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Following 2016 potential draftees

It makes much more sense for Simmons to spend this semester in the gym than in the classroom.
Did someone force him to attend college?
Yes, the NBA. And the major networks.

It's a stupid rule that forces 18 yr olds to go to college. If you want to work at McDonald's, work in construction, go door-to-door selling solar, you don't have to wait until you're 19. You can start right after HS. But NCAA basketball is TOO big. There is way too much money earned during the course of the season and especially during March Madness. So the NBA, NCAA and the networks have colluded to preserve their cash cow by making star players attend at least ONE year of college. What's the alternative for Simmons? To flip hamburgers or join a Euro team?
Yes, the NBA. And the major networks.

It's a stupid rule that forces 18 yr olds to go to college. If you want to work at McDonald's, work in construction, go door-to-door selling solar, you don't have to wait until you're 19. You can start right after HS. But NCAA basketball is TOO big. There is way too much money earned during the course of the season and especially during March Madness. So the NBA, NCAA and the networks have colluded to preserve their cash cow by making star players attend at least ONE year of college. What's the alternative for Simmons? To flip hamburgers or join a Euro team?

No, he could have gone to Europe, China, D League, Australia has a pro league, etc. If he had no interest in being a student he could have gone these routes. For every person like Ben there are a bunch who would have made the wrong decision by going pro. By the way the NFL is even more strict about it. And of course the NBA players union also agreed with the no high school to NBA route by agreeing to the CBA.
No, he could have gone to Europe, China, D League, Australia has a pro league, etc. If he had no interest in being a student he could have gone these routes. For every person like Ben there are a bunch who would have made the wrong decision by going pro. By the way the NFL is even more strict about it. And of course the NBA players union also agreed with the no high school to NBA route by agreeing to the CBA.

It benefits the NBA for guys to go to a year of college as it helps vet out some of the busts.

It benefits colleges... benefits the NBA... there is only one person it doesn't benefit, which happens to be the person most in need of money.

It's dumb and the 18 year old who would have failed is likely the 19 year old who comes out after a year and still fails.
No, he could have gone to Europe, China, D League, Australia has a pro league, etc. If he had no interest in being a student he could have gone these routes. For every person like Ben there are a bunch who would have made the wrong decision by going pro. By the way the NFL is even more strict about it. And of course the NBA players union also agreed with the no high school to NBA route by agreeing to the CBA.

Yes, but how much exposure does he get in those leagues? Not nearly what he'd get in the US. As a top HS player, you HAVE to play in the NCAA. To do otherwise seriously hurts your draft stock. Unless you're dumb as a rock and can't find a university willing to "help" you with your SAT, then the route to the pros - as a U.S. player - is through college. This is something that should be illegal. And so should the draft, BTW. I know, pro sports has antitrust exemptions. Sports is a big business and should be treated as such. Players, just like employees of any company, should have the freedom to go where they want, make however much a company is willing to pay, sign a contract for however long/short they and the company decide, and enter the workforce when they are 18. And NO community should have to use taxes to pay for arenas. Infrastructure, yes. But the building itself, no.

And that's one thing I commend Larry H. on. He built the Delta Center via a private loan, IINM. That's the model that should be used for every arena and stadium.
You sure about that?
I think we have the '17 pick regardless and the '18 pick with the qualifiers.

Yup. Since teams can't trade first round picks in consecutive years (Stepien Rule), We have to wait 2 years after OKC conveys their first round pick to Philadelphia. Their pick to Philly is protected 1-15, which is why I wanted them to make the playoffs last year. So they will convey a pick in the late 20s this year to Philly, keep their pick in 2017, then owe us a lottery protected pick in 2018, 2019, or 2020. If they're in the lottery in those years, then it turns into 2020 and 2021 second round picks.

From realgm
2018 first round draft pick to Utah
Oklahoma City's 1st round pick to Utah protected for selections 1-14 in 2018 (conveyable if Oklahoma City conveys a 1st round pick to Philadelphia in 2016), 1-14 in 2019 and 1-14 in 2020; if Oklahoma City has not conveyed a 1st round pick to Utah by 2020, then Oklahoma City will instead convey its 2020 2nd round pick and 2021 2nd round pick to Utah [Detroit-Oklahoma City-Utah, 2/19/2015]
The problem with Europe is that these guys there are former conference players of the year as well. They're in their primes and they'll exploit a 18 yo's inexperience most of the time.
If a top prospect was coming over, they'd need to be very familiar with their coach. That coach would have to vouch for the stability of the management situation as well and put a team together that can mask the youth of a super talented 18 yo very good.
In Simmons case, they'd have to play a ton of zone, cuss let's be real Simmons couldn't defend a lot of PFs at his age. And if he defends the bigger wings(Most are 6'5-6'7) who are gifted shooter, he'd have a monster assignment to overcome. Denying that player's shot while not opening driving lanes.
Yup. Since teams can't trade first round picks in consecutive years (Stepien Rule), We have to wait 2 years after OKC conveys their first round pick to Philadelphia. Their pick to Philly is protected 1-15, which is why I wanted them to make the playoffs last year. So they will convey a pick in the late 20s this year to Philly, keep their pick in 2017, then owe us a lottery protected pick in 2018, 2019, or 2020. If they're in the lottery in those years, then it turns into 2020 and 2021 second round picks.

From realgm

The scenarios with the OKC pick are as follows:

1. (best) Durant walks, Westbrook resigns in 2017 and they become a lower seeded playoff team. We get a 2018 1st round pick in the mid to late teens.
2. (ok) Durant resigns, Westbrook resigns, we get a 2018 1st round pick in the mid 20s.
3. (horrible) Durant walks, Westbrook walks, OKC tears it down and begins a multi year tank with General Kanter leading the way. The 1st round pick is never conveyed due to the lottery protection.
No way, that has to be a joke. I guess I really can't think of a standout defensive player in the SEC though.

Not saying he's a standout defender but I thought the big from Vandy (Damien Jones?) was a solid defender in the 10 minutes I saw him last season.
The last person to put up as many points, rebounds and assists as Simmons in a season was Larry Bird as a senior.

He is also the first person to ever be top 5 in points, rebounds and assists in a single season in SEC history since they stated recording assists in 1968. He also has the second most steals in the SEC.

Totally overated.

Ingram over his last 10 games is shooting 33% from 2 on 9 attempts per game and is shooting 35% on 14 attempts in total yet somehow he is rising lol.
The last person to put up as many points, rebounds and assists as Simmons in a season was Larry Bird as a senior.

He is also the first person to ever be top 5 in points, rebounds and assists in a single season in SEC history since they stated recording assists in 1968. He also has the second most steals in the SEC.

Totally overated.

Ingram over his last 10 games is shooting 33% from 2 on 9 attempts per game and is shooting 35% on 14 attempts in total yet somehow he is rising lol.
Yeah I did hop on the Ingram bandwagon for a bit but he kind of cooled down. Still think he is really good, but not convinced he is special anymore.

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