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HC candidates

I'm kinda leaning towards Frank The Bank. He's handled egos. He's handled chaos. He's handled primadonna superstars. Russ is 20x the primadonna Don is, and he had the balls to cut his minutes.

Oh, and he's got a ring. He also had LeBron, but I'm under the impression Frank and LeBron are buddies.
I'm kinda leaning towards Frank The Bank. He's handled egos. He's handled chaos. He's handled primadonna superstars. Russ is 20x the primadonna Don is, and he had the balls to cut his minutes.

Oh, and he's got a ring. He also had LeBron, but I'm under the impression Frank and LeBron are buddies.
It is an intriguing proposition no doubt. My only concern is Vogel’s current mental state. If anybody should have a year off to recuperate it’s probably Vogel IMO.
I think Alex Jensen is the most deserving candidate.
I like the idea of Alex or Johnnie Bryant. Both are good coaches with history here.
It's risky but I like the idea of new blood and not a regurgitated coach from another team.
We gave Snyder a chance and I think it turned out well. He was multiple steps up from Corbin.
He was right when he left, something needs to change. Maybe he knew the team was going to try to keep both Don and Rudy, and he'd been there before, saw how it went, and decided to go Homer Simpson on the whole situation rather than relive it.
My feeling is that if the Jazz were just going to cater to Donovan and hire the coach he wants they wouldn't be interviewing like 14 guys. They'd give a courtesy interview to half that number.
They had better start to whittle the list down or the people doing the interviewing will burn out if there are too many interviews.
My feeling is that if the Jazz were just going to cater to Donovan and hire the coach he wants they wouldn't be interviewing like 14 guys. They'd give a courtesy interview to half that number.
Or they'd want to interview everyone so they could say... "look coach x was the best candidate... we interviewed everybody". You also gather intel on the guys and other teams as you interview these guys. I'd interview anyone reasonable that would talk with me.

Ainge was already talking with Locke about how players should be involved in the convo... Locke also centered his podcast on the thought. They already controlling the messaging.
Or they'd want to interview everyone so they could say... "look coach x was the best candidate... we interviewed everybody". You also gather intel on the guys and other teams as you interview these guys. I'd interview anyone reasonable that would talk with me.

Ainge was already talking with Locke about how players should be involved in the convo... Locke also centered his podcast on the thought. They already controlling the messaging.

Lol so we definitely hiring Bryant.
Lol so we definitely hiring Bryant.
I'd almost bet the farm. I'm not against it... its just this franchise is hyper sensitive to narratives so they already getting out ahead of this stuff.
I'd almost bet the farm. I'm not against it... its just this franchise is hyper sensitive to narratives so they already getting out ahead of this stuff.

They are going to make it seem like a long drawn out process we will hear there are about three finalists which Bryant will be one of them. Hell, we may even hear they’re down to two to make it seem like it’s a really rough decision.
They are going to make it seem like a long drawn out process we will hear there are about three finalists which Bryant will be one of them. Hell, we may even hear they’re down to two to make it seem like it’s a really rough decision.
Many of these guys will be lead assistant material... I don't think its a farce but I think its Bryant's job to lose or refuse if he doesn't want it.
Don’t be disrespectful. Jazz assistant from 2014-2020 and Knicks associate head coach since 2020. Every single Knicks fan on Twitter wants them to fire Thibs and promote Bryant. He’s very highly regarded around the league.
OK how deep on the depth chart was he with the Jazz. Jensen has been the No. 1 assistant and Igor was here. How high in the Jazz pecking order did he get?
My feeling is that if the Jazz were just going to cater to Donovan and hire the coach he wants they wouldn't be interviewing like 14 guys. They'd give a courtesy interview to half that number.
The other thing here to and I may be wrong because this is just what Ive heard from Andy on the Illuminati podcast, but Mitchell has not even been in touch really with the FO since the playoffs ended for us. Not sure how he is supposed to help pick a coach if he cant pick up the phone.
Jensen vs Bryant who you got. Don't let race play a factor
They are such different coaches though. Bryant is a players coach and Jensen is an X's and O's coach. If we are trading Gobert I'd go with Bryant. I like em both.

I think Bryant would be significantly different than the Quin. Jensen maybe not so much. I think they would both do a fantastic job if given the opportunity. I vote Bryant.