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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

I think he's showing what a professional government looks like in comparison to the clown show we have for an administration.

Putin is rational. He is less of a geopolitical problem to the United States than the insane Democratic Party or the US Media. Yes he is primarily concerned with Russia's interests. He sees a stable US government that serves American interests as a positive. He is aware of the history of "Marxism" being used to divide the world against itself by fascist oligarchical interests in the West, of the influence which Armand Hammer had during the entire Stalin regime, an influence that continues today in US diplomatic services which do not conform to US citizen representation. The British/American hegemony on the world is not a positive thing overall, and the current media hysteria and the Nato fascist elements seeking to destabilize Russia that have broken the treaties with Russia sought through nuclear disarmament talks are all intrinsically destabilizing to the entire world.

He considers Trump's bellicose threats over North Korea as just as absurd and problematic as our moronic or insane Democrat/Media obsessions.

I am an American, I am concerned with America's interests, not Russia's or China's. What the lefwing conspiracist nutjobs are doing is simply not in our interest. It is an attempt to overthrow US constitutional government and establish a dynasty of fascist powerbrokers.
Putin is rational. He is less of a geopolitical problem to the United States than the insane Democratic Party or the US Media. Yes he is primarily concerned with Russia's interests. He sees a stable US government that serves American interests as a positive. He is aware of the history of "Marxism" being used to divide the world against itself by fascist oligarchical interests in the West, of the influence which Armand Hammer had during the entire Stalin regime, an influence that continues today in US diplomatic services which do not conform to US citizen representation. The British/American hegemony on the world is not a positive thing overall, and the current media hysteria and the Nato fascist elements seeking to destabilize Russia that have broken the treaties with Russia sought through nuclear disarmament talks are all intrinsically destabilizing to the entire world.

He considers Trump's bellicose threats over North Korea as just as absurd and problematic as our moronic or insane Democrat/Media obsessions.

I am an American, I am concerned with America's interests, not Russia's or China's. What the lefwing conspiracist nutjobs are doing is simply not in our interest. It is an attempt to overthrow US constitutional government and establish a dynasty of fascist powerbrokers.

What the law abiding citizens of this Constitutional Republic are trying to do is hold the President of the United States accountable to our laws and standards of governance.

Save your left vs right BS for someone else. It isn't about that. Trump is not following the Constitution in regard to his divestiture of assets, he is not handling classified material according to established standards, he or his subordinates likely had illegal and inappropriate contact with Russian intelligence agents, he is not running a professional administration.

Babe, please stop talking to me. You say the same tired **** that has almost no bearing on the topic at hand. I don't want to have a discussion based on R vs D and even less about Rockefeller or the British hegemony. Yawn, sigh....
I think most people are intelligent. It's the defining characteristic of our species.

But obviously, when evaluating a presidential candidate we want them to have specific intellectual abilities that make them capable of that job. I think Donald Trump is severely lacking in those aspects of intelligence. I also think too many people mistake bravado for intelligence and leadership skills. Trump ranks high on the bravado meter.

You're not disagreeing with anything that I said.

My only reluctance against Trump being able to do his job is experience. However, most complain incessantly about career politicians and how this is somehow a huge problem. Then, on the other hand, they expect experience to lead the way when Trump or Obama or anyone does something legal that they perceive as illegal.

Trump has advisers helping him with this stuff. This Trump Derangement Syndrome Birtherism In-League with Russia conspiracy theory non-sense is almost as obnoxious as the Birthers and the Tea Party.
You're not disagreeing with anything that I said.

My only reluctance against Trump being able to do his job is experience. However, most complain incessantly about career politicians and how this is somehow a huge problem. Then, on the other hand, they expect experience to lead the way when Trump or Obama or anyone does something legal that they perceive as illegal.

Trump has advisers helping him with this stuff. This Trump Derangement Syndrome Birtherism In-League with Russia conspiracy theory non-sense is almost as obnoxious as the Birthers and the Tea Party.

