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Donald is about to go through some things...

Does it matter? It doesn't change anything about what happened.
No, it doesn’t change anything. As for does it matter, just a small factual detail. And not known for sure which it was as yet. Couple of things that stood out to me, when listening to the FBI director was that the shooter googled how far was Oswald from JFK, and that particular detail. But no, if it’s the case, it’s a minor detail in the historic record of the event.
Sure. Why wouldn't the FBI not know. It is not like a NY Times photographer caught an image of the bullet in flight. Oh, wait....

No kidding? The image of the bullet flying past was the first think I thought of. But I’m not Director Wray, and I have no way of knowing why he felt uncertainty about that detail. I just thought it was an interesting detail from his hearing, along with other things he mentioned. Instead of pointing out the obvious to me, I’ve seen that image, you would be better off asking Director Wray. Don’t you think?
Bullet versus shrapnel doesn't matter to the situation. The FBI maintaining an image of competence and trust absolutely does matter. When the director makes a public statement in the face of conclusive evidence already in the public domain, especially when it doesn't alter the situation, that is not a good thing.
Are you in the position that you know every single bit of information upon which Wray would base his statement that it’s still unknown whether shrapnel or bullet?
I don’t think you are, but fill us in if you’ve learned more than what Wray said at the hearing.

I do think pointing out the image of the bullet was certainly relevant to the answer, but do you honestly think Wray is actually ignorant of that photo? As if his observation had not even factored it in?!

I don’t know why Wray said what he said, but I don’t understand why you would think he does not have more info on that aspect than you do, or that the photo must prove his observation wrong. Looks like a bullet zipping past to me, but I don’t know what the FBI is working on there. And unless you prove otherwise, I assume you don’t have all Wray’s info either.

I would say that anybody who felt Wray was lying or making up things with his observation is a conspiracist of sorts, and that won’t quite cut it, I’ll give Wray the benefit of the doubt, and simply remained puzzled by what’s behind the observation. Conspiracism has no place in this minor detail.
When I posted the comment by Director Wray during the hearing, it had not yet occurred to me that some in MAGA would regard those comments as the Deep State’s effort to deprive an ex-president from the historic honor of being hit by a bullet during an assassination attempt. I know I was certainly not intending to deprive Trump of that distinct standing in presidential history. It was the “greatest bullet” ever shot……….

The FBI has confirmed that former President Trump was struck in the ear by a bullet in an assassination attempt after the agency’s director, Christopher Wray, questioned what hit his ear earlier this week.

“No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel,” Trump said on Truth Social. “The hospital called it a ‘bullet wound to the ear,’ and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!”
Still trying to get over it.
I don't know about you but for me to have closure it is absolutely critical that we know if it was a bullet, or just shrapnel. I mean, that changes ****ing everything. EVERYTHING!!
It seems very plausible that a blurry streak whizzing by Trump could be either a bullet or a piece of shrapnel.
Right, but as seen in this thread, Wray could also have been conspiring. Everyone in the Deep State conspires. It’s just a thing the Deep State does. According to the conspiracists who keep a close eye on Deep State shenanigans. If it weren’t for conspiracy-monitors, and their willingness to monitor the Deep State, where would we be?
Hey, you guys could become a freethinker like this young man:

“As somebody who lived with chronic TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome for most of my early adulthood, I wanna share with you guys how I overcame my TDS and became a freethinker:

TDS is characterized by a consuming and often unfounded hatred of Donald Trump. And symptoms include, but are not limited to, having blue hair, having a victim mentality, and watching CNN. I wanna clarify that I do have reservations when it comes to Donald Trump. He is not the perfect politician and nobody is.

But I would be lying if I said I didn’t believe there was concerted effort by the media to cause the general public to have an emotional reaction to Donald Trump. But I personally would consider this to be political propaganda, propaganda that absolutely worked on me.

But as I grew older, I began to realize that I do sometimes align with Trump from a policy perspective. But I always thought of Trump as far right, and I certainly knew that I wasn’t far right. I also knew that half of the country voted for this man, and my lived experience would inform me that half of the country are not far right extremists.

Politics are complex, these issues are all incredibly nuanced, and you can’t expect everybody to interpret Trump’s behavior in the exact same way.

Now that I’m cured of my TDS, I’m able to realize how many people are still suffering from TDS symptoms. In fact, I can always sense the emotional responses bubbling up when he comes up in conversation. I I see people equating his supporters with far right extremists when the reality is that the vast majority of his supporters are hardworking, everyday Americans who love this country and wanna see it thrive. As I said, this video is not meant to be an endorsement of Donald Trump.

It’s simply meant to call out political propaganda so that we can all be aware of the narratives that are unfolding all around us.”
“As somebody who lived with chronic TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome for most of my early adulthood, I wanna share with you guys how I overcame my TDS and became a freethinker:
This is actually one of the best known individuals suffering from TDS. Those who oppose Trump, far from exhibiting TDS, are the Americans who recognize a divisive individual who hates his country and wishes great harm upon the body politic. Apparently many confuse such enlightened individuals with the true “victims”of TDS. Here is the best known such individual:
