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Anyone have video of the interview right after? I was at the game and missed it. People on twitter were talking about how good it was so wanted I wanted to see it.

Someone posted it in one of these threads. Hayward was super emotional, kind of seemed like he was nearly on the verge of tears from excitement.
Hayward giving them dat Michael Phelps-pose

Beautiful karmic payback for that @#$&ing ridiculous foul called on Lebron's three-pointer against Favors. The refs were so far up Cleveland's *** this game it was embarrassing.
Beautiful karmic payback for that @#$&ing ridiculous foul called on Lebron's three-pointer against Favors. The refs were so far up Cleveland's *** this game it was embarrassing.

They didn't call a foul when Hayward stopped Lebron cold and prevented any shot being taken.

Or a foul on Favors when Lebron fell.

Or goaltending when Hayward had that chase down block.

Yes that call was bogus but I don't feel like the refs were bailing him out all night.

I love the bench reaction. Donte high stepping it onto the court and nonstop screaming. Booker standing on the bench for a better view then jumping on Rudy. Someone needs to put together a montage video of our assistant trainer Zack and his fist pumping over the years, hilarious.
That was weird. I clicked on it expecting a mundane meh call, but it was actually quite good. He called it like he was impartial.

Better then Bolers worst call in a situation like that that i've heard. Was like he couldn't think of anything to say.
They didn't call a foul when Hayward stopped Lebron cold and prevented any shot being taken. That's because it wasn't a foul. I played it a few times

Or a foul on Favors when Lebron fell. Don't remember this one.

Or goaltending when Hayward had that chase down block. Was too close to call, therefore, no foul

Yes that call was bogus but I don't feel like the refs were bailing him out all night.

If you watch the game again and replay the fouls you'll see what I'm talking about. Tons of ******** calls.
If you watch the game again and replay the fouls you'll see what I'm talking about. Tons of ******** calls.

My point being that Lebron was involved in all of them and the refs could have easily bailed him out.

The one where Favors was involved was the last play off the game. The screen that made Lebron fall. So there may have been some dumb calls but nothing out of the ordinary I think.
Jazz had 26 fouls called on them as opposed to 22 for Cleveland. The disparity was not that great. However, Cleveland has three players who traditionally go to the line a lot in LBJ, Irving and Love. Jazz play more for open shots than one-on-one drives.