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Donald is about to go through some things...

I just want to go on record that I hope SIdney Powell spends the rest of her dumb *** life in Prison. Gross person.
Can't believe I'm saying this but I dislike her more than I dislike trump.
I also might dislike Rudy Giuliani and the my pillow guy more than I dislike trump. He sure surrounds himself with all the best people lol

Good ol' trump. Crashes a wedding to give a speech about how he is so picked on.

says: "This is the persecution of the person that is leading by very, very substantial numbers in the Republican primary and leading [Joe] Biden by a lot." Which is a lie. And he should remember that all the polls were showing Hilary was expected to beat trump when he was chanting lock her up all over the place.

also: Trump was said to be "sour" following his arraignment hearing, with one source saying he had been "irked" by the magistrate judge referring to him simply as Mr Trump, rather than Mr President. How dare a judge call him Mr Trump. He should be called Mr President despite not being the president, in trumps fantasy world. Everything is a slight against him. He is always the victim.

More of him being a victim: "Considering the fact that I had to fly to a filthy, dirty, falling apart & very unsafe Washington, DC, today & that I was then arrested by my political opponent, who is losing badly to me in the polls, crooked Joe Biden, it was a very good day!" (also, biden didn't arrest him lol. Would he have preferred to drive? Im sure he felt very unsafe with his securitey all around him. Bet he got super dirty too riding around in his limo and flying on his private jet. Poor fella.)

It was Trump who forced the country over this dangerous threshold. A man whose life’s creed is to never be seen as a loser refused to accept defeat in a democratic election in 2020, then set off on a disastrous course because, as Smith’s indictment put it, “he was determined to stay in power.”

“I think this is sad and, unfortunately, this is a situation that could have been avoided. Trump forced this on the Department of Justice,” said Ty Cobb, a former White House lawyer for the ex-president.

Speaking to CNN’s Erin Burnett, Cobb referenced Luttig’s comments, saying that “the star that America has been for the rest of the world for the past 250 years has been dimmed greatly by Trump.” But he added: “It is a little brighter tonight because we have shown that as a country we are going to stand up for the Constitution. … This could be an inflection point – I hope it is.”

CNN legal analyst Elliot Williams took a more downbeat view of the nation’s capacity to defend its democratic heritage than Cobb.

“January 6 was a sign that we do tolerate unconstitutional behavior based on the fact that number one, there are millions of Americans who believe that Donald Trump did nothing wrong, and that number two, January 6 was a tourist event and so on.”

“The rule of law and this idea that we submit to courts only works if people, starting with former presidents and their supporters, believe that we are subordinate to it in some way. And that is not a prevailing view among many, many Americans.”

A new CNN poll released Thursday showed just how questionable support for the constitutional system has become, even as it affords Trump the right to a robust defense and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in all his cases. Some 69% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said Biden’s win in 2020 was not legitimate, up from 63% earlier this year and last fall, even with no evidence that the election was swayed by fraud.

This finding is explained by a comment by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Thursday, which also underscores how Trump’s influence causes a perpetual cycle of political mistrust.

The California Republican compared Trump’s behavior to the complaints by supporters of past Democratic presidential nominees Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, who complained of electoral irregularities.

“Were any of them prosecuted? Were any of them put in jail? Were any of them held with no response to be able to get out? The answer is no,” McCarthy said.

His comparison is not apt since although Gore challenged his narrow defeat through the courts, he gracefully conceded when the Supreme Court effectively handed the election to Bush. A few Democrats objected to certifying Trump’s election in Congress is 2016, but Clinton did not challenge it in the courts. And Smith’s case is centered in the fact that when all of Trump’s legitimate legal challenges to the 2020 election were thrown out, he then embarked on new and allegedly illegal efforts to stay in power anyway.

Republicans also claim that the indictments against Trump are merely an attempt to deflect from their accusations that Biden and his son Hunter illegally enriched their family through the younger Biden’s business links with China and Ukraine. Republicans have every right to investigate Biden and his family and to take action if they find corruption, although they have yet to provide any proof of wrongdoing by the president.

But their blind spot on Trump’s far worse, Constitution-threatening conduct shows just how far he has changed their party.
lol. All the best people

Lauro had told Fox News host Laura Ingraham earlier in the evening that, leading up to Jan. 6, Trump voiced his approval for Pence to send the election back to the states rather than have the Electoral College vote be certified.

“What President Trump said is, ‘Let’s go with option D,'” Lauro said on The Ingraham Angle. “Let’s just halt, let’s just pause the voting and allow the state legislatures to take one last look and make a determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly. That’s constitutional law. That’s not an issue of criminal activity.”

Lauro said basically the same thing on Newsmax a bit later.

MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell was surprised at the revelation.

“That is a Trump criminal defense lawyer quoting Donald Trump committing a crime,” he said. “Donald Trump’s criminal defense lawyer tonight added information to Jack Smith’s 42-page description of Donald Trump’s crimes. The conversation that John Lauro just described appears on page 34 of the indictment against his client.”

Rudy Giuliani Goes Personal on Mike Pence After ‘Crackpot Lawyer’ Jab

The indictment alleges there that during a Jan. 4 meeting, “The Defendant and Co-Conspirator 2 then asked the Vice President to either unilaterally reject the legitimate electors from the seven targeted states, or send the question of which slate was legitimate to the targeted states’ legislatures.”

