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Donald is about to go through some things...

Who wants a moustache ride?
That woman is quite nice and the dude looks like Jean Claude van dam

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excellent doco
Damn, great video. Just watched the whole thing

Sadly any trumpers who were to watch it would just say fake news, deep state blah blah blah because that is always the response to any criticism of trump. Doesn't matter if the ones being critical are Republican conservatives who worked alongside trump. That's simply a rino working for the deep state.

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Damn, great video. Just watched the whole thing

Sadly any trumpers who were to watch it would just say fake news, deep state blah blah blah because that is always the response to any criticism of trump. Doesn't matter if the ones being critical are Republican conservatives who worked alongside trump. That's simply a rino working for the deep state.

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part two comes out tomorrow i'll upload once ABC posts it. For what its worth the ABC is a public broadcaster founded on the same lines as the BBC. 4 Corners is the countries leading investigative journalism program.
Damn, great video. Just watched the whole thing

Sadly any trumpers who were to watch it would just say fake news, deep state blah blah blah because that is always the response to any criticism of trump. Doesn't matter if the ones being critical are Republican conservatives who worked alongside trump. That's simply a rino working for the deep state.

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Fish pushes more insane conspiracies while just yesterday mocking himself for doing exactly what hes' doing. Pushing psychotic conspiracies. from Australia nonetheless Change your name to Qanon the Cultmaster or something more fitting please. Personally I think if you're dumb enough to fall for this you should lose your right to vote. I love how they start off talking about the bloodbath comment like he was talking about killing people but he was literally talking about the market of cars and trucks. This proves how easy fish is to manipulate. He's just not capable of doing research. They know damn well Trump was talking about the vehicle market but they KNEW FISH would fall for their lie. Fish is not smart enough to even know what bloodbath means. They lie right to fishes face and he believes it. He doesn't even know basic words while pushing his dangerous idiot conspiracies. Basic words.

: a major economic disaster

At a campaign rally in Dayton, Ohio, on March 16, 2024, former U.S. President Donald Trump said: "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country."
Correct Attribution
Correct Attribution
About this rating
The context of the remark suggests Trump was predicting an "economic bloodbath" for the country, not a literal one, if he loses the 2024 presidential election.
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Sadly any trumpers who were to watch it would just say fake news, deep state blah blah blah because that is always the response to any criticism of trump. Doesn't matter if the ones being critical are Republican conservatives who worked alongside trump. That's simply a rino working for the deep state.
Still wainting for you to tell me how your video didn't blatantly lie withing the first 2 minutes. Fish thinks politico fact check is a Trumper. How utterly stupid. Lol at expecting fish to actually debate anything ever. He points at Trumpers yet I am down to debate and have already exposed a blatant lie of his propaganda within 2 damn minutes . He wont even address how his propaganda video lied right off of the batt. Huh fish?

As I said.... Fish is everything he accuses others of. Everything... Literally every...thing... fish says is a lie.
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LMFAO see.... Fish makes stupid "sadly any Trumpers" stupid comment, I watch it, point out an obvious like from the first 2 minutes and fish scuddles away as always. I can actuall pick it apart and show the falsehoods in it. Fish can't because he simply can't.
So this kid who lost his marbles and tried to shoot Trump apparently tried out for Rife team but was rejected for poor shooting. Guess he didnt prove them wrong. I guess he was also and outcast like most of these shooting rampage kids. It sounds like at least one classmate says he was usually the only conservative in his class.

Conservatives obviously trying to spin this as something more than a deranged loner kid. Whenever a conservative does something (which is very often in comparison since they are the majority of domestic terrorism) its either deny it actually happened or it was a one off. When they think it was a liberal its a whole thing that is tied to every last person who even remotely doesnt lean hardcore right. But it seems facts are leaning towards this kid being a conservative right now.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7greYgsJAo
Fish pushes more insane conspiracies while just yesterday mocking himself for doing exactly what hes' doing. Pushing psychotic conspiracies. from Australia nonetheless Change your name to Qanon the Cultmaster or something more fitting please. Personally I think if you're dumb enough to fall for this you should lose your right to vote. I love how they start off talking about the bloodbath comment like he was talking about killing people but he was literally talking about the market of cars and trucks. This proves how easy fish is to manipulate. He's just not capable of doing research. They know damn well Trump was talking about the vehicle market but they KNEW FISH would fall for their lie. Fish is not smart enough to even know what bloodbath means. They lie right to fishes face and he believes it. He doesn't even know basic words while pushing his dangerous idiot conspiracies. Basic words.

: a major economic disaster

At a campaign rally in Dayton, Ohio, on March 16, 2024, former U.S. President Donald Trump said: "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country."
Correct Attribution
Correct Attribution
About this rating
The context of the remark suggests Trump was predicting an "economic bloodbath" for the country, not a literal one, if he loses the 2024 presidential election.

Not sure why our friendly neighborhood troll is posting about bloodbaths but that definition is spot on. 14 out of 17 weeks in the fall and early winter I endure a bloodbath. FanDuel’s happy doe.
Not sure why our friendly neighborhood troll is posting about bloodbaths but that definition is spot on. 14 out of 17 weeks in the fall and early winter I endure a bloodbath. FanDuel’s happy doe.
Oh geez, you are quoting him?
I glanced at the quoted post and see my name brought up a bunch. Haven't seen any of his posts in a while.
Nothing has changed I guess. Still obsessed

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Oh geez, you are quoting him?
I glanced at the quoted post and see my name brought up a bunch. Haven't seen any of his posts in a while.
Nothing has changed I guess. Still obsessed

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He will do that for a while after you block him. He did with me. But after a couple months he realizes he isn't getting a rise out of you so he stops mentioning you almost entirely. More proof he is a troll and nothing else.
I don't know why but that guy and his brother just rub me the wrong way. I cannot stand watching their videos, even though I fully admit they put out some good content in terms of context and the actual content of the message. Just mannerisms or something. Yuck.
Ya I watched a few minutes and couldn't continue

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Ya I watched a few minutes and couldn't continue

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Yeah he comes across as someone who loves nothing more in this world than to hear himself talk, combined with someone who believes wholeheartedly that his opinions are far more important than everyone else's, so every word he says is supremely important for everyone to hear.