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Exum Injured

Rudy getting injured would be like Micky getting shot in the face and the park set on fire to destroy the evidence.

If Rudy is Mickey Mouse, then the rest of the league is the Jonas Brothers.


Ya I watched that one game. He was more aggressive and got some favorable calls in that game (high draft picks often get superstar treatment in summer league.....Especially 2nd year guys that were high picks) and I liked what I saw.

He looked good in that game..... Look bad in almost all games last year..... Looked bad for team Australia this summer.

Until he shows me that he is a good player for more than one game, I will continue to think he isn't based on what my eyeballs saw in all his games overall.

But that isn't really my argument with you
You have said that making the playoffs next year would bore you. Since you seem to think dante is so good then you should be even more excited if the jazz make the playoffs without the great dante exum to carry us there.

you're confusing me with Magic ... i'm certainly not going to be bored by us making the playoffs. I do want Rudy to play some point though.
Rules 4 Summer League

1) Don't panic if a rookie has a bad showing. He's a rookie he needs to adjust.

2) Don't get too excited when a second year guy dominates. It's summer league and this dude has NBA experience. He should play well even if he's not that good.

You simply can't predict a good season based on a good summer league showing. Especially one game.

The point is he was trying things he didn't even attempt for the whole year last season. And succeeding in pretty freaking decent fashion against a legit NBA quality defender. Even if he added a little of that every night on top of what he did last year he would've been a real plus for the team. Having said that the team is going to be absolutely fine without him, but it's going to be a bunch easier for other top flight point guards to corrupt our defense this season.
...so we lost virtually nothing! We move on with the guys we have...and just hope we can get that 8th spot....and keep the Lakers and Kobe out of the playoffs for the 3rd straight year!

Love your 'Hate Lakers' attitude...

but, by your statement, you agree with siro? Hope this is sarcasm, but that's often hard to 'hear' on a post... If not, I 100% disagree. It's not about making it into the 8th, or even 7th spot in a very crowded Western Conference, only to be eliminated 1st round... it's all about 'baking the cake' and development of the team.

With PG position already being the weakest link, and with the expectation it would take 1 to 2 years to pull it all together... that is gone with this injury. Delayed a year, minimum. And even then, will be some time before we know what we have, if we keep the same ingredients... way to many baking analogies... screw that, we're not getting anywhere near the icing.

The rest of the team is ready this year to do some serious damage, and now we're staffed with an undersized D-Leaguer (whom I love), a mystery Brazilian (whom my wife loves, looks and accent, but she buys a car based on color... yes, ♪alt13, that is sexist), and a mediocre backup PG, who is only loved by D'Joumbarey A. Moreau...
I think that getting into the playoffs with one of the youngest teams in the league with a 2nd year coach in a super tough western conference is something to get excited about.

Also I have news for ya.... If Exum didn't get hurt we would be about the same good this year. Which is in your mind a middling team. (Though I think an 8 seed In the west is a top 10 or 11 team in the league..... Which is better than middling. Especially considering the average age of this team)

We will just disagree on this apparently though I think you are crazy if you can't get excited about this team getting into the playoffs without dante

Once again, you seem to be assuming that Dante is the exact same player as last year. Even if he was, we'd still be worse defensively without him. Offensively, on nights when trey goes 2-14 or 2-20, we are also worse offensively than any night with Dante. On the nights when Trey is hitting his shots, we might win in the short term, but I'm not convinced it's all that great for team development, as I don't see Trey's game fitting in with what we want to do with ball movement and a team game. Maybe Snyder can get him under control this year and get him to limit his shots and improve his shot selection, but if it's the same old ****, I definitely don't believe for a second that we're just as good without Exum. I think we'll still have a chance to fight for an 8th seed, when we could have had a chance to shock people with Exum. Forget about the possibility that Dante could have been significantly better this year offensively, in which case you'd really be selling him short even more than you already are.
I think Exum does run awkwardly (he overstrides IMO) and wonder if that could be a contributor in how his body/muscles/etc have (mis?)developed and possibly led to this injury.

More irresponsible speculation possibly on my part but as a big time sports guy, I just this to possibly be true--his stride is too long and gangly.

Exum has had a knee valgus problem when he jumps and lands. I was hoping that P3 would work with him to strengthen what I would assume was his glutes (but could be a number of things) to correct this problem. He looks very quad dominant which is normal for a kid his age and development but needs to be fixed. He also tends to heal strike when running and lands on his heals way to often. His stride does look like he is reaching a lot which is probably why he heal strikes.
Once again, you seem to be assuming that Dante is the exact same player as last year. Even if he was, we'd still be worse defensively without him. Offensively, on nights when trey goes 2-14 or 2-20, we are also worse offensively than any night with Dante. On the nights when Trey is hitting his shots, we might win in the short term, but I'm not convinced it's all that great for team development, as I don't see Trey's game fitting in with what we want to do with ball movement and a team game. Maybe Snyder can get him under control this year and get him to limit his shots and improve his shot selection, but if it's the same old ****, I definitely don't believe for a second that we're just as good without Exum. I think we'll still have a chance to fight for an 8th seed, when we could have had a chance to shock people with Exum. Forget about the possibility that Dante could have been significantly better this year offensively, in which case you'd really be selling him short even more than you already are.

