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Hawks want Quin

Work some sort of deal where ATL gives bonus money from the remaining money left on Quin's contract that goes to Alex Jensen for staying on staff with the Jazz.

Also somehow make it so they push hard for Johnny Bryant to be the head assistant coach over basketball operations, whatever the increased title would be, so the rumors with the Cavs can really get going with Donovan now maybe going to ATL or NYK.
Anyone remember the Quin interview where he talks about going back to the hotel where DL talked to him about coaching the Jazz and he sits outside the room and looks at the door? It was a hotel in Atlanta. I wonder if he still does that or if this will give him more chances to do that.
Look, I’m not going to criticize DA after the season he’s had. I just think it’s a missed opportunity. Get something. Anything. If they really want him now (which clearly, they did), it should cost something.

I probably would’ve looked at the Saints deal with Payton and approached it that way. Tell Quin and his reps that this is about the range of what we’re looking for to let him go to another team. Contact anyone you want to, but let them know upfront that this is the cost of doing business. We’ll get creative with it based on their circumstances, but it doesn’t happen early without compensation.
It's not at all a surprise to me that the Jazz are just letting Quin go to Atlanta. Ryan Smith wants people to think he's cool. Being the big bad rich guy lording Quin's contract status over his head making it harder for him to move on isn't cool. "Yeah man, no worries, good luck in Atlanta" makes Ryan Smith seem cooler.
Look, I’m not going to criticize DA after the season he’s had. I just think it’s a missed opportunity. Get something. Anything. If they really want him now (which clearly, they did), it should cost something.

I probably would’ve looked at the Saints deal with Payton and approached it that way. Tell Quin and his reps that this is about the range of what we’re looking for to let him go to another team. Contact anyone you want to, but let them know upfront that this is the cost of doing business. We’ll get creative with it based on their circumstances, but it doesn’t happen early without compensation.
How long is he under contract for. If it’s up at years end the Jazz basically have 0 leverage
How long is he under contract for. If it’s up at years end the Jazz basically have 0 leverage
Their leverage wasn’t great, but it wasn’t completely zero. The leverage would’ve been from letting them make the decision now - instead of after the contract ended and other vacancies are open. Jazz would’ve been completely justified by telling Atlanta to wait until the season ends then.

It would’ve allowed any other teams to get involved as long as they were willing to engage on compensation. Either way, they didn’t do that. Good for Quin. I’m glad he landed on his feet, but I’m pretty happy with Hardy and the future of this team.
That's generally how things work in sports, isn't it? I know in European football, a manager getting fired is usually put on "gardening leave" meaning he still gets paid, but he sits at home for the duration of the contract. The advantage for him is that he gets the full amount and sits on this tuchus doing nothing without having to worry about finding work.

The advantage for the team is that they don't have to be involved in complex buyout negotiations at a time when the team is in turmoil and they have to look for a new manager, as well as ensuring that the sacked manager can't just turn around and get a job with a rival team and possibly hurt your season that way.

Of course, this occasionally leads to crazy scenarios like Italian owners sacking a manager 3 months into his contract, then running through a couple more during the next year, and then making the original guy come back because he's still under contract and you don't have to pay a new guy then.
Difference here is Quin wasnt fired. He resigned 100% by his own volition. FO tried to keep him as the coach.
Yeah Quin is great at resolving chemistry issues in the locker room. Look at the great job he did with Mitchell and Gobert! HIs best tactic, pretend it isn't happening and keep your head down until it goes away, is a time-honored classic. Should do well.
I can't wait for the press conference where he declares that he's seen Trae eat lunch with John Collins before... sometimes.

This is going to be a disaster.