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Gay marriage in Utah put on hold

Just look at all the lawsuits on private business owners for refusing to provide services for LGBT activities.

Under the law, if you operate a public business, you can't refuse to sell a wedding cake to an inter-racial couple or an inter-religious couple. Since these refusals are now vanishingly rare, you never hear about them.

To me, the same principle is at stake. I see no reason why you should allow a baker to refuse to make a cake for an LGBT wedding, but say they have to treat inter-racial couples or inter-religious couples without bias. Of course, you might think that such prejudice is acceptable for all three situations.

to me, if you don't want to serve the public, don't open a public business or advertise to the public.
A gay person reproducing can only be done through heterosexual relations.

Luckily we live in a world where you don't need to go hump as many opposite-sex members as you can in order to reproduce. Hey look, gays have adapted to find a way to reproduce yet maintain their preferred relationships. Evolution at its finest!
Luckily we live in a world where you don't need to go hump as many opposite-sex members as you can in order to reproduce. Hey look, gays have adapted to find a way to reproduce yet maintain their preferred relationships. Evolution at its finest!

You don't make any sense. A gay man cannot produce a child without a female egg.
Lol please tell me how a gay person reproduces without the opposite sex.

This should be fun.

Except that's not what you said. You said, "A gay person reproducing can only be done through heterosexual relations.", which is incorrect. Oh, the miracles of science. A virgin can have a child, an egg can be fertilized in a petri dish, and a woman can have those eggs inserted into her womb. All of that can be done without any type of sexual relations.


So, as long as there is at least one man and one woman on the planet, we're safe. Phew.
You don't make any sense. A gay man cannot produce a child without a female egg.

Gay couples can get a donor, fertilize it themselves (or vice-versa), and produce biological offspring. And luckily because there are willing female donors, they will have that ability. And still be gay. Biological success.
Regardless of how you feel about Beantown, I think I'm standing in good company when I agree with Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, and James E. Faust--to whom traditional marriage was clearly important and clearly different than gay marriage.

Beantown has earned a reputation for making very unserious arguments and, AFAICT, taking them seriously. I have no feelings about Beantown, but if I found myself agreeing with him against certain other posters, based on his posting history I'd take that as a sign that I needed to make sure I had a serious argument. Saying the relationships are "not equal because only heterosexual sex leads to babies" is not a serious argument, and I'm surprised you would defend it. None of that was directly present in the quotes you offered.
Under the law, if you operate a public business, you can't refuse to sell a wedding cake to an inter-racial couple or an inter-religious couple. Since these refusals are now vanishingly rare, you never hear about them.

To me, the same principle is at stake. I see no reason why you should allow a baker to refuse to make a cake for an LGBT wedding, but say they have to treat inter-racial couples or inter-religious couples without bias. Of course, you might think that such prejudice is acceptable for all three situations.

to me, if you don't want to serve the public, don't open a public business or advertise to the public.

This is where I run into issues. Part of me agrees with you, while the other part of me agrees with the signs I see hanging in some people's stores: "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." If it's my store, I'll serve whoever I want or don't want. Imagine if a convicted child rapist came into your store and wanted to buy a bunch of kids toys and candy. I am pretty sure I'd tell him to GTFO.
Biologically yes. If homosexuality is evolutionary trait then it is a "weak" trait.

I don't think you've ever defined what it means to be "biologically better", that would take some serious work you have never shown an inclination to find or do. Nor do I have any reason to think there is a good definition for what a evolutionarily "weak" trait is, but if you have a definition, I'll certainly read it.
I don't think you've ever defined what it means to be "biologically better", that would take some serious work you have never shown an inclination to find or do. Nor do I have any reason to think there is a good definition for what a evolutionarily "weak" trait is, but if you have a definition, I'll certainly read it.

Or why being "evolutionarily weak" is better, or even matters, or even should matter, unless you're just a complete *******.
Lol you are so dumb. Down syndrome by its name is a "syndrome". It's an abnormality. Are you saying that homosexuality is an abnormality and a syndrome?

Down's syndrome is the perfectly normal response to having three copies of chromosome 21. Who are you to say that people are "abnormal" just because they are different?

If homosexuality is a genetic trait that is passed on that is evolutionary weak. Its as weak as it gets. Its a trait that makes that person not pass on the genetic information to other generations.

Actually, via mechanisms like kin selection in a social species, homosexuality would allow individuals to devote resources to close kin, increasing teh chance of survival for those who are closely genetically related. So, by your definition, it is evolutionarily strong.
Actually, via mechanisms like kin selection in a social species, homosexuality would allow individuals to devote resources to close kin, increasing teh chance of survival for those who are closely genetically related. So, by your definition, it is evolutionarily strong.

Could a completely homosexual population survive on its own?
Gay couples can get a donor, fertilize it themselves (or vice-versa), and produce biological offspring. And luckily because there are willing female donors, they will have that ability. And still be gay. Biological success.

Lol all you did is just describe a heterosexual process.
Lol please tell me how a gay person reproduces without the opposite sex.

This should be fun.

"heterosexual relations" <> "the opposite sex". I certainly think of my wife as being more than a receptacle for my genitals.
This is where I run into issues. Part of me agrees with you, while the other part of me agrees with the signs I see hanging in some people's stores: "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." If it's my store, I'll serve whoever I want or don't want. Imagine if a convicted child rapist came into your store and wanted to buy a bunch of kids toys and candy. I am pretty sure I'd tell him to GTFO.

Would you sell him home insurance? Should you be able to refuse to do so?

However, the rights of felons under the law has long been recognized as being restricted. Can you come up with an example that doesn't involve the prospective customer having committed a crime?