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Donald is about to go through some things...

Meh. The whole thing is a show trial. Here is the script:

The judge will deny any effort from the defense to conduct reasonable discovery so the show can happen as scheduled. Trump will be found guilty. Biden will pardon Trump saying it is time for the nation to heal. All of this will happen before the election. Biden will then be elected President for 4 more years.

The DOJ and judge are nothing but props in the DNC's 2024 campaign. And it absolutely will work.

Here is the real question: If Trump is convicted and then pardoned, will that be enough for you to consider it justice?

Biden isn't pardoning Trump.
What’s the over/under Trump breaks the judge’s orders very publicly in the next 24 hrs?


Well, that sure didn’t take long. Lock his *** up. Republicans have been telling me for months that we have a two tiered justice system. So let’s make sure Donald isn’t treated any different from the rest of us and lock his *** up for breaking the judge’s orders.
Biden isn't pardoning Trump.
Nor should he. Trump’s and this authoritarian movement on the right’s actions have consequences. Letting these criminals off will have MAJOR consequences for our democracy going forward. Besides, we are a nation of law and order. The jailing starts when the criming starts.
Good analysis of the criminal indictments.

View: https://youtu.be/SbIhNmoZLJQ

I'll bet the main thing that irks Donald is that they don't refer to him as "President Trump" throughout the indictment.

Emily post says the Judge is right

Formally Addressing the Former President​

When addressing a former President of the United States in a formal setting, the correct form is “Mr. LastName.” (“President LastName” or “Mr. President” are terms reserved for the current head of state.) This is true for other ex-officials, as well. When talking about the person to a third party, on the other hand, it’s appropriate to say, “former President LastName.” This holds for introductions, as well: A current state governor is introduced as “Governor Tom Smith,” while you’d introduce an ex-governor as “former Governor Jim Bell.”
Emily post says the Judge is right

Formally Addressing the Former President​

When addressing a former President of the United States in a formal setting, the correct form is “Mr. LastName.” (“President LastName” or “Mr. President” are terms reserved for the current head of state.) This is true for other ex-officials, as well. When talking about the person to a third party, on the other hand, it’s appropriate to say, “former President LastName.” This holds for introductions, as well: A current state governor is introduced as “Governor Tom Smith,” while you’d introduce an ex-governor as “former Governor Jim Bell.”
Oh the judge is absolutely correct. But it'll still piss Trump off.
Meanwhile I never actually hear Biden being involved in any of this.
You are far from the only one who only sees what they want to see. That information has been widely reported even in left-leaning outlets.

View: https://twitter.com/redsteeze/status/1687052889108496384

That isn't to say that I believe it. As I said earlier, I don't think Joe Biden can manage a set of stairs but the information you say you haven't heard is out there for anyone who cares to listen.
I was actually engaged in this conversation until you started quoting Adam Schiff. He is as crooked as any politician.
Adam Schiff says that the trial should be televised, a poster quoted that "X" and because you believe that he is crooked has ruined this entire thread?

Yeah, the logic checks out. Sounds good.
You are far from the only one who only sees what they want to see. That information has been widely reported even in left-leaning outlets.

View: https://twitter.com/redsteeze/status/1687052889108496384

That isn't to say that I believe it. As I said earlier, I don't think Joe Biden can manage a set of stairs but the information you say you haven't heard is out there for anyone who cares to listen.

I see some typed up hearsay stuff there. I know how you love you some hearsay lol. Any hand written notes from Biden? Any video? Any audio? There is audio of trump pressuring a foreign leader to investigate his political rival by withholding funds. There is tons of audio and video of trump saying he will put his politcal rival in jail and lock her up etc. Another swing and a miss.
Adam Schiff says that the trial should be televised, a poster quoted that "X" and because you believe that he is crooked has ruined this entire thread?

Yeah, the logic checks out. Sounds good.
That is some extreme snowflake stuff to be honest.
I see some typed up hearsay stuff there. I know how you love you some hearsay lol. Any hand written notes from Biden? Any video? Any audio? There is audio of trump pressuring a foreign leader to investigate his political rival by withholding funds. There is tons of audio and video of trump saying he will put his politcal rival in jail and lock her up etc. Another swing and a miss.
Swing and a miss? I never said there was enough to convict Joe Biden in court or even that I believed it myself. What I pointed out was the story you said you never heard was in fact out there, that your ignorance of it was likely willful ignorance. If you "never actually hear Biden being involved in any of this" then that says more about you than it says about the situation.
And millions of bored citizens who view politics as a form of entertainment, like WWE, want to give this lunatic four more years? When will the judge throw his *** into jail?
Frankly, I’m disappointed that Trump didn’t accuse Pence of begging, begging like a dog for the job. Pence? I hardly knew him! Horse face!

He’s losing his touch honestly. Why didn’t he make fun of his wife, accuse Pence’s father of assassinating someone, or make some homophobic joke, calling him Mother Pence or something? I guess he did call him Liddle. Im assuming that’s supposed to reference something crude. But meh, it’s just not like 2016. Lyin Ted, Liddle Marco, Crooked Hillary! Ah those were the days. Prime Trump right there.

That fastball ain’t so fast anymore. Kinda sad really.
Trump, who was charged with 37 federal counts related to classified documents and conspiracy to obstruct justice, said during a November 5, 2016, campaign rally in Reno, Nevada, “We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” The twice-impeached president added, “It would grind government to a halt.”
Trump said it would “create an unprecedented constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government” if Clinton won the elections while under the FBI investigation. He even said, “She has no right to be running.” “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial.”
“We can’t have someone in the Oval Office who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word confidential or classified,” Trump said on November 3, 2016.

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