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nope that having had Covid delivers a more robust varied and longer lasting immunity. But there are so many variables. Primarily someone's health status being so important to not only the Covid outcome but also to the immune response to a vaccine Zero messaging about these things, just the magic bullet of a vaccine. This is my real gripe that it's a one dimensional solution approach.

The messaging issue is a political failure, not a health failure, our ability as a society to consider things for the most part is shot, most people are frighteningly stupid.
The thing about Covid is it's made you rethink everything about how you feel. This week, I've felt really tired and just unenergetic. No sore throat, headache, fever, anything like that, I just feel like I'm operating at half-speed.

Do I have Covid? Am I just worn down from work? If I do get sick, is it Covid or the normal cold?

I'll be very glad when this peak finally wears off as the drop will probably be swift.
The thing about Covid is it's made you rethink everything about how you feel. This week, I've felt really tired and just unenergetic. No sore throat, headache, fever, anything like that, I just feel like I'm operating at half-speed.

Do I have Covid? Am I just worn down from work? If I do get sick, is it Covid or the normal cold?

I'll be very glad when this peak finally wears off as the drop will probably be swift.
Exactly. I had the flu last week, despite getting the flu shot, and this week it is really lingering, and is causing me to have fever and chills, extreme lethargy and sleepiness, headaches, as well as a nice sinus infection in full bloom. Is it all just the sinus infection and lingering effects of the flu or is it something bigger? I tested twice, once inconclusive and once negative. But my doctor wanted to run an antibody test and do a different swab test to see if there is something that was missed, as the testing does not catch the Omicron variant as effectively as the others.
My 2 yr. old has it now. After a bunch of staff and kids got Covid from her day care site (they were not informing parents) they decided to require a test to come back, which is nearly impossible right now, even to find a home test.

Our daughter tested positive before this requirement, so we were back to quarantining anyway. My daughter had a high fever for a night, but seems ok. She has a type of hypoglycemia, so any sickness where she cuts back on food makes us worry and have to monitor her blood sugar, but so far she seems ok.

So tired of this crap.

And I have always hated people. COVID has just reinforced it, and makes me lean more towards team Thanos.
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My 2 yr. old has it now. After a bunch of staff and kids got Covid from her day care site (they were not informing parents) they decided to require a test to come back, which is nearly impossible right now, even to find a home test.

Our daughter tested positive before this requirement, so we were back to quarantining anyway. My daughter had a high fever for a night, but seems ok. She has a type of hypoglycemia, so any sickness where she cuts back on food makes us worry and have to monitor her blood sugar, but so far she seems ok.

So tired of this crap.

And I have always hated people. COVID has just reinforced it, and makes me lean more towards team Thanos.
At 6:45am this morning, the testing center by my house had over >100 cars in it. I think they open at 7am.

Everyone at work that is sick right now didn't bother getting tested because they don't have time, they just assume they have it.

The silver lining to this unfortunate situation is that if Omicron can help break the back of our larger immunity and put us on a path to it truly being endemic and seasonal, perhaps we can get back to the days before Rudy Gobert ushered in that Covid is here and it's real.
At 6:45am this morning, the testing center by my house had over >100 cars in it. I think they open at 7am.

Everyone at work that is sick right now didn't bother getting tested because they don't have time, they just assume they have it.

The silver lining to this unfortunate situation is that if Omicron can help break the back of our larger immunity and put us on a path to it truly being endemic and seasonal, perhaps we can get back to the days before Rudy Gobert ushered in that Covid is here and it's real.
That is the hope, unless COVID mutates again and this continues. I truly hope it levels out to get to normalcy. Fingers crossed.

Thankfully we had some home tests ordered a while ago, and our daughter's school and daycare both accept home tests now due to the other centers taking 4 days plus to give results. We have to have a test for our 9 year old on days 5 and 10 after exposure to ensure she is still COVID free, so thankfully we have a few tests we received a few weeks ago.
Went to the game last night. To get in you have to show proof of vaccination, either card in hand or an electronic pic of your card. What a joke. 18k people trying to get in the stadium and all they did was take a quick glance. I could have just as easily shown them a pic from the internet of a random vaccination card found on Google.