Gona to hate myself for defending Trey...
agree w/ C_smurf's point... Trey's lack of efficiency hurt team development, and he tried (and failed) to be the scoring option way too much...
but in some ways, that was his role, off the bench... without Burks, without Hood (when injured) and before Ingles started contributing more...
IF Trey starts... expect him to play more of a facilitator/pass first role, and he better focus on his D... despite his size...
IF he starts shooting vs passing to way more efficient shooters (ALL the other starters), slap him down, FAST.
Exum has had a knee valgus problem when he jumps and lands. I was hoping that P3 would work with him to strengthen what I would assume was his glutes (but could be a number of things) to correct this problem. He looks very quad dominant which is normal for a kid his age and development but needs to be fixed. He also tends to heal strike when running and lands on his heals way to often. His stride does look like he is reaching a lot which is probably why he heal strikes.

That's me. No hamstring, just quads, loose knees, 30. Srsly I ****in hate when they pop out and get all stuck. sux

edit: not the valgus thing. I don't know what that is.
Thankfully Exum's game isn't based on elite athleticism. It's based on length and creativity with the ball. Hopefully the knee issue doesn't affect his game too much when he comes back from it. It may hurt his defense a bit but I doubt it'll hurt him to the effect like it has Derrick Rose.

While this sucks, it doesn't totally damper my excitement for this season. It's like going to Disney Land and hearing that the Haunted Mansion is shut down. That sucks and I like the ride very much, but it's not like hearing Space Mountain is closed (that would be hearing that this happened to Gobert...I'm knocking on wood as we speak).

From my perspective, the best attributes that Exum possesses are length combined with quickness. And quickness in particular is very tightly connected with acceleration and deceleration, which both require a high level of knee functionality.
Then guess what cupcake we've got to move on. What the **** do you want to do? Just throw in the towel. Boo hoo! Its all over!

You can only act like a bitch if Gobert goes down. Yes, then its over. Wahhhh!

No need to be a dick head. People are disappointed and upset, and justifiably so.
That's me. No hamstring, just quads, loose knees, 30. Srsly I ****in hate when they pop out and get all stuck. sux

edit: not the valgus thing. I don't know what that is.

Knee valgus is when your knee goes in under any stress or when bending. Its caused by hip adduction and internally rotating. It puts a lot of stress on the ACL joint.

Knee problems suck especially after 30, everything starts to fall apart.
Knee valgus is when your knee goes in under any stress or when bending. Its caused by hip adduction and internally rotating. It puts a lot of stress on the ACL joint.

Knee problems suck especially after 30, everything starts to fall apart.

Yeah mine don't go backwards they pop out sideways. They are still tight enough that it takes a minute to get them back in. It's probably from years of using these.
Once again, you seem to be assuming that Dante is the exact same player as last year. Even if he was, we'd still be worse defensively without him. Offensively, on nights when trey goes 2-14 or 2-20, we are also worse offensively than any night with Dante. On the nights when Trey is hitting his shots, we might win in the short term, but I'm not convinced it's all that great for team development, as I don't see Trey's game fitting in with what we want to do with ball movement and a team game. Maybe Snyder can get him under control this year and get him to limit his shots and improve his shot selection, but if it's the same old ****, I definitely don't believe for a second that we're just as good without Exum. I think we'll still have a chance to fight for an 8th seed, when we could have had a chance to shock people with Exum. Forget about the possibility that Dante could have been significantly better this year offensively, in which case you'd really be selling him short even more than you already are.
Maybe you are forgetting that we upgraded our bench, got Burks back, and will see improvements from Gobert, hood, favors, Hayward, Snyder and more.

We gonna be good this year without dante
Maybe you are forgetting that we upgraded our bench, got Burks back, and will see improvements from Gobert, hood, favors, Hayward, Snyder and more.

We gonna be good this year without dante
I don't think anybody is forgetting that. You (and some others) are saying that it doesn't really matter that Dante is gone and some of us disagree. My expectation was that PG would still be behind this year in development, but it was acceptable because Dante's ceiling was so high. In addition I felt like he would probably be up to speed by year three. Now I don't. I see this as a major problem that needs a solution. The best solution would be for one or two of our three current PGs to elevate their game to a new level, but I think it's more likely DL will eventually have to cash in assets for an upgrade. In my view Dante's injury changes the plan significantly.
I can see where you are coming from, but I disagree. If this takes one year out of Dante, then does that really upset the entire process? I don't think so. What could upset the entire process is to panic and go out and get someone who does not fit long term.

I see the Jazz making the playoffs this year, althought it would be easier with Dante still here. Seems like some wise b-ball people think we can still make it. The following year we are little more competitive, then the next year Dante hits full stride again and we will be at full throttle. A slight positive for this year is that we will get to see who is the 2nd and 3rd pg for this team.