I'm sorry you're annoyed by the completely legitimate concerns about Trump. Hopefully once he's removed from office it will end.
Regarding the he said/he said stalemate argument, while that is a fair observation, would not Congress reasonably ask for what reason Comey would lie in the memo? All FBI agents are told and expected to make contemporaneous notes in investigations. By all accounts, Comey has done so throughout his term as FBI director. It appears almost certain that we will learn shortly if the memo exists, since it appears certain Congressional committees will see the actual memo in question. If Comey's memo says what it is claimed to say, exactly why would Comey sit there writing his memo, while saying, something along the lines "although the President did not request that the agency drop the Flynn investigation, I am going to say that is exactly what he said". Now, why would Comey do that? Why would Comey make that up, or should I put it, why would Comey lie about the conversation?

As of now, we have Comey friends/associates stating that during a private dinner with Trump, Trump asked Comey if he would pledge loyalty to Trump. Trump States as well that he asked Comey if he, Trump, was under investigation. In a claim disputed by Comey friends/associates, Trump claims Comey told him on 3 occasions that he, Trump, was not under investigation. Comey associates are adamant that Comey never said any such thing. And we have Trump warning Comey that he should hope there are no tapes of their conversations. And through his associates, we have Comey replying he hopes there are tapes, and that "that would be perfect". No doubt because Comey knows any tapes will show Comey in a good light. And we should fully expect a supeana for Comey memos will produce much more then just the memo revealed in yesterday's NY Times scoop. Comey made memos after all his conversations with Trump, apparently. Trump, on the other hand, referenced the possible existence of tapes that would back up Trump's assertion then none of these assertions by Comey are true. But, if Trump cannot or will not produce that possible countering evidence in a he said/he said situation, why would Congress conclude that Comey is simply making it up?

Trump asks for loyalty from Comey, and gets only a promise of "honesty".

Trump asks Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn, and obviously, that never happened.

In an interview with Lester Holt, Trump state's the his state of mind when he "decided to just do it"(fire Comey), was that Trump said to himself that "this Russian thing" was all BS by the Democrats upset that they lost the 2016 election. And he has continually suggested the investigation was just so much BS.

Trump fires Comey.

Putting all this together, why is Comey's memos, when all FBI agents are in fact trained and expected to create contemporaneous notes, going to be looked upon as suspect in their truthfulness?

Comey has one hell of a reputation for integrity. Witness his statements in the 2014 60 Minute interview of Comey. Witness his actions in the 2007 hospital bedside conversation with the Attorney General. Are we really going to expect Congress is going to conclude Comey now has no integrity whatsoever, and simply wrote a memo in which he flat out lied?

Yeah again, I trust Comey 100 times more than I do Trump.

I guess my issue is if we're looking at impeachment, you currently have the Republican controlled house (238 to 193), as well as the Senate (52 to 46). So far the Replublicans have remained very loyal to Trump (with a few exceptions). So in order to turn those Republican votes against Trump and to impeach him, I would think you would need more than Comey's hand written notes to turn them.

I mean if there were audio recording or a third party who witnessed it, then it's game over. But the notes themselves, I don't know if that would make the Republicans who currently control the House and the Senate vote against Trump.
Putin is rational. He is less of a geopolitical problem to the United States than the insane Democratic Party or the US Media. Yes he is primarily concerned with Russia's interests. He sees a stable US government that serves American interests as a positive. He is aware of the history of "Marxism" being used to divide the world against itself by fascist oligarchical interests in the West, of the influence which Armand Hammer had during the entire Stalin regime, an influence that continues today in US diplomatic services which do not conform to US citizen representation. The British/American hegemony on the world is not a positive thing overall, and the current media hysteria and the Nato fascist elements seeking to destabilize Russia that have broken the treaties with Russia sought through nuclear disarmament talks are all intrinsically destabilizing to the entire world.

He considers Trump's bellicose threats over North Korea as just as absurd and problematic as our moronic or insane Democrat/Media obsessions.

I am an American, I am concerned with America's interests, not Russia's or China's. What the lefwing conspiracist nutjobs are doing is simply not in our interest. It is an attempt to overthrow US constitutional government and establish a dynasty of fascist powerbrokers.

Holy **** this is the most ridiculous thing I've read today. Putin (former KGB agent mind you) is less of a danger to US interests than dems? The same Putin that has been trying to undermine democracy around the world? The guy who poisons his political enemies? That Putin?

