaniel, Abby Huntsman, and Don Jr. all complained today about Hunter Biden making money off his family’s name?
Anyone else find it weird that Meghan McCain, Rand Paul, Ronna McDaniel, Abby Huntsman, and Don Jr. all complained today about Hunter Biden making money off his family’s name?

No. I find it weird that you get up in arms about anything Trump does, but have no problem with wide spread corruption in the Democratic party.

Its almost as if you dont really care what is right. You are just rooting for your "team"

Tulsi blames everyone but Assad for the situation in Syria. Shocking!

Yang clearly has no business being up there.

Beto just isn’t a serious candidate.

Harris wants to kick trump off twitter? Seriously? The dude would have a favorable approval rating if he wasn’t constantly mouthing off and admitting to his crimes online. I’m so disappointed in her campaign.

Pete is ok although he seems way too artificial to me.

I’ve always thought that Klobachar was one of the more serious candidates. Glad she had a chance to show it.

Warren was good again although I think she needs to explain better her Medicare for all plan.

I thought Klobachar and Warren looked strong tonight. Very disappointed that they didn’t take advantage of the trump swamp. How did so few candidates saw so little about it?
I like Mayor Pete. I like Amy too.

I think the whole field truly have our country's best interest at heart, which would be a nice change from the current White House occupant.
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Tulsi blames everyone but Assad for the situation in Syria. Shocking!

Yang clearly has no business being up there.

Beto just isn’t a serious candidate.

Harris wants to kick trump off twitter? Seriously? The dude would have a favorable approval rating if he wasn’t constantly mouthing off and admitting to his crimes online. I’m so disappointed in her campaign.

Pete is ok although he seems way too artificial to me.

I’ve always thought that Klobachar was one of the more serious candidates. Glad she had a chance to show it.

Warren was good again although I think she needs to explain better her Medicare for all plan.

I thought Klobachar and Warren looked strong tonight. Very disappointed that they didn’t take advantage of the trump swamp. How did so few candidates saw so little about it?
What about Bernie? Was he there? If so, what were your thoughts on him?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

Tulsi blames everyone but Assad for the situation in Syria. Shocking!

Yang clearly has no business being up there.

Beto just isn’t a serious candidate.

Harris wants to kick trump off twitter? Seriously? The dude would have a favorable approval rating if he wasn’t constantly mouthing off and admitting to his crimes online. I’m so disappointed in her campaign.

Pete is ok although he seems way too artificial to me.

I’ve always thought that Klobachar was one of the more serious candidates. Glad she had a chance to show it.

Warren was good again although I think she needs to explain better her Medicare for all plan.

I thought Klobachar and Warren looked strong tonight. Very disappointed that they didn’t take advantage of the trump swamp. How did so few candidates saw so little about it?

Gabbard impressed me. I'm just attracted to military vets as political candidates and she really radiated that maturity and knowledge that I would want in a Commander-in-Chief, especially because she's so strongly non-interventionist.

My current choice, Warren, well, she's trying too hard to not get herself on tape saying that medicare for all is going to mean a tax increase. She 1000% will not admit what she obviously knows, which is that MFA will mean taxes go up. There's no two ways around that. I don't necessarily think it's that she's lying about that point, but she's trying to be savvy by not providing a soundbite of her saying she's going to raise taxes. So she's super savvy about that but then voluntarily makes a big deal about Trump's bet with her that she's not native American when she finds out she's 1/512th Native American? I get that she didn't have the same people around her then as she has now with a Presidential campaign, but... At least Sanders fully explains that while taxes WILL go up, for average people that will be offset by what they no longer pay in premiums and deductibles.

Harris... Yeah, so Trump has violated Twitter TOS? That's the hill she wants to die on?

