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Best beers for brahs?


Active Member
I'm honestly surprised that this thread has yet to materialize. For those of you who like beer (i.e., the men), ITT tell me what your favorite beer/brewery is. I'll start.

-The Devastator

Great Divide, Denver, CO
-Hibernation Ale pwns

Victory PA?

Troegs PA

The economy vote goes to:
Sierra Nevada
-Pale Ale


Imperial Brown Ale

Sending love,
Jose Ortiz fan

Question, do you pronounce it pale ale as in pail ail, or pell ell?
Linenkugel sunset wheat
I do not like ales:/. Hate Guiness. I am typical European who likes lagers. Give me Tuborg Gold or Pilsner Urquel any day.
I do not like ales:/. Hate Guiness. I am typical European who likes lagers. Give me Tuborg Gold or Pilsner Urquel any day.

Here's essentially how I read your post.

"I do not like meat :/. Hate tacos. I am typical European who likes chicken. Give me nuggets or fried eggs any day."
This has been one I've enjoyed lately.

And of course...


Worker Bee Bitter (TM)
4.2% ABV
English Ordinary Bitter
1st place English Pale Ale -- Beehive Brew Off 2014
I def should have taken pics but tomorrow (today) I'm making my second batch of UGLI Baby IPA. First batch was bar none the best IPA I've ever made. It's an Imperial IPA clocking in at 9.3%abv and using over 1lb of hops for a 10g batch. I wouldn't call it a Squatters Hop Rising clone, but I brewed it to be in that ballpark and the end result was very surprising. I taste tested it against Hop Rising and Uintah Detour Double IPA and it was, imvho, very similar to Hop Rising.
Let's talk about the next batch. I'd like to have some Worker Bee glasses made.

I've only made one batch of Worker Bee Bitter but I've had a label image (wish I had any sort of artistic ability) in my head for years.

I'll do my best to set it up.

Grumpy looking bee wearing a hard hat and orange vest sitting at a dark wooden bar, gripping his black lunch pail in one hand and a frothy pint of beer in the other. Back label is the same except glass is empty and bee is smiling.
Which beer is the one that's won multi years?


Story time...

So just like in 2013 I hadn't brewed in several months leading up to the deadline for the Beehive Brew-Off. I felt the obligation to defend my title so I dusted off the brew gear and got to work. But I didn't want to risk brewing a batch of YES until I had shaken the rust off a bit, so I brewed a batch of Worker Bee. I had planned to follow up pretty quickly with a batch of YES (Young's Extra Special) and then a batch of Brigham's Best. The English Style Pale ale has three subcategories; Ordinary Bitter, Best Bitter and Extra Special Bitter. You can enter a category multiple times but only once per subcategory. Everything went fine with the batch of Worker Bee. Then my sister came into town for a visit and I put off brewing the YES for a week. Then I put it off for another week. Then I finally brewed it with the absolute minimum amount of time I would need to have it ready by the deadline. Brew day starts off fantastic. Beautiful day. Blue sky. Everything is awesome. As soon as I drain the sweet wort into the boil kettle and get up to a boil it starts to drizzle. No biggie, really. But a few minutes later and it's raining. A few minutes later and it's a ****ing monsoon. I did my best but the volume (and therefore overall balance) of the beer is tied to an expected amount of boil off, which I didn't get. That's fine, I can live with a little extra volume and slightly lower abv and bitterness. I followed my normal and trusted fermentation schedule. I keg the beer in time to get it carbonated and bottled, but when I check the gravity it is very high. Expected something around 1.014 but got 1.021. 1.021 is the type of gravity you'd want on a 12%abv Russian Imperial Stout. 1.014 is a highish final gravity for an extra special bitter, but it was supposed to come out to 6.7%abv and I felt like it would be great. At 1.021 it was MUCH sweeter than I had planned and the abv was 5.5% instead of 6.7%. I seriously considered not even entering it as it was very far off from what I wanted and what I felt would be an award winning beer.

That said, it did very well. The Worker Bee got an overall score of 42 out of 50 and the YES got a 41 out of 50. If I was scoring it myself I would have had a hard time giving the YES a 30. I think had I hit my numbers it would have been the winner.
Sorry for jacking your thread Jose.

More pics of good beer.
