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Bake My Cake


Well-Known Member
So used to be I thought if anyone owned a site like this.... and it seems to be a sort of cooperative "ownership" in here with "contributors" having some kind of "ownership", with Jason and Colton being public spirited sorts who take care of us for precious little "fun"..... I considered that "ownership" to have a large amount of perogatives associated with it. So the "owners" are entitled to make the rules, pick the mods, and even promote some sort of world view of their own. If members don't like what this is, they should just leave.

However, I've changed. The rumors/facts about Google and Facebook setting up algorithms which promote some users and sideline others deemed socially inferior have changed my opinion.

Anyone who sets up a social website open to the public should reconsider their rules on the standard courts have recently applied in the bakery shop business. If you're open to the public, you need to avoid any kind of discrimination, "otherizing", or selection criteria applied to users. The rules need to be unbiased. Yes, you can and should ban or sideline people for impolite, rude, obscene, or generally offensive behaviors, but not for having a unique or controversial point of view. If you're open to the public, you need to accept genuine people as they are subject only to general rules of socially acceptable behaviors.

examples of unacceptable behaviors/comments might include threats, bullying, or baseless insults. The term "fascist" comes to mind. Most people will apply the term to dictators like Hitler or Mussolini and apply rabid hate to the label. I like the underlying latin root as it applies to "network". A lot of business types are pretty high on "networking" as a way to succeed in business. I think businesses which make significant lobbying efforts who can control or even impact elected representatives are basically suspect on the issue of corruption. I think "fascist" applies to these types of actors. "communist" or "Marxist" could be "hate speech" in some folks ideas of things. I think the terms have objective value with reference to specific ideas or theories of society and government. Sure, I think the term describes a seriously deranged world view with no scientific meaning, and I think the proprietors of most governments claiming the mantle, even "progressives" are really a kind of statist/fascist clique. But even so, it's possible to disagree with people like that with civility.

At any rate, this site purports to be a Jazz sports fan community, and I think as long as you are a Jazz fan, you should have a place in the sun here. We can have Dr. Jones and others with some kind of conservative values right along with our utopian dreamers. My utopian dream is a society with very large measures of individual liberty and a well-restrained government with managers/elected officials who recognize that the people are in charge. I like the idea of basic human rights deemed inviolable by government, or at least only restricted for openly-stated necessities of management.... oh, like traffic rules on public roads, or keeping the world clean and fit for human habitation.
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I’m going to have to say (assume) that this forum was created, and is maintained, to have a place to discuss Jazz basketball. I’m not certain it goes much deeper than that.
Have you watched a Jazz game this year yet? Last I heard mid season or so you claimed to have not watched a game this season or maybe even longer.
I’m going to have to say (assume) that this forum was created, and is maintained, to have a place to discuss Jazz basketball. I’m not certain it goes much deeper than that.

I think the vast majority of members stick pretty much to sports especially the Jazz. I find this place a quick study to sorta keep up with the team, and that suits me fine. I'm not such an expert on the players, but basketball is my game of choice.

I think it's a tough job to keep the politics civil, and even in the Jazz forum we have some fairly ornery characters who like to mix it up a bit. Having an opinion and being willing to express it pungently need not be offensive, ordinarily. But I'm glad I'm not a moderator handling complaints.
I think the vast majority of members stick pretty much to sports especially the Jazz. I find this place a quick study to sorta keep up with the team, and that suits me fine. I'm not such an expert on the players, but basketball is my game of choice.

I think it's a tough job to keep the politics civil, and even in the Jazz forum we have some fairly ornery characters who like to mix it up a bit. Having an opinion and being willing to express it pungently need not be offensive, ordinarily. But I'm glad I'm not a moderator handling complaints.
Nominating babe to be a mod.
Have you watched a Jazz game this year yet? Last I heard mid season or so you claimed to have not watched a game this season or maybe even longer.

