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Eating enough calories via healthy foods can be challenging. It becomes a tedious task making sure you eat something every 2-3 hours, especially when you aren't hungry. I found that making 3-4 of my "meals" in the form of a shake or drink made this much easier. You can pack a lot of calories into 8 oz of water or milk via protein or weight gain powders.
Just went to the gym to hit some max's to see where I am at.... Not good. Dl was fine and still the same. Bench press was down but only slightly which if fine considering I have gone easy for a couple months and lost some weight/muscle but the squat dropped even more. I could still hit decent numbers but not at the depth needed for competition. Once i go below parallel my strength dropped off big time.

Also my snatch is way down right now. I cant dive under the bar as well since my mobility is lacking but I can get that back. Clean and jerk was fine as always. Although I mostly just did hang power cleans after building up to a single heavy.

My gym should be opening in a month or so and ill get more serious when that happens. Just going through the motions right now at the gym.
Also my snatch is way down right now. Clean and jerk was fine as always. Although I mostly just did hang power cleans after building up to a single heavy.

Somehow I picture One Love saying this and then following up with his pics or gtfo.

Ran my first 5K tonight. Did my best time ever. Still crazy slow, but faster for me. Super pumped. I totally need to get new shoes. Feel like I'm going to die, but feel good.
Ahh that addictive level of working out that you would feel guilt if you had not worked out. Just stay healthy. Don't force too much.
Ran my first 5K tonight. Did my best time ever. Still crazy slow, but faster for me. Super pumped. I totally need to get new shoes. Feel like I'm going to die, but feel good.

No matter how much you suck you suck less if you better yourself.
Ran my first 5K tonight. Did my best time ever. Still crazy slow, but faster for me. Super pumped. I totally need to get new shoes. Feel like I'm going to die, but feel good.

Awesome bro. Baby steps. The great thing about being soooooo out of shape too is that there is sooooooo much room for improvement so you may not plateau that quickly.

What was your time? Sub 35:00?
Awesome bro. Baby steps. The great thing about being soooooo out of shape too is that there is sooooooo much room for improvement so you may not plateau that quickly.

What was your time? Sub 35:00?

I ended up doing 30:58. Came in next to last ha ha. BUT, it was my best time to date so I was super pumped. I've hated running so far but that was fun. I think I liked the competition and now I'm pumped to try to do better.

BUT my feet hurt. It's time to trade in the old beat up pieces of **** I'm running on. Monday I'm headed into the running shop to do this right.
I ended up doing 30:58. Came in next to last ha ha. BUT, it was my best time to date so I was super pumped. I've hated running so far but that was fun. I think I liked the competition and now I'm pumped to try to do better.

BUT my feet hurt. It's time to trade in the old beat up pieces of **** I'm running on. Monday I'm headed into the running shop to do this right.

LMAO yeah dude the right running shoe is extremely important.
Any swimmers?

I've recently picked it up for a combo of cardio, core strength and overall lean body strength. I was initially surprised by how long I can actually swim. My current goal is 2000 in a short pool in 40 minutes by the end of the summer. After seeing how that goes I might shoot for Ironman distance (2.4 miles). I've been swimming through cramping in both feet for at least the last 500 so I'm not sure I can work up to that.

I've been sleeping like a baby at night now. It wears me out.
Any swimmers?

I've recently picked it up for a combo of cardio, core strength and overall lean body strength. I was initially surprised by how long I can actually swim. My current goal is 2000 in a short pool in 40 minutes by the end of the summer. After seeing how that goes I might shoot for Ironman distance (2.4 miles). I've been swimming through cramping in both feet for at least the last 500 so I'm not sure I can work up to that.

I've been sleeping like a baby at night now. It wears me out.

I'd love to swim. With the kids, I don't know if it's worth the time right now. I can slap on shoes and go run for 30 mins around the block and be ok with leaving the kids at home. I lift in my house.

Someday I'll swim.

I bought shoes today. Will try them out tonight.
I'd love to swim. With the kids, I don't know if it's worth the time right now. I can slap on shoes and go run for 30 mins around the block and be ok with leaving the kids at home. I lift in my house.

Someday I'll swim.

I bought shoes today. Will try them out tonight.

It's definitely time consuming but I cannot stand running. It's so mind numbingly boring.
It is SOOOOO boring. But, it's fast and easy.

Plus, it's 30 mins a day I get alone with my wife.
Any swimmers?

I've recently picked it up for a combo of cardio, core strength and overall lean body strength. I was initially surprised by how long I can actually swim. My current goal is 2000 in a short pool in 40 minutes by the end of the summer. After seeing how that goes I might shoot for Ironman distance (2.4 miles). I've been swimming through cramping in both feet for at least the last 500 so I'm not sure I can work up to that.

I've been sleeping like a baby at night now. It wears me out.
I go through spurts of swimming religiously. My usual distance was 2000 yards. I could usually do it under 40 minutes. When I was feeling good, I'd go a mile and a half. The longest I ever went was 2 miles. I don't remember what my time on that was, but I was exhausted by the time I got done.

I've found that if I get cramps in my calves or feet, I would go several laps without kicking (using just my arms) while flexing my toes up to alleviate cramps.
So my company recently moved into a new building. Part of the new building structure is a nice gym available from 5am - 11pm for all employees. It's not a bad setup. Kind of cool to be able to go down and lift for a few moments if I'm feeling frustrated with work, or go and lift while waiting for rush hour traffic to abate.
So my company recently moved into a new building. Part of the new building structure is a nice gym available from 5am - 11pm for all employees. It's not a bad setup. Kind of cool to be able to go down and lift for a few moments if I'm feeling frustrated with work, or go and lift while waiting for rush hour traffic to abate.

Or just to walk into the communal shower and watch the guys lather up, amirate?