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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

Might be BS
Without nukes in play it is beyond obvious that NATO would smack Russia down like a little ****. With nukes in play we all die, unless Russia's missiles are all defective which is a real possibility.

Haha the filter bleeped the Russian word for bitch but it's okay in English
Russia detected one of the Patriot Missile Systems that we sent to Ukraine and used one of their vaunted hypersonic missiles to take it out... the missile was shot down by the Patriot Missile System.

The idea behind hypersonic missiles, something Russia has been at the forefront of, is that they can defeat anti-missile defenses. This is a major win for defensive weapon systems made by the U.S.. I worked on defensive anti-missile systems in the U.S. Navy and I was directly involved in tests with incoming hypersonic targets. That was in around 2004. To put it bluntly, it was bad. In 2004 we could not have intercepted a hypersonic missile reliably. It makes me very happy and a little bit proud that we can defeat them in 2023.

Russia detected one of the Patriot Missile Systems that we sent to Ukraine and used one of their vaunted hypersonic missiles to take it out... the missile was shot down by the Patriot Missile System.

The idea behind hypersonic missiles, something Russia has been at the forefront of, is that they can defeat anti-missile defenses. This is a major win for defensive weapon systems made by the U.S.. I worked on defensive anti-missile systems in the U.S. Navy and I was directly involved in tests with incoming hypersonic targets. That was in around 2004. To put it bluntly, it was bad. In 2004 we could not have intercepted a hypersonic missile reliably. It makes me very happy and a little bit proud that we can defeat them in 2023.

Even now the Patriot Missile Systems aren't good at it. It does appear they got that one you mentioned but a hypersonic Kinzhal a day or so later did manage to blow up one of our Patriot batteries. The DOD claimed the Patriot battery was only "damaged" and that it would be evaluated to see if the damage could be repaired on the spot by the Ukrainians or if we'd need to replace it, but posted video footage of the strike showed the event from a block or so away. Apparently "damaged" is DOD-speak for "is a smoking crater filled with tiny, twisted pieces of metal that used to be a Patriot Missile System".

Since the video leaked, the Russians are now claiming they blew up five Patriot batteries.

I've seen no evidence the Russian claims are true either. It seems both the Americans and Russia are playing a propaganda marketing game of "our weapons of war are the best and you shouldn't waste your money buying their ineffective weapons systems." I'm glad the Patriot's capabilities are better than they used to be in the Gulf War era, but the reality is the Patriot and Kinzhal are both very good. Sometimes the Patriot will pull off the intercept and sometimes the Kinzhal will hit its intended target even if that intended target is a Patriot Missile System battery.
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There have been developments in and around Bakhmut that didn’t make any sense until a missing piece of the puzzle was revealed yesterday.

The Ukrainians have been aggressively taking ground on both flanks of Bakhmut, that is to say the north of the city and the south of the city. They appear to be pushing toward encirclement and they’ve been doing a good job of disrupting the Russian supply lines into the region. Some recently captured Russians have said they haven’t eaten in 4 days. The head of the Wagner Group has also said that he’s received none of the ammunition he was promised.

With little or no supplies and with the Ukrainians making gains to encircle the city, the Wagner Group has been pushing harder than ever to take control of the last few blocks of Bakhmut remaining in Ukrainian hands. They aren’t reinforcing the falling flanks or working harder to protect supply lines but instead using what little they have left to push forward in Bakhmut. We now know why.

In the lead up to May 9th, the Russian celebration of the victory of the Nazis, the head of the Wagner Group had said the Russian Ministry of Defense had cut off supplies of ammunition. He said Wager had “nothing to grind the meat with” and so he was going to pull Wagner Group out of Bakhmut. If the Russian army were the only ones getting ammunition then the Russian army could be the only ones dealing with Bakhmut. He made this stance very, very public.

In response, on May 9th, the Russian Ministry of Defense made public promises of supplies of ammunition to the Wagner Group. The head of the Wagner Group issued a parallel statement of the agreement and that Wagner would be staying in Bakhmut.

Behind the scenes, it wasn’t promises of ammunition but promises of a trial for treason if Wagner pulled out of Bakhmut that caused the head of the Wagner Group to change his stance. Wagner has been pushing so hard to take the last few blocks of Bakhmut because then they can say they accomplished what they were contracted to do, and turn over the area to the Russian army. With the Ukrainians making advances, the head of the Wagner Group sees the time to accomplish the contract as growing very short so he pushes as hard as he can to secure the last square kilometer of tactically worthless rubble. He’s trying to save his own neck.
Apparently the Kinzhal hypersonic missiles are so effective at defeating American missile defense systems that Russia has started arresting the scientists who created them for giving Russia too much success.

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The sad thing for me in this is that maybe the U.S. has not learned how to stop hypersonic missiles, and just that Russian hypersonic missiles aren't actually hypersonic.