Stop calling yourself a patriotic American, it's clear from this post you are the furthest thing from.
I'm sorry you're annoyed by the completely legitimate concerns about Trump. Hopefully once he's removed from office it will end.

This circumstance reeks of Benghazi syndrome. The media has been preaching impeachment since before he took the oath. [MENTION=970]babe[/MENTION] and [MENTION=146]DutchJazzer[/MENTION], like a broken clock, are right twice a day (or decade). The ******** media is showing just how Fox New they are, flowing in the wind and going where the breeze takes them.
Here are some choice excepts from that piece.

When initially asked to comment on the exchange, Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Ryan, said: “That never happened,” and Matt Sparks, a spokesman for McCarthy, said: “The idea that McCarthy would assert this is absurd and false.”

After being told that The Post would cite a recording of the exchange, Buck, speaking for the GOP House leadership, said: “This entire year-old exchange was clearly an attempt at humor.

Ryan instructed his Republican lieutenants to keep the conversation private, saying: “No leaks...This is how we know we’re a real family here.”

Sent from my SM-G935V using JazzFanz mobile app
Holy **** this is the most ridiculous thing I've read today. Putin (former KGB agent mind you) is less of a danger to US interests than dems? The same Putin that has been trying to undermine democracy around the world? The guy who poisons his political enemies? That Putin?

Stop calling yourself a patriotic American, it's clear from this post you are the furthest thing from.

The correct definition of "American" has to do with the general principles of the American Revolution, including the language and ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

today's Dem party is since Bill and Hillary Clinton through Obama, led by actual Marxist ideologues who believe and are committed to none of the "American" concepts. A lot of intellectual doggerel about progress and world government has served as a sort of "ideal" for the future. Used to be, people I sincerely respected could be Democrats. They talked about keeping ordinary peoples' interests in the foreground of considerations. They were honest, law-abiding.

However, as the leadership of the American political parties has veered Left, some formerly outright communist governments have been dropping the very same rhetoric Hillary and Obama and Bernie have been taking up. This rhetoric is what marks them as "UnAmerican" in reference to principles of our former Constitutional Republic.

A lot of people have been influenced by poor historical education, poor political discourse, and the huge propagandization effort that has been laid out by our mainstream media and government-influence education. We have a huge problem with our federal agencies becoming cushy roosts for political activists/ideologues.

Comey has politicized the FBI. He stepped out of his proper job description and usurped the DOJ function in saying stuff about Hillary, and just a few weeks ago the Dems where white-hot to get him fired, too. I don't believe he has any credibility, and I suspect he is the biggest leaker of supposedly classified material on the block. That makes him the criminal. A further point is that if it were as he now says, and he did not go to the DOJ months ago to report the claimed "illegal influence", he was remiss in his duty.

I don't think anyone should be above the law. Hillary has done more to deserve investigation that has come to public view, including felonies that should be prosecuted.

So it just looks to me like our nutjob Media is doing all-out war on the US election process because Trump won.
This circumstance reeks of Benghazi syndrome. The media has been preaching impeachment since before he took the oath. [MENTION=970]babe[/MENTION] and [MENTION=146]DutchJazzer[/MENTION], like a broken clock, are right twice a day (or decade). The ******** media is showing just how Fox New they are, flowing in the wind and going where the breeze takes them.
You're talking about the media. This is an FBI investigation.

Who gives a **** about how biased the media is?

Sent from my SM-J700P using JazzFanz mobile app
That's a whole lot of crazy babe.

Sent from my SM-G935V using JazzFanz mobile app

In the context of a web site where the discussion runs like this one's, thanks for the comment. 99 of 100 people who are Jazz fans might click in here once in a while and just wonder wtf, or sorta wonder how a place like this can claim any connection to "Utah". We have very few actual political moderates. Utah is about70% republican, and I'm a democrat, and Dutch is oh not even an papered American, just more of an American at heart.

I know what Red's beliefs are, and a little of the why. I have tried to encourage him not to just believe whatever is in print. I see him try to make his points in a substantial way. I don't mind talking to him, though we have pretty different views.

There's about half of America that is on the Dump the Chump train. I haven't seen convincing evidence that justifies the hysteria or the determined campaign. Today I heard one Democrat commenting on how it is rubbing Americans generally the wrong way and damaging the Democratic Party. He's from a state that went "Red" for Trump. I'm sure he hears from a lot of Republicans.

