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Good Guys With Guns Protecting an Innocent Dumpster


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(CNN)A father and son are facing murder charges after police say they shot and killed a neighbor in Abilene, Texas, over a dispute about a box spring -- an incident the victim's common-law wife caught on camera.

According to police, on September 1, John Miller, 67, and his son Michael Miller, 31, got into a confrontation with their neighbor over a box spring mattress in a shared alleyway.
The argument escalated, and both father and son discharged a handgun and a shotgun, respectively, killing 37-year-old Aaron Howard, police said.
Just watched this. Scum bags. I hope the judge gives them both the hardest sentence possible. To me that’s pre-meditated murder
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So an obvious inbred moron pulls a gun, threatens to kill you, so you...start screaming at the top of your lungs and lunge back and forth in front of them? They deserve the death penalty but good hell the other guy was absolutely stupid about the whole thing.
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So an obvious inbred moron pulls a gun, threatens to kill you, so you...start screaming at the top of your lungs and lunge back and forth in front of them? They deserve the death penalty but good hell the other guy was absolutely stupid about the whole thing.

I've seen the full video on Liveleak, nobody deserves any credit for the way they behaved, naturally its no justification for what happened. An absolutely pointless death and a cowardly murder.
So an obvious inbred moron pulls a gun, threatens to kill you, so you...start screaming at the top of your lungs and lunge back and forth in front of them? They deserve the death penalty but good hell the other guy was absolutely stupid about the whole thing.
yep arent liberals who are anti gun, also pro "science" dont they believe in theory of evolution and survival of the fittest(smartest). seems like just laws of nature/science at work here. nothing to see here folks move along.

meanwhile people in venezuela are still starving and cant gfight off government tyrani. because they took their guns
Thing is im not shocked or disturbed by this, just another day in America isn't it?

I’m not shocked but I’m disturbed by it. I just watched it and felt a little sick to my stomach for some seconds after. Quite frankly, it’s why I didn’t watch it until now. I knew it would bother me.

I may act like a jackass around here but I’m a pacifist at heart. There is no place for such cold-blooded ignorance in a civil, evolved society.

That said, Scat’s right. The victim is foolish for approaching and without knowing much about it, I have to wonder if he or the perps were under the influence. The amount of dumb **** I’ve done when drunk is ridiculous. Tops probably was at an XC party in college when I had 14 beers in an hour and a half or so. I puked after 11, immediately kept drinking, talked to friends for about a half hour, and then drove back to campus to meet up with a girl I was head over heals for. At 165 pounds, my BAC had to be around a 0.30. Which might be considered legally dead.
"Survival of the fittest" is not a part of evolutionary science.

"Survival of the fittest" is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success.
if nothing else the thread proves what bulletproof considers "good guys"

these idiots are not "good guys"

but good to see bulletproofs wrapped view of reality and good and evil.

now i am proud he calls me evil

I’m breaking my own rule by responding to you, but I’m going to do it anyway. Bulletproof does not consider these idiot murderers to be good guys. It’s called sarcasm.