I don't have a TV where I spend my leisure(?) time, if being the chief ditchdigger on a ranch can count as leisure. Sure it's better than golf. I do get some games on the radio, and I like that. I don't see how athletic the players are, but I read a lot into the voices. My brother watches about every game, but in November he told me the Jazz weren't good this year. I have watched one game this year. I like it when my bother has to change his opinion about anything......

one of my brothers in law was a business manager for the Jazz from the early Utah days for about ten years. I got to go see the games for peanuts..... Adrian Dantley was my main man, lol./

I can clearly see how much some of the JFC folks know about this game and this team. I believe it's worth going through the threads here.

I'm sorta retiring my knowitall political "career" in here. I am now registered as a Republican after being pretty independent most of my life. I am related to some Utah recognizable Democrat folks. I will be at the county Republican Party shindig next Saturday voting for Sophia DeCarlo.

I found Infection's OP on the Boston game thread top form drama, probably the best creative work I've seen in years.
However, I've changed. The rumors/facts about Google and Facebook setting up algorithms which promote some users and sideline others deemed socially inferior have changed my opinion.

Is it coincidence that this change has occurred after people you think of as as having similar political views are finding themselves on the other side of the discrimination issue? Will you be taking the experience of the discriminated more seriously now, regardless of political affiliation?
Is it coincidence that this change has occurred after people you think of as as having similar political views are finding themselves on the other side of the discrimination issue? Will you be taking the experience of the discriminated more seriously now, regardless of political affiliation?

Well, actually, no. No coincidence at all.

First of all, I've never "believed in" the trite classification of political issues advanced by Marxists, or British Socialists.... say the Oxford elites....that is taught in our so-called universities. I would have considered it fair play for major social media sites to clearly state the policies of their choice and let the chips fall where ever they may.

I consider hate, and discrimination, and even racism a fundamental of human character, and reject statist aims to correct the human condition or revise human nature from the police action/judicial functions of state power. Any church or other free-will kind of social organization is entitled to their beliefs and/or prejudices. I think anybody who feels left out should just consider the case as a matter of some people's choices. I don't care if some blacks consider themselves the anointed of God and entitled to superior rights. I'm pretty sure the practical reality of Marxism has always been basically racist and other-phobic in the extreme. In my reading of Solzhenitsyn's Gulag accounts, anyone who was ever fingered or reported to the State had virtually no human rights at all. I don't imagine China or Hitler's Germany or Pol Pot's Cambodia to be out of line with your own racism and superiority complex as a true believer in State authoritarian power directed at reforming the human condition to suit yourselves. I don't imagine your little blog could be produced without a loathing for people who just don't or won't follow your logic and set of "facts" or beliefs. So, in that I consider you to be one of the most fundamentally racist people of any I've ever carried on any conversation with. But that is your right.

It is my right to recast the offerings I see in the character I read into them. I just don't want Statists empowered to try to fix everything.

It would have been OK with me if this site were indeed a George Soros beneficiary and political agenda effort at internet dominance, like many sites are. I would have considered it a privilege to play the foil for the litany of great causes progressives endorse. Go ahead. Have some fun. Make My Day. Some religions, like the Mormons, run agenda-driven sites as well, as do my businesses or private interests.

However, I have caved to the fundamental reality that most JFC members actually really care about the Utah Jazz, and I have decided not to offer myself up on the altar as a lamb for the liberal slaughter. I am here for the Jazz.

By the way, I have always been in some hated minorities myself, actually targeted for suppression where I live. I understand that governments generally have always in some manners done injustices to "others" who are not the chosen elites of their time and place.

I developed a sort of complex once upon a time quite comparable to some of the recent nutjobs who have babbled about self-identifying in some manner with an objective grouping to which they actually do not belong.

When I was in first grade in a public school, I was targeted for "otherization" and pretty much had no reason to feel any sense of belonging. I hated what those nice Mormons did to some others. I can't imagine how I got into that since my father was white and employed for a leading US industrial corporate conglomerate, and as the corporate chief of all their labs and research was routinely on the road to plants all around the country. It happened because I have original beliefs and values. It happened because my mom sent me out to the barn mornings to milk the cow, and when I found blacks or native Americans.... usually outcasts, drunks.... but unable to hike back home for whatever reason, would come in out of the city park on the next block to get out of the cold or rain that happens on some occasions. When I told my mom they were there, she fixed more eggs, orange juice, hashbrowns, and bacon and sent me back to feed them. yes, I was always a sort of bleeding heart "liberal" in the true sense.