It is damaging to the two-party system if either Party goes nutjob conspiracy wacko. Well, I try to explore the wacko and see what is driving the thinking, and I'm sure I could actually lay out a pretty fair scenario for both cases which would be informative to the political neutral/disinterested types who have jobs and kids and hardly time for the news.

When Hillary talks about the "vast Right-wing Conspiracy" I'm sure it just reduces to the simple fact that a lot of people just won't vote for her. They voted for Trump instead.

The more this hype goes off scale in proportion to actual facts, the fewer people will vote for those who are pushing it.
Holy **** this is the most ridiculous thing I've read today. Putin (former KGB agent mind you) is less of a danger to US interests than dems? The same Putin that has been trying to undermine democracy around the world? The guy who poisons his political enemies? That Putin?

Stop calling yourself a patriotic American, it's clear from this post you are the furthest thing from.
It's babe. Par for the course.
Yeah again, I trust Comey 100 times more than I do Trump.

I guess my issue is if we're looking at impeachment, you currently have the Republican controlled house (238 to 193), as well as the Senate (52 to 46). So far the Replublicans have remained very loyal to Trump (with a few exceptions). So in order to turn those Republican votes against Trump and to impeach him, I would think you would need more than Comey's hand written notes to turn them.

I mean if there were audio recording or a third party who witnessed it, then it's game over. But the notes themselves, I don't know if that would make the Republicans who currently control the House and the Senate vote against Trump.

if you believe in notes. i got some notes from god himself, that says you should pay me 500 bucks a month.
sorry no audio recording
Holy **** this is the most ridiculous thing I've read today. Putin (former KGB agent mind you) is less of a danger to US interests than dems? The same Putin that has been trying to undermine democracy around the world? The guy who poisons his political enemies? That Putin?

Stop calling yourself a patriotic American, it's clear from this post you are the furthest thing from.

ofcourse we are right!

i mean le pen lost, to a rich white man. do you see anywone from the right screaming patriarchy or misogny sexism etc?

the fact that people used those buzzwords for clinton, and it did not work. they went to the next buzzword.
racist, bigot, homophobe, mysoginy, nazi, fascist none of those word works anymore. so they found a new word to use. Russia/RUSSIANS!


they have not learned a single thing!

the democrats and msm have gone of the rail. Russia is the buzzword.
I Utah is about70% republican, and I'm a democrat, and Dutch is oh not even an papered American, just more of an American at heart.

america is based on libertarian ideals.
life liberty pursuit of happyness! so thats why every libertarian is an american at heart.
i have seen enough left wing ideologies around the world, some run fine for now. but sooner or later they all collapse or go maniacal like italy,china,russia and Nationalsozialismus-Germany

the constitution is based on LIBERTY!
so as a libertarian the constitution of the usa closest represent my ideals
I know what Red's beliefs are, and a little of the why. I have tried to encourage him not to just believe whatever is in print. I see him try to make his points in a substantial way. I don't mind talking to him, though we have pretty different views.

It might, or maybe not, surprise you to learn that I still lean, at this point, toward believing "this Russian thing", as Trump like to call it, may never reach as high as Trump himself. I've long felt that Manafort and Flynn(both now under intense examination by the FBI, and I have long said follow the money where Manafort is concerned), as well as Carter Page, all had close connections with the Kremlin, and Trump did not have to necesserily have to be involved in any of that. And with his well known short attention span( NATO allies are being asked to make their talks brief next week for just this reason, Trump cannot follow complex points), I'm certainly not convinced he could have actually hatched a complex collusion plan with Putin. The Special Council may end up being the best thing that could happen for Trump. Time will tell.

As to what I read, I do believe the Washington Post and New York Times are generating excellent investigative journalism. And while I enjoy talking with you, I do honestly believe you are detached from reality in your interpretations of Trump.

BTW, the Flynn thing just keeps getting more bizarre. Thanks to great investigative journalism, we now know he told Trump's White House Council that he was under FBI investigation over his work with Turkey, and yet, Trump still made him National Security Advisor, and only fired him after the press leaked stuff about Flynn. I would like to know why that lapse of judgement occurred...
