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Boozer stands up for Utah

As for comparing this to gays, that doesn't fly because, frankly, it's still sociably acceptable to make fun of ***** folk.
I'm a non practicing Jew, and i'm a homosexual, for the record. Usually those two, if stereotyped like this jerkwad did to LDS, will garner outrage (not from me though, i take everything with a grain of salt, like when Tim Hardaway made his comments). Still, making fun of Mormons should be held to the same standard as making fun of Jews, Homosexuals, Catholics, or any race/religion/sexual orientation, even if the amount (in numbers) of the said group isn't that high. Rosenberg is a piece of trash and has a history of that...the guy was kicked off of WFAN for many reasons, including, when talking about a female athlete who was diagnosed with cancer " She's not gonna be so hot now with a shaved head and one breast".
yup, this takes the cake as far as thread hijacks are concerned!

Yeah, I hijacked the thread cause I have a problem with what the DJ said. Bien hecho! It's pretty relevant cause a) I'm LDS and b) I'm from Utah and c) he's obviously taking shots about both my religion and where I'm from. I can't have a problem with that? The double standard in being politically correct sometimes is beyond fail.
How can someone even compare something you are born as and cannot get away from if they wanted to (homosexuality, race, gender) with a clear-cut choice (religion, religion, religion)?

Anyway, this thread has officially become retarded (there's one of the former).
Also, getting back to the point, is there ANYTHING that Boozer can do or say (that isn't unreasonable or wholly silly) that will illicit any response other than disgust or pure contempt from most of you?
How can someone even compare something you are born as and cannot get away from if they wanted to (homosexuality, race, gender) with a clear-cut choice (religion, religion, religion)?

Anyway, this thread has officially become retarded (there's one of the former).

Your reading comprehension needs some work.
Religion is 100% choice. I was raised by a Baptist family and here I am as an adult, having freed myself from any sort of religious branding. Upbringing might make it hard to abandon your faith, but it's certainly not a biological impossibility. You can't be biologically religious. It's not like Christians are attracted to Jesus against their will.

I think there is a difference between the innate, at least partially biological expression of sexual orientation, and the possibly less innate expression of religious tendency. I do think that religious peole are to a degree innately religious, although not innately a member of any particular religion.

However, only the most cavalier or cynical would choose a religion like you choose a message board or a shirt color. I've held a variety of different religious beliefs in my life, but at every turn I was not shoosing a religion, I was following what I thought was the best evidence at the time. I did not choose a religion any more than I chose to accept that primates are mammals.
Time to chop this thread up and move it to general

Agreed. This is a major hijacking of the original post. I'm of the LDS faith, and people just need to ignore what a random DJ said who doesn't have any knowledge of the religion.
Good for Booze though. Not that he stuck up for the state, but that he's begining to learn what and what not to say in public. It shows he's matured a little.
Agreed. This is a major hijacking of the original post. I'm of the LDS faith, and people just need to ignore what a random DJ said who doesn't have any knowledge of the religion.

I couldn't disagree more. Why should some ignorant beep be ignored? People didn't ignore Don Imus, Tim Hardway, and Mel Gibson. Why should we for this clown?
I couldn't disagree more. Why should some ignorant beep be ignored? People didn't ignore Don Imus, Tim Hardway, and Mel Gibson. Why should we for this clown?

Tim Hardaway quote - "You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known," Hardaway said. "I don't like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States."

Do Imus Quote -That's some nappy-headed hos. I'm gonna tell you that now, man, that's some—whew

Mel Gibson quote- F*****g Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.

Radio DJ - Those Mormons are crazy..

How could you campare what the first group of idiots said to the DJ? Crazy, you are getting worked up about being called crazy???
The point is, the guy is stereotyping a religion and trying to make it look bad and the state, and get Boozer to as well. Do you disagree that the guy's intentions or words were in no way offensive or malicious? Yeah, I used extreme examples that were maybe a bit much.
You can't compare sexual orientation to a conscious choice like religion.

So where do you fall on teasing fat people? Some are born to be fat while others choose to be so. How about people with skin cancer? After all, it was a choice not to wear sunblock and be out in the sun too long. How about women that dress scantily and get raped. Can we make fun of them? They should have covered up.
The point is, the guy is stereotyping a religion and trying to make it look bad and the state, and get Boozer to as well. Do you disagree that the guy's intentions or words were in no way offensive or malicious? Yeah, I used extreme examples that were maybe a bit much.

Have you ever considered the possibility that he says these types of things because of PMS-ing people like you? He's trying to get a reaction, and thanks to you, he's getting it (and he doesn't even know it). Way to play into it Archie Puppet.
Have you ever considered the possibility that he says these types of things because of PMS-ing people like you? He's trying to get a reaction, and thanks to you, he's getting it (and he doesn't even know it). Way to play into it Archie Puppet.

Therefore, we should condone it. Great logic. Let's go make fun of all religions!
I really don't think you can separate religion and homosexuality. There are people who choose to be gay, Mormon, Jewish, Catholic, etc. And there are some people who believe they have had no choice in the matter. I have friends who are LDS and honestly believe they have no choice in the matter. They have gone off, broken the standards of the Church, and felt like what they were doing was wrong and returned back to those core beliefs, much like a gay person may "try" to be straight but never feels like it is right. Both people are trying to do what they feel is right, and both parties are living ideals and standards that they feel will bring them the most happiness in life. You or I or Rosenberg have no right to mock anyone's core beliefs, whether they are religous, sexual, racial, etc. Those beliefs are what make us, and whether or not you hold the LDS beliefs out as true or completely ridiculous is up to you, but you have no right to mock me for believing them. Just like whether or not I think homosexuality is a trait you are born with or just something you do to get attention gives me any right to mock what you feel is best for you.