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2019 Trade Deadline Discussion

Just for discussion's sake, the financial flexibility has allowed him to make moves. It's why he was able to flip Hood and Burks for Crowder and Korver-having expirings ready to go facilitated that. It's why he was able to re-sign Ingles and Favors for affordable deals while still having cap room. Tossing out a terrible contract to someone probably would have handicapped the team at a terrible juncture.

If Hayward had resigned, there wouldn't be any flexibility because it wouldn't be needed. I have to imagine a big move will be coming, but if not, the flexibility will allow him to keep slowly building.

That said, yeah, I'm antsy for a big move. It's time.

All of this. Lindsey prepares for emergencies like Batman.

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If Hayward had resigned, there wouldn't be any flexibility because it wouldn't be needed. I have to imagine a big move will be coming, but if not, the flexibility will allow him to keep slowly building.

Check this out.... if Hayward had resigned, then he never would have hurt his ankle playing basketball. And!, he could have moved to any city in the world that he wanted. Crazy to think about.
Check this out.... if Hayward had resigned, then he never would have hurt his ankle playing basketball. And!, he could have moved to any city in the world that he wanted. Crazy to think about.

hopefully he wouldn't have hurt his ankle either
So I was comparing the likely offers the Jazz and Pistons could put together for Mike Conley since they seem to be the most likely suitors. I feel like the Pistons are probably more likely to get a trade done for Conley.

The Jazz could do

Rubio, Favors and a first. I think that is possible if DL feels a move is absolutely necessary for the Jazz. But it's not a guarantee DL would do that. And I'm not sure the Grizzlies accept this because all they receive is cap relief and a late first.

Rubio, Exum, Sefolosha and a first and/or young prospect like Allen or Bradley. The Jazz are reportedly against offering Exum. So I don't think that this happens. It may be our most intriguing offer for Grizzlies though, and it still might not be enough in their eyes.

The Pistons could do

Reggie Jackson (2 year contract), Jon Leuer (2 year contract), Luke Kennard (young lottery pick) and a first that will probably be top 20. The Pistons might even be inclined to add additional picks. I think the Grizzlies will probably see that as better than anything the Jazz can offer. Sure, they have to ride out the contracts of Jackson and Leuer next season before they get the cap space but it doesn't matter because they'll suck next season either way. They still get the cap space its just a year later, plus they get the young player and pick(s) they want.

Ultimately I think that the Pistons are probably far more desperate than the Jazz are in this situation. So I think the Pistons are more likely to get it done.

Favors not starting tonight. Tin foil hat time? Or just Quin with a rotation adjustment against this Rockets team?

He's started Crowder for matchup purposes against small line-ups before. Faried is the tallest player in that line-up at 6'8", Ennis is 6'7" and Tucker 6'6".
Watching the first half of this Rockets game makes me go back to what I have been saying all season... If we want to be in contention this year we need to make a trade for someone who can create their own offense and score. We can't just rely on defense every game. Because sometimes our defense is going to falter and other times the opponent is just going to get hot regardless of how well our defense plays. Our offense goes cold far too often to overcome these issues.

I keep going back to the idea of someone like Lou Williams. An explosive type of scorer like him could take our team to another level.
I wasn't open to trading a lot of people on the Jazz but I'd dangle anyone on the Jazz not named Gobert and Donovan. I wouldn't care if we had a completely different team in a week. These Blazers and Rockets game just shows we are no one near competing against the really good teams.
Watching the first half of this Rockets game makes me go back to what I have been saying all season... If we want to be in contention this year we need to make a trade for someone who can create their own offense and score. We can't just rely on defense every game. Because sometimes our defense is going to falter and other times the opponent is just going to get hot regardless of how well our defense plays. Our offense goes cold far too often to overcome these issues.

I keep going back to the idea of someone like Lou Williams. An explosive type of scorer like him could take our team to another level.

I wasn't open to trading a lot of people on the Jazz but I'd dangle anyone on the Jazz not named Gobert and Donovan. I wouldn't care if we had a completely different team in a week. These Blazers and Rockets game just shows we are no one near competing against the really good teams.

came here to say this. I am no longer hesitant to trade for Conley. Rubio isn't cutting it and we can't have the offense stagnate like it does. Conley makes sure we stays in games instead of randomly going cold.
I wasn't open to trading a lot of people on the Jazz but I'd dangle anyone on the Jazz not named Gobert and Donovan. I wouldn't care if we had a completely different team in a week. These Blazers and Rockets game just shows we are no one near competing against the really good teams.

Don’t take it out of proportion. We’ve beaten these same Rockets and Blazers.

But we do have things that need fixing. As for the trade. Yes, anyone not Mitchell or Gobert should be obtainable for the right trade.