Additionally, the indictment states that on the evening of Jan. 6, that same co-conspirator emailed Pence’s counsel suggesting that the vice president violate the Electoral Count Act. “I implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation [of the ECA] and adjourn for 10 days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations, as well as to allow a full forensic audit of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here,” wrote the person, who is believed to be lawyer John Eastman.

MSNBC contributor and former Department of Justice lawyer Andrew Weissman considered Lauro’s statements to be “an admission,” as he wrote in a tweet.

“So, I don’t know why a defense lawyer is going to start giving facts about a critical moment,” he said on air, prompting O’Donnell to exclaim: “It’s the whole case!”

Weissman added: “It is such a damning thing when you put it in context because remember what the indictment alleges…[that] the reason this had to be done with the vice president is because prior to that, all the efforts that Donald Trump took with respect to the secretaries of state did not work.”

“I just don’t know why John, who is a good lawyer, didn’t just zip it and not say anything,” he continued.

“They don’t teach TV in law school,” O’Donnell quipped.

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, also an MSNBC contributor, was stunned as well, saying bluntly, “It makes no sense.”

Article 2, Section 1 and the 12th Amendment are pretty clear: "...the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;..." "Shall" means he can't refuse to do it or send anything back to the states.

Even trumps lawyers are part of the deep state apparently
What’s the over/under Trump breaks the judge’s orders very publicly in the next 24 hrs?
WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a routine part of a federal court hearing: The defendant was told not to discuss the case with any witnesses without lawyers present.
lol. All the best people

Lauro had told Fox News host Laura Ingraham earlier in the evening that, leading up to Jan. 6, Trump voiced his approval for Pence to send the election back to the states rather than have the Electoral College vote be certified.

“What President Trump said is, ‘Let’s go with option D,'” Lauro said on The Ingraham Angle. “Let’s just halt, let’s just pause the voting and allow the state legislatures to take one last look and make a determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly. That’s constitutional law. That’s not an issue of criminal activity.”

Lauro said basically the same thing on Newsmax a bit later.

MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell was surprised at the revelation.

“That is a Trump criminal defense lawyer quoting Donald Trump committing a crime,” he said. “Donald Trump’s criminal defense lawyer tonight added information to Jack Smith’s 42-page description of Donald Trump’s crimes. The conversation that John Lauro just described appears on page 34 of the indictment against his client.”

Rudy Giuliani Goes Personal on Mike Pence After ‘Crackpot Lawyer’ Jab

The indictment alleges there that during a Jan. 4 meeting, “The Defendant and Co-Conspirator 2 then asked the Vice President to either unilaterally reject the legitimate electors from the seven targeted states, or send the question of which slate was legitimate to the targeted states’ legislatures.”

Additionally, the indictment states that on the evening of Jan. 6, that same co-conspirator emailed Pence’s counsel suggesting that the vice president violate the Electoral Count Act. “I implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation [of the ECA] and adjourn for 10 days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations, as well as to allow a full forensic audit of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here,” wrote the person, who is believed to be lawyer John Eastman.

MSNBC contributor and former Department of Justice lawyer Andrew Weissman considered Lauro’s statements to be “an admission,” as he wrote in a tweet.

“So, I don’t know why a defense lawyer is going to start giving facts about a critical moment,” he said on air, prompting O’Donnell to exclaim: “It’s the whole case!”

Weissman added: “It is such a damning thing when you put it in context because remember what the indictment alleges…[that] the reason this had to be done with the vice president is because prior to that, all the efforts that Donald Trump took with respect to the secretaries of state did not work.”

“I just don’t know why John, who is a good lawyer, didn’t just zip it and not say anything,” he continued.

“They don’t teach TV in law school,” O’Donnell quipped.

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, also an MSNBC contributor, was stunned as well, saying bluntly, “It makes no sense.”

Article 2, Section 1 and the 12th Amendment are pretty clear: "...the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;..." "Shall" means he can't refuse to do it or send anything back to the states.

Even trumps lawyers are part of the deep state apparently
Wow. Incompetence just got a new definition to add to the dictionary, and it can just be a picture of Trump and his "defense" team. They are right behind the lawyer for Alex Jones sending incriminating documents straight to the opposing attorney. Just ****ing hilarious how these people are just melting down. Unbelievable.

Meh. The whole thing is a show trial. Here is the script:

The judge will deny any effort from the defense to conduct reasonable discovery so the show can happen as scheduled. Trump will be found guilty. Biden will pardon Trump saying it is time for the nation to heal. All of this will happen before the election. Biden will then be elected President for 4 more years.

The DOJ and judge are nothing but props in the DNC's 2024 campaign. And it absolutely will work.

Here is the real question: If Trump is convicted and then pardoned, will that be enough for you to consider it justice?
Here is the real question: If Trump is convicted and then pardoned, will that be enough for you to consider it justice?
Don’t know how you decided that was “the real question”, lol. It doesn’t concern you. It’s none of your business…..
Its funny because the trumpers like to say this is all simply biden attacking his political opponent to try to get re elected and that is a bad thing. Meanwhile I never actually hear Biden being involved in any of this.

Then you have trump back in 2015/16 saying how Hilary is a criminal and how he is going to put her in jail. Then you have trump on a phone call with the president of ukraine telling him he has to investigate Biden or else his country wont get funds that were already approved by congress. Trumpers have no problem with either of those things though.