Once inside the mandatory mask mandate is a joke as well. You can remove your mask if you have drink or food. Apparently it counts if your are just thinking about getting drink or food. At least 25-30% of attendees didn't have a mask on.

There is no way I don't have omicron this morning.
Went to the game last night. To get in you have to show proof of vaccination, either card in hand or an electronic pic of your card. What a joke. 18k people trying to get in the stadium and all they did was take a quick glance. I could have just as easily shown them a pic from the internet of a random vaccination card found on Google.

Once inside the mandatory mask mandate is a joke as well. You can remove your mask if you have drink or food. Apparently it counts if your are just thinking about getting drink or food. At least 25-30% of attendees didn't have a mask on.

There is no way I don't have omicron this morning.
Sounds like our freedoms are still intact. Phew
Thankfully we had some home tests ordered a while ago, and our daughter's school and daycare both accept home tests now due to the other centers taking 4 days plus to give results. We have to have a test for our 9 year old on days 5 and 10 after exposure to ensure she is still COVID free, so thankfully we have a few tests we received a few weeks ago.
That cloth masks are allowed and home tests accepted shows the health authorities are only putting on a show now to placate those terrified by COVID. With Omicron, cloth masks do nothing. Cloth masks somewhat worked at the beginning of the pandemic, and offered a little protection by the time the UK variant became dominant. With delta the protection from cloth masks was measurable but in the low single digits for percentage of efficacy. Omicron goes right through it. That is what happens when a pathogen evolves to become more airborne. The masks stop droplets. They are great for stopping influenza because the flu is passed via droplets. Now even hospital staffs with KN95 masks, full face shields, nitrile gloves, and training to use all PPE correctly are getting Omicron.

The rapid antigen tests like the home tests don’t detect Omicron at all in the first 3 days despite the host being able to infect those around him/her, and after the first 3 days it will only find 2/3rds of Omicron infections. For that to be acceptable shows we don’t actually want to find Omicron infected people fast enough to stop transmission. We just want to look like we’re doing something.
Went to the game last night. To get in you have to show proof of vaccination, either card in hand or an electronic pic of your card. What a joke. 18k people trying to get in the stadium and all they did was take a quick glance. I could have just as easily shown them a pic from the internet of a random vaccination card found on Google.

Once inside the mandatory mask mandate is a joke as well. You can remove your mask if you have drink or food. Apparently it counts if your are just thinking about getting drink or food. At least 25-30% of attendees didn't have a mask on.

There is no way I don't have omicron this morning.
I went to the GS game. There was no mask requirement. Did that change back to what they had last year?
That cloth masks are allowed and home tests accepted shows the health authorities are only putting on a show now to placate those terrified by COVID. With Omicron, cloth masks do nothing. Cloth masks somewhat worked at the beginning of the pandemic, and offered a little protection by the time the UK variant became dominant. With delta the protection from cloth masks was measurable but in the low single digits for percentage of efficacy. Omicron goes right through it. That is what happens when a pathogen evolves to become more airborne. The masks stop droplets. They are great for stopping influenza because the flu is passed via droplets. Now even hospital staffs with KN95 masks, full face shields, nitrile gloves, and training to use all PPE correctly are getting Omicron.
Can you provide even an iota of evidence that omicron does not travel on droplets, just like every other variation, but instead travels droplet-free? I'm guessing no. I'm guessing you read a post by some moron who didn't understand what they read, and didn't bother to find the truth yourself, because the lie is so appealing to you.

From the material I've seen, omicron requires less viral load to create an infection, making airborne (on water droplets) transmission more likely, which increases the need for masks. Of course, you'll latch onto any excuse to downplay masks.

For that to be acceptable shows we don’t actually want to find Omicron infected people fast enough to stop transmission.
Or, it just shows that something is better than nothing.

We just want to look like we’re doing something.
Finding 2/3 of the infections *is* doing something.