I had a bunch of other stuff written up but I don't really know what I can say so I will just not go there. I'm not special. I don't have any extra special knowledge. This just isn't the place to say what I have seen in regard to hypersonic targets.
Visited Pearl harbor yesterday. A highlight of my trip and one of the most powerful sites I've ever visited, right up there with Dachau and the memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.

My how soon we forget.

Man people are just ****ed up. Worst species on the planet and there is no contest.
Visited Pearl harbor yesterday. A highlight of my trip and one of the most powerful sites I've ever visited, right up there with Dachau and the memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.

My how soon we forget.

Man people are just ****ed up. Worst species on the planet and there is no contest.
I haven’t done Dachau, but Pearl Harbor and the Berlin Memorial were amazing. Verdun and WW1 is another amazing site to visit.
It's been 36 years since I've been to Pearl Harbor, and I can still remember my feelings as if it were yesterday.
I hear they have fun rides tho

Great news! I’d like to see us feed them some ATACMS. From what I gather, those will come in real handy trying to liberate Crimea. We help Ukraine retake Crimea, this war will be over. That Russian house of cards is about to collapse.

Lol. Clear signaling to MAGA

View: https://twitter.com/bdmurray/status/1659885530161598471?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

View: https://twitter.com/peterbakernyt/status/1660097645657075712?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw
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But what happens if the war is not winnable or Russia takes a city like Bakhmut and gains much needed morale and a possible supply chain pinch? What happens is Russia starts gaining traction?

View: https://twitter.com/spriter99880/status/1660167185828904960?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://twitter.com/warclandestine/status/1660104198711570434?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

I didn’t see anyone post the news of this yesterday. I also didn’t see anyone answer @SteakNEggs question 2 months ago. This seems like an important event in this war.
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View: https://twitter.com/spriter99880/status/1660167185828904960?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://twitter.com/warclandestine/status/1660104198711570434?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

I didn’t see anyone post the news of this yesterday. I also didn’t see anyone answer @SteakNEggs question 2 months ago. This seems like an important event in this war.

Because Ukraine claims it still possesses part of the "city." Ukraine has only held a few blocks worth of the city for months now and it has taken Russia half a year to go a kilometer or two at the cost of 100,000 casualties according to the U.S. and massive tank losses. Backhmut was a important place for Russia to smash themselves against. This is not a win for Russia.
I personally have a hard time trusting an intelligence that bombed and murdered an innocent father claiming it was a high ranking Al Qaeda member just over a month ago. That somehow lost and magically found 2 billion dollars randomly. That bombed and murdered an entire family including 7 children just to look good. That closed down a very very important central strategic airbase that led to one of the biggest disasters in US military history as they surrendered a 20 year war.

Now conquering Bakhmut may not be the biggest victory it does put a dent into supply issues and is most definitely a victory in many ways.
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Because Ukraine claims it still possesses part of the "city." Ukraine has only held a few blocks worth of the city for months now and it has taken Russia half a year to go a kilometer or two at the cost of 100,000 casualties according to the U.S. and massive tank losses. Backhmut was an important place for Russia to smash themselves against. This is not a win for Russia.
Do you consider this a win for Ukraine? How many casualties did they suffer? I’m not supporting Russia. I don’t have a military background, I just see the narrative changing in the news. Today, stories are coming out saying this doesn’t mean anything. Just 2 months ago it means everything.

“A Russian capture of Bakhmut “will mean nothing, actually,” predicted Colonel Serhiy Hrabsky, a commentator on the war for the Ukrainian news media. “The Russians have exhausted their offensive capabilities and that is why they so desperately declare they have captured Bakhmut.”
Do you consider this a win for Ukraine? How many casualties did they suffer? I’m not supporting Russia. I don’t have a military background, I just see the narrative changing in the news. Today, stories are coming out saying this doesn’t mean anything. Just 2 months ago it means everything.

“A Russian capture of Bakhmut “will mean nothing, actually,” predicted Colonel Serhiy Hrabsky, a commentator on the war for the Ukrainian news media. “The Russians have exhausted their offensive capabilities and that is why they so desperately declare they have captured Bakhmut.”
The people I've been listening to have been saying that Bachmut is strategically insignificant for many months now. They've been saying that Ukraine denying complete capture has been a way to focus Russian efforts here while Ukraine prepares for a counteroffensive elsewhere. The casualties are extraordinarily lop-sided in favor of Ukraine, but for Ukraine's sake they have to be. Russia has more soldiers to feed into the grinder than Ukraine does. That said, Russia has been disgusting in how they've wasted human lives in meat wave attacks that have been thwarted time and time again. The Wagner boss Prigozhin has had a feud with the Russian military over supplies, especially ammo, and his source of prisoners forced to fight has been shut off. His rhetoric against the Russian military and veiled shots at Putin that he has posted publicly have me wondering when he's either going to fall out of a hotel window or somehow eat radioactive material.

Bakhmut has cost Russia a lot. I'm not sure if it will ultimately be worth it to them. They essentially leveled the entire city in order to capture it.