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Hayward hasn't talked to Snyder, vague on future

Damn guys, Hayward didn't do good in a year where management purposely made the team ****ty and didn't fire a coach who clearly didn't belong. It's all Hayward's fault and now he should suck up to us and beg for us to match his contract and apologize for not extending when he had the chance.
Another way to look at it is the Spurs players produced when given the chance and didn't chase the money.

Why do fans complain so much about players and money? I don't get why we hold NBA players to such a high standard where they should be grateful to play for our favorite teams. They should take pay cuts to stay with our favorite teams. Oh, get on your knees slave and be grateful we drafted you and gave you an opportunity.
In all seriousness I couldn't care less what happens to Hayward. He's nothing spectacular. If we keep him for a reasonable price, say, $ 10 M, great. If another team is dumb enough to offer him more than $12 let him walk, he's not worth it.

And this has been my position since before the season. Those are the numbers I was saying before this year and he only proved me right.

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In all seriousness I couldn't care less what happens to Hayward. He's nothing spectacular. If we keep him for a reasonable price, say, $ 10 M, great. If another team is dumb enough to offer him more than $12 let him walk, he's not worth it.

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Agreed... I'm not emotionally attached to the dude "like some posters on here"... I don't care how much he makes, I just don't want the Jazz to overpay for a guy that hasn't really produced, and become financially handcuffed in the future. If it weren't for the salary cap I would have no reason whatsoever to care about how much these guys make.
Damn guys, Hayward didn't do good in a year where management purposely made the team ****ty and didn't fire a coach who clearly didn't belong. It's all Hayward's fault and now he should suck up to us and beg for us to match his contract and apologize for not extending when he had the chance.
Stop making excuses for the guy...Yeah, we all knew this was a rebuilding season, everyone knew we would be struggling for wins...but when given the opportunity to "be the man" you gotta do a better job then what Hayward produced. For him to go into this season without showing any new wrinkle to his game (runner/floater, post game, pull up jumper, improve 3PT accuracy...****, anything!) tells me he came into the season unprepared. I was always taught growing up that being unprepared is a sign of laziness. Successful people in life are always prepared. You don't overpay lazy people...and you especially don't overpay lazy people with overinflated self egos.
If it weren't for the salary cap I would have no reason whatsoever to care about how much these guys make.

Ding ding ding. This is the main reason why people care what players are paid. They don't want their team to overpay someone and hurt the overall construction of the team.

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Damn guys, Hayward didn't do good in a year where management purposely made the team ****ty and didn't fire a coach who clearly didn't belong. It's all Hayward's fault and now he should suck up to us and beg for us to match his contract and apologize for not extending when he had the chance.

I get all that, but he still should have shot better than he did. He's just not a very consistent shooter that's my biggest gripe about him.
Agreed... I'm not emotionally attached to the dude "like some posters on here"... I don't care how much he makes, I just don't want the Jazz to overpay for a guy that hasn't really produced, and become financially handcuffed in the future. If it weren't for the salary cap I would have no reason whatsoever to care about how much these guys make.
I get all that, but he still should have shot better than he did. He's just not a very consistent shooter that's my biggest gripe about him.
If Hayward had worked on his game more in the offseason, say finishing at the rim better, that would have helped his FG%...I can't even count how many easy layups the guy missed this season. It's comical when people use the Corbin excuse as the sole factor in Hayward poor shooting season. Does poor coaching force you to miss wide open 1 foot layups? Really?
It's the offseason. Snyder and Co. are busy getting ready for the draft in a week and Gordon Hayward is a RFA who is not under contract and not sure where he's going to play next season. The Jazz probably aren't going to set the market for his contract, so he'll be actively pursuing a new team for next season. Then the onus is on the Jazz to match the contract, let him walk for free or work out a S&T for something of quality coming back.