I think the Democratic Party has been hijacked by the Rockefellers, like our Unions generally have been seduced by Corporate interests. I think the race issue has been hijacked by the people who care the least for humanity, and I highly resent misguided do-gooders who can't see themselves for what they are. I associate, somewhat loosely, with the Republicans simply because of the element there that is concerned about our Constitution and who hold ideals of innate human rights.... the Libertarian element.

I am highly offended at people like George Soros and his hundreds of beneficiary political agenda retailers hell-bent on displacing our Constitutional concepts of human rights.

I don't know anything about "Race" and generally don't care to make the distinctions, except that skin color and hair color and other physical characters are easily grouped by making poorly-considered distinctions, and everyone does it. I think our laws should be blind to race, and I think I should treat anyone with civil respect especially with regard for their dignity as sons and daughters of the God I love.

I just don't accept you as the arbiter and interpreter of the human condition.

I liked the Filipinos when I was in the Philippines and was treated abusively by the American missionary staff and leadership. I would sound a bit nutty saying I'm really a Filipino. As I read their history I see the United States taking the role of an Imperialist power, I believe as a consequence of cultural and political seduction of American values inculcated by the British in the post-Civil War reconstructionist "American Political Establishment". I could go into detail about all that. There is always some good in human beings generally, and the Filipinos would have voted to become a set of new states joined politically with the United States, except for our racist progressive Imperialist corporate Establishment which I lump together with George Soros and yourself, for being such a dolt about who you pass out credibility to.

I would have liked that sort of political Union. Sure, the people were pretty far from being Protestant Europeans.

My first marriage was to Filipina and the poor girl was the only person who actually did anything for me when I was blind and paralyzed. She was a product of her culture in some ways, and the transition to becoming more American was a bit rough. Still, she had come from a very wealthy family of the highest political influence there, and her parents had sorta pushed her into marrying me. She had all the opportunities anyone could have there. By the time I was getting back on my feet somewhat and able to get around and do stuff, she was done with the "marriage".

Today she is remarried, and a Senior Vice President for a multi-billion dollar corporate. I don't hear from her, but she talks to my sister who lives near her, on the social LDS scene. My sister is a muck-raker in her own right, and I've never had a good Press working for me. My father told me I wouldn't get a dime from him if I married that Filipina, and I told him to go to Hell. I am an outcast from my own damn family, except for those poor confused Christians among them who don't understand a thing I say but love me anyway.

My fundamental drive in respect to world politics is the spread of actual human rights against the billionaire "nobility" that runs every country, including Russia and China, exploiting the power of the State in their own interests.

I don't expect anyone to treat me special, and I don't think it serves the blacks or any other identifiable subset to cast the politics in racial terms. You can believe whatever you want about your self and I will believe or feel whatever I want about anyone.

There's a gal on XM 125 who does Sonnie's Corner on Saturday mornings. She's wild, hip-hop and 100% herself. I would hazard the opinion that because she talks so much about her black community that she is a racist. But I count her as my sister. It does my heart gladness to hear anyone speaking their mind and sticking up for what they are, or for what matters to them. I think she's a born-free American, and I'm proud of her.
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There are some autocorrect sorts of abridgments in the above. I tried to re-write it, but it was rejected for being over the limit in words. lol.

eh, if anyone actually reads it, it would matter.

I say anything on the second page in this site might as well be encased in Precambrian stone.
I got to "so-called universities" if that helps, babe.
Well, actually, no. No coincidence at all.

First of all, I've never "believed in" the trite classification of political issues advanced by Marxists, or British Socialists.... say the Oxford elites....that is taught in our so-called universities.

I prefer to avoid classification at all, but if we must classify, we should use reality-based classifications.

I consider hate, and discrimination, and even racism a fundamental of human character, and reject statist aims to correct the human condition or revise human nature from the police action/judicial functions of state power.

How convenient for you.

Any church or other free-will kind of social organization is entitled to their beliefs and/or prejudices.

Codified in US law and not in dispute.

