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At least the guns are okay

Jesus. That is insane. I have went to the wrong car in a parking lot before cause it looked like my wifes accord. Im lucky im not dead.
We have more civilian guns in this country than civilians. Thats crazy
It’s the price we must pay to be free. Don’t you feel so safe and free? Freedumb, ya gotta love it!

Who doesn’t blow away a 1st grader for rolling a basketball into their yard? I bet every other industrialized nation has a lot more of these types of shootings than we do. It’s the price we must all pay to preserve the rights and freedoms of the NRA and gun manufacturers to make as much money as possible and to fluff gun nuts who think any regulation is an unpardonable sin.
Who doesn’t blow away a 1st grader for rolling a basketball into their yard? I bet every other industrialized nation has a lot more of these types of shootings than we do. It’s the price we must all pay to preserve the rights and freedoms of the NRA and gun manufacturers to make as much money as possible and to fluff gun nuts who think any regulation is an unpardonable sin.
The father who shouted and drew his fire is an absolute f***ing hero. Period.
Who doesn’t blow away a 1st grader for rolling a basketball into their yard? I bet every other industrialized nation has a lot more of these types of shootings than we do. It’s the price we must all pay to preserve the rights and freedoms of the NRA and gun manufacturers to make as much money as possible and to fluff gun nuts who think any regulation is an unpardonable sin.
Gun regulations like felons cannot possess illegal guns like in this case. Criminals...do...not...follow... regulations...

This guy also beat his girlfriend with a sledgehammer 4 months ago and was released on bail by a certain group.... How about we fix our justice system and stop letting criminals like this out of jail? Common sense... But nope were told this woman beater is a victim. 3 prior felonies and hits a woman with a sledgehammer in the back of the head and he's allowed to walk. Regulations though.
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Are you sure no one got shot as a result of this whole story?
No really, we only saw each other like two or three times

A week, but no seriously that only lasted for a single

Decade, but really, it's all over now

Because she died.
The gun industry has a pretty good gig.

1. Claim that guns make you safer (they don’t).
2. Bribe a political party to deregulate your industry and incentivize murder by gun.
3. Meld gun ownership to one’s political identity.
4. When the inevitable murders and Mass shootings occur, spread the fear even more that guns are needed and that your i society needs garbage “stand your ground” and “constitutional carry” laws.
5. Vacuum up the money and return to step 1.

Who would’ve guessed that incentivizing murder by gun and spreading fear about everyone would lead to crap like this:

View: https://twitter.com/katiephang/status/1649788614119677954?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

I wonder how many children ringing the wrong doorbell or hopping in the wrong car will be blown away this weekend? Just another weekend in America. It’s been a week since our last school or church mass shooting so we’re probably due for another big one from yet another frustrated young dude who should’ve never had ease of access to guns like the AR15. Thoughts and prayers and mental health ahead of time. Can you feel the Freedumb?!
80 percent of Americans don’t want to live this way but apparently we must because Republicans and the NRA kill needed and popular gun reform. Maybe the way to tackle our sick gun culture is make it a nationalism thing? Do we understand how pathetic we look to the rest of the industrialized world?
Well, sure, but if they say anything, we'll just shoot them in self defense. It's the American Way.
Will Abbott pardon this guy if the family he shot up is black or liberal? I mean really, the neighbor is to blame here. He should’ve shot the guy first. Should’ve armed the crying baby. The only way for this to end is if everyone has AR15s.

View: https://twitter.com/helenkennedy/status/1652296043730444295?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

Will Abbott pardon this guy if the family he shot up is black or liberal? I mean really, the neighbor is to blame here. He should’ve shot the guy first. Should’ve armed the crying baby. The only way for this to end is if everyone has AR15s.

View: https://twitter.com/helenkennedy/status/1652296043730444295?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

Just nuts.
So going to the wrong car in a parking lot is a death sentence. Retrieving your ball that went into someones yard is a death sentence. pulling into the driveway of the wrong house? Death sentence. Asking your neighbor to stop shooting his gun in his front yard at 11:30 pm when your kids are trying to sleep is a death sentence.

Yay guns.
People are simply tired of just owning a gun, or a few dozen guns, and occasionally shooting at nothing. They want more out of their firearms. They want to feel like they did the first time they pulled the trigger.

Naturally this means shooting people. Clearly.
People are simply tired of just owning a gun, or a few dozen guns, and occasionally shooting at nothing. They want more out of their firearms. They want to feel like they did the first time they pulled the trigger.

Naturally this means shooting people. Clearly.
It's a natural extension of the isolation and extreme anonymity of social media. They don't see other people as actual human beings anymore, just irritants that need to be silenced. On social media we do that with mass bullying campaigns. IRL we do that with guns naturally. Shut up you ****ing [whatever bothers me today]!
So going to the wrong car in a parking lot is a death sentence. Retrieving your ball that went into someones yard is a death sentence. pulling into the driveway of the wrong house? Death sentence. Asking your neighbor to stop shooting his gun in his front yard at 11:30 pm when your kids are trying to sleep is a death sentence.

Yay guns.

The American dream is alive and well I see.
What’s alarming to me is how casual these interactions are these days. Like… we used to read about how two people got In a misunderstanding that led to a fight and that led to gun violence. Now? It’s not even a fight, it’s become a natural response.

Someone knocking on my door? Shoot them.
Someone in my driveway? Shoot them.
Someone asks that I quiet down at 11:00 pm because of their baby? Shoot them.

Shooting others shouldn’t be a natural response like closing your eyes when you sneeze. Yet, here we are after years of stupid gun laws being passed, overheated war rhetoric on Fox News and the radio, and this faux machismo identity promoted by the NRA.
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