I wouldn't read too much into it. Until he sees how committed Utah is to keeping him, I can understand his wanting to keep his distance. We'll know in a couple of weeks what the true position of both sides is going to be. My guess is that he'll get a good, but not great, contract offer from Phoenix, Boston or the Lakers and that the Jazz will then match that contract. The only other scenario I can see coming out of this is if the Jazz internally decide to see what the S&T would bring back and then only do a deal if it's tilted in their favor. I think that they're pretty happy with just matching the contract to be honest.

I agree. Of course Hayward is smart enough to keep his mouth shut before he hits the market. If he implies he doesn't want to stay in Utah then people will low ball him knowing he doesn't want to be there or if he says he wants to return to Utah then he won't get any offers and Utah can low ball him. Beside the fact that if he says anything people will go off on him either way. I think he is smart and should just enjoy his time with his new wife and let his agent to his job. That is why he has an agent to begin with.
Why do fans complain so much about players and money? I don't get why we hold NBA players to such a high standard where they should be grateful to play for our favorite teams. They should take pay cuts to stay with our favorite teams. Oh, get on your knees slave and be grateful we drafted you and gave you an opportunity.

Jealousy. If I was in the same position as Hayward I would try to get the most money I could too. It is a business and the owners are making money so why not the players? Would anyone turn down a few extra million so they could stay with a team? If would they say Yes then they are lying or dumb.
I have no idea what GH is thinking or what he wants but lets be clear - he is NOT a member of the Utah Jazz at this point. We simply have a contractual right to match his offer. For him or the Jazz to be talking like he is a member of the Jazz makes no sense. I hope he gets a reasonable contract and we match but until he knows where he will be playing, he should act like he is not attached. I also doubt that the CBA allows us to have contact with him at this point but I don't know.
I have no idea what GH is thinking or what he wants but lets be clear - he is NOT a member of the Utah Jazz at this point. We simply have a contractual right to match his offer. For him or the Jazz to be talking like he is a member of the Jazz makes no sense. I hope he gets a reasonable contract and we match but until he knows where he will be playing, he should act like he is not attached. I also doubt that the CBA allows us to have contact with him at this point but I don't know.


Will rep when i can
Just a shot in the dark, but is it possible the coach can't have discussions with free agents till free agency starts? Just a guess

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I have no idea what GH is thinking or what he wants but lets be clear - he is NOT a member of the Utah Jazz at this point. We simply have a contractual right to match his offer. For him or the Jazz to be talking like he is a member of the Jazz makes no sense. I hope he gets a reasonable contract and we match but until he knows where he will be playing, he should act like he is not attached. I also doubt that the CBA allows us to have contact with him at this point but I don't know.

Wrong...Gordon Hayward is under contract with the Utah Jazz until July 1, 2014.

According to Wikipedia:

July moratorium
Players on a team's season-ending roster remain under contract with their respective team until the start of free agency on July 1.[32] During a period in the beginning of July, teams may begin negotiating with free agents, but trades cannot be made and most free agents cannot be signed. The salary cap for the upcoming year is not set until the league's audit is completed by the end of the period.

Just a shot in the dark, but is it possible the coach can't have discussions with free agents till free agency starts? Just a guess
See above...Why can't a coach talk to his own player that is still under contract (and vice versa)?
Wrong...Gordon Hayward is under contract with the Utah Jazz until July 1, 2014.

According to Wikipedia:

July moratorium
Players on a team's season-ending roster remain under contract with their respective team until the start of free agency on July 1.[32] During a period in the beginning of July, teams may begin negotiating with free agents, but trades cannot be made and most free agents cannot be signed. The salary cap for the upcoming year is not set until the league's audit is completed by the end of the period.

See above...Why can't a coach talk to his own player that is still under contract (and vice versa)?

Was a shot in the dark. Thanks for clarifying

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why some fanz are upset at hayward?

hayward has all the moral right to show the middle finger to this organization

i said many times already: the corbin mistake will have consequences for years to come