I'm glad Yang was in the debate. I think he brings an important perspective and an important topic into it. I work with automation. Luckily, I fix automated systems, so my job prospects are going to be good for the rest of my working life. But I clearly see that the workers who operate automated systems will just be tasked with operating multiple systems as the systems improve. The number of people that will be needed in these automated factories is going to decline, and in about 5 years it's going to really start to hit hard. 10 years from now and it'll be a whole different reality. We're just in the learning stage of how to actually automate, so the gains we see now are just a fraction of what we'll see when the lessons we're learning are applied to automation generation 2 and generation 3. I think Yang is claiming we're in the 4th industrial revolution, and maybe he's right on that, but industrial revolution #4 is automation/industrial AI generation #1. Big changes are coming and laborers are going away. This is a very important conversation.

I like Pete, but I don't think this is Pete's time. Not just that he's young and is "only" a mayor. I just think he's not ready to be our President and he's absolutely (despite being a vet) not ready to be our Commander-in-Chief. I like him, though and I think he'll move on from being a mayor to do bigger things.

Klobachar was impressive and I hope she makes the next debate. I'd like to see and hear more from her.

Man, Biden... He did well. He hit his positives as hard as he could hit them. I know he's always been gaff-prone, but now it's not gaffs, it's losing his train of thought, not being able to find the word he's looking for, stumbling over details. His age is showing more than any of the other candidates.

Beto should drop out ASAP because I think he's hurting the eventual candidate a lot and he's hurting his future chances a lot. He's saying a bunch of stupid **** that he couldn't even ever do because of the U.S. Constitution. He isn't even addressing that fact at all.
What about Bernie? Was he there? If so, what were your thoughts on him?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Bernie was there and he was 100% himself. Didn't seem tired or stressed or worn down. He made a good showing and definately alleviated some of the doubts that his heart attack caused.

He has absolutely had an influence on the direction of the Democratic party, but I still don't think he's a good choice for President. I think he's too ideological and I think he would surround himself as President with similar people and they would quickly make misstep after misstep. We don't need to follow Trump with Bernie. I think it would be a disaster. Just look at Jimmy Carter. I was young but my parents loved him. What they said at the time that stuck with me, even though I was in Kindergarten at the time, was that he was just too honest to be the President. He was a guy intent on doing the right thing and I truly believe that's what he wanted, but his administration was not good. I think that's similar to how a Sanders Presidency would play out.
Have you been living under a rock where Fox New is concerned, lately? Fox doesn't even trust itself 100%. Have you not noted the acrimonious battle between the Fox prime time opinion hosts and the Fox News division? The opinion hosts are pissed that news reporters like Shepard Smith were not reporting like a Trump compliant press. It's like the Hannity's and Carlson's of Fox are calling their own news division a promoter of fake news. Which some clearly are, Smith and Wallace being exceptions. Smith and Tucker Carlson traded barbs in public. Smith leaving the network. And you can actually ask me why I don't trust Fox 100%? That's such a silly question, guy.

And no, of course I have no problem calling Fox fake, in the sense that it's opinion division acts as state media, a Trump propaganda machine, promoting conspiracy theory:


Trump and company want a transition to Post Truth for the exact reason stated in the Snyder quote seen in my signature:

“Believe in truth. To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.”
― Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

What Snyder is talking about is where Trumpian "fake news", and "alternative facts" and baseless conspiracy theories, such as the Deep State Trump victimization complex, is taking us: to a Post Truth landscape where truth will be whatever anybody wants truth to be. Facts will be countered with alternative facts. When nobody can agree on what is true, what are facts, then authoritarian leaders can spout any lie they chose, and this Post Truth trend promotes a condition where it becomes more difficult to speak truth to power, probably the very last thing anybody should want to see happen in our nation.

Hey, believe what you want, whom you want. Or, pick up a copy of "On Tyranny", and maybe it will help you understand some of these issues.

I just happen to be in the right place, at the right time, and know the right people. I heard at Best Buy that Shepard doesn't like Trump and wouldn't fall in line so he was canned/walked away and lost 15 million in the process.
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