I understand there is some kinky **** out there, but why in the hell does a person feel so compelled to have naked pictures taken of themselves unless they're trying to make some money or solidify their celebrity status and get their own reality show? Does one keep these photos in one's wallet like a business card, maybe better called a "busy card", if you know what I mean? It's a lot like when my grandpa died; they found a sexual health book that encouraged one to admire one's naked body in the mirror as a part of appreciating one's own sexual consciousness. We could never quite keep straight faces when thinking of old gramps admiring the flaccid wang of his aspiring virile reflection before him. Perhaps Trey and my gramps have more in common than I would have thought? Another theory might be that the Jazz have gone to some high-tech security card that requires a photo of something that is as unique as a snowflake, or maybe the Jazz have a new sponsor, Oscar Meyer Wieners, and Trey was showing his support. A lot of questions remain.