I don't care if some blacks consider themselves the anointed of God and entitled to superior rights.

The percent of blacks fitting this description is vary small. Why not focus on something relevant instead?

I don't imagine your little blog could be produced without a loathing for people who just don't or won't follow your logic and set of "facts" or beliefs.

I am not responsible for your lack of imagination.

So, in that I consider you to be one of the most fundamentally racist people of any I've ever carried on any conversation with.

I take that judgment with all the seriousness your previous posts have earned.

I think the race issue has been hijacked by the people who care the least for humanity, and I highly resent misguided do-gooders who can't see themselves for what they are.

Every movement has people who have tried to hijack it for reasons of selfishness and domination; the movements you endorse are no exception. That doesn't change the existence of the wrongs these organizations were created to fight.

I don't know anything about "Race" and generally don't care to make the distinctions, except that skin color and hair color and other physical characters are easily grouped by making poorly-considered distinctions, and everyone does it.

Then, you shouldn't be prattling on about whether the movement has been hijacked or not.

I just don't accept you as the arbiter and interpreter of the human condition.

Nor should you.

There's a gal on XM 125 who does Sonnie's Corner on Saturday mornings. She's wild, hip-hop and 100% herself. I would hazard the opinion that because she talks so much about her black community that she is a racist. But I count her as my sister. It does my heart gladness to hear anyone speaking their mind and sticking up for what they are, or for what matters to them. I think she's a born-free American, and I'm proud of her.

I got to "so-called universities" if that helps, babe.

When I chose the U for my extended college career, my explicit reason which I announced at the time was: "I will always be a rebel, so I should pick a university worth rebelling against."

Those were the days, my friend. We thought they would never end.

Today I heard a bit of humor on the radio. I'll call the skit bubbleheads. I know you have your own inverted reality and you're entitled to it, but here's how it looks from the outside

The Left has created it's own bubble. Inside the bubble, anything goes so long as the right people are down with it. It can change any second, it can flip, it can flop, it can spin like crazy, but it's all good

anything anyone says or does outside that bubble is harmful to the bubble community, like Silk and Diamond:

I read something. My mind worked for a minute, then it stopped.

I think there is something in there that I agree with? Maybe the discrimination part? Sorry, it was far too long winded for me. Maybe try breaking your arguments down a bit, use bullet points, etc. We ain't professors here. (well one brow is, but yeah)
The title of this thread sounds kind of kinky.
I was going to tell him to bake his own damn cake! What does he think this is, some kind of communistic bake each others cakes forum?
The title of this thread sounds kind of kinky.

no, I'm not announcing a marriage. I'm looking at the people who have bakeshops who really don't want to serve the entire contemporary community. And transposing the legal implications of the recent court rulings that in fact order business that are open to the public to be open to the whole public.

There's some insanely influential dude in Washington today, speaking to a large group of folks many of whom owe him for campaign contributions, trying to blow off the public outrage from the fact that a Trump campaign service provider may have mined Facebook to help target political ads or campaigns more effectively..... you know, exactly what Obama did in 2008 to the highest praise of our media and pundits, who applauded him as a true political genius and the exemplar of a new age in political strategy......

But if Trump does it, it's gotta be a crime.
no, I'm not announcing a marriage. I'm looking at the people who have bakeshops who really don't want to serve the entire contemporary community. And transposing the legal implications of the recent court rulings that in fact order business that are open to the public to be open to the whole public.

There's some insanely influential dude in Washington today, speaking to a large group of folks many of whom owe him for campaign contributions, trying to blow off the public outrage from the fact that a Trump campaign service provider may have mined Facebook to help target political ads or campaigns more effectively..... you know, exactly what Obama did in 2008 to the highest praise of our media and pundits, who applauded him as a true political genius and the exemplar of a new age in political strategy......

But if Trump does it, it's gotta be a crime.
It's funny how hard it is for people to see the important details that make a difference in these issues.

I thought you were like smart and ****? You can break down the difference even in private and understand some of the important differences... sometimes called "nuance" but I know that's a bad word in some people's opinion. Better to color the world with the fat crayons and give **** all concern for the lines, amiright?