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Health & Fitness Thread

The Midnight

OK so after being diagnosed with high cholesterol at the age of 33 just a few months ago I've decided to take drastic action and start to eat right and exercise.

It's been 2 months now and I have so far lost 22 lbs so I thought I'd start a thread where people can share their health & fitness tips, personal experiences or new health research/studies that could be beneficial to others. I know when I started out I had lots of questions and had to Youtube a lot of it or just look it up online.

Here is some of what I did:

- Eliminate sugar from my diet (switched to stevia if I needed to make coffee, etc)

- Cut down on refined Carbs (white rice/bread)

- Cut down on red meat (restricted to less than 30g per day)

- Eat more fruits and vegetable

- Downloaded calorie counting app to keep track of what I ate each day VS how much energy I expended

- Fast 1-2 per week (usually about 20 hours each time)

- Bought a 2nd hand treadmill & a home gym (best thing I ever did)

- Interval training (sprint 1 min, walk 1 min, alternate for 45 min. per day).

- Weight training 10 min. per day. (push up, pull down. exercise ball).

Youtube has been really helpful, I found this guy's channel had been particularly helpful to me. He does a great job of explaining how your body works, incorporating how to eat properly and also provides some really useful exercise suggestions:


So if you have any Health & Exercise Tips - feel free to share them here!!!
Trojan is a crappy name for a brand of condoms......
It's basically named after something that penetrated the stronghold, then broke open and thousands of little guys poured out and ****ed everyone's day up
Another I forgot to mention above is I started snacking on nuts instead of potato chips or corn chips.

Try a handful of pistachio or almonds instead, they're just as tasty and is much better for you too.
A balanced diet that contains vegetables, grains, and proteins, along with a daily exercise regiment that includes strength and cardio training. That's all your body needs to stay healthy. It's not rocket science.
Trojan is a crappy name for a brand of condoms......
It's basically named after something that penetrated the stronghold, then broke open and thousands of little guys poured out and ****ed everyone's day up

I'd rather get herpes than a wear a chicken choker. The best piece advice that I can offer is to never wear a condom.

Secretly hoping y'all die from AIDS
I've been trying to get into shape as well.

Besides a balanced diet and a daily multivitamin the only things I worry about are total calories and sugar. As long as I'm not eating too many calories I don't care at all about fat, carbs, whatever else, just try to eat as close to no simple sugar as possible. I have been trying to increase the amount of fiber in my diet through whole foods.

I generally eat pretty well. 90% of what I eat is homemade from scratch, so I know what's in what I eat.

The worst part of my diet is the residual sugar in beer and the calories in beer. Other than that I've been doing really well.

I have been exercising 30min/day 5 days a week with a mix of straight cardio one day and a bootcamp style workout (calisthenics) the next day. Tomorrow is my weekly weigh-in day but I'm down 18lbs since I started on Jan. 5th as of my weigh-in last week. And down 3" on my waist.

I got a Jawbone UP wristband as a gift and have been logging my steps. I'm averaging 16k steps a day and that's counting weekends when I don't really make an effort to get a lot of steps. Most of my walking happens at work and on workdays I'm usually between 18k and 20k steps.

I feel a lot better and have noticeably more strength and flexibility. I did this about a year and a half ago and made good progress but quit once I started working 12hr night shifts. I'm off night shifts and that all by itself makes a huge difference.
This is another useful Youtube channel if you're into research & studies. He talks about new scientific research into food and what is or isn't beneficial to you then you can go and read the research for yourself if you're interested.

I've been trying to get into shape as well.

Besides a balanced diet and a daily multivitamin the only things I worry about are total calories and sugar. As long as I'm not eating too many calories I don't care at all about fat, carbs, whatever else, just try to eat as close to no simple sugar as possible. I have been trying to increase the amount of fiber in my diet through whole foods.

I generally eat pretty well. 90% of what I eat is homemade from scratch, so I know what's in what I eat.

The worst part of my diet is the residual sugar in beer and the calories in beer. Other than that I've been doing really well.

I have been exercising 30min/day 5 days a week with a mix of straight cardio one day and a bootcamp style workout (calisthenics) the next day. Tomorrow is my weekly weigh-in day but I'm down 18lbs since I started on Jan. 5th as of my weigh-in last week. And down 3" on my waist.

I got a Jawbone UP wristband as a gift and have been logging my steps. I'm averaging 16k steps a day and that's counting weekends when I don't really make an effort to get a lot of steps. Most of my walking happens at work and on workdays I'm usually between 18k and 20k steps.

I feel a lot better and have noticeably more strength and flexibility. I did this about a year and a half ago and made good progress but quit once I started working 12hr night shifts. I'm off night shifts and that all by itself makes a huge difference.

Well done bro, sounds like you're on the right track there too.
Start playing ball. You got any SF skills?
If you're talking to me I have shot hoops before but I've never played in any kind of organized game or 5-on-5. I'm an okay shooter when I'm all alone on a court and I can dribble pretty well, but I bet I'm one of the last people you'd want on your basketball teams (5'8" and, for now, well over 200lbs).
Start playing ball. You got any SF skills?

I've just got too much on at the moment, working 6 days a week and usually too tired to go out after work. Having a home gym is really handy cos you can just pop in for 30 min. and you're done for the day and can just have a shower and relax.

No need to get dressed up and drive out in the cold, etc. I think convenience was my biggest barrier to exercise before I bit the bullet and got something set up at home.

I do love me some 5 on 5 though, I'm probably most similar to JJ Barea without the 3pt shot.
Don't eat breakfast and lunch. Eat a moderately large dinner but make sure not to exceede 2000 calories. Will lose weight easily eatin what you want for that one meal at night. If you eat one meal a day you will have 2000% (20 times more) HGH production in the body which is gods gift to man. Also there are studies that if you do this you will live longer. Rats that went through "intermittent fasting" phases lived 50% longer.
Don't eat breakfast and lunch. Eat a moderately large dinner but make sure not to exceede 2000 calories. Will lose weight easily eatin what you want for that one meal at night. If you eat one meal a day you will have 2000% (20 times more) HGH production in the body which is gods gift to man. Also there are studies that if you do this you will live longer. Rats that went through "intermittent fasting" phases lived 50% longer.

Wow.. 1 meal a day? That's hardcore bro... How long have you been doing that?

I sometimes skip breakfast if I had too much to eat the night before.. but I'd struggle with 1 meal a day EVERYDAY.
I've considered fasting one or two days a month once I plateau on my weight loss but no way in hell I'd eat one meal a day. But today I ate a can of Progresso minestrone soup (110 calories) around 11am and haven't had anything else to eat yet. I'm making pork chops with broccoli and brown rice for dinner.
Don't eat breakfast and lunch. Eat a moderately large dinner but make sure not to exceede 2000 calories. Will lose weight easily eatin what you want for that one meal at night. If you eat one meal a day you will have 2000% (20 times more) HGH production in the body which is gods gift to man. Also there are studies that if you do this you will live longer. Rats that went through "intermittent fasting" phases lived 50% longer.

This sounds very interesting to me. Do you have any links where I can read up on it?

Also, can one not have any calories at all until their one meal? For instance, could I have Gatorade or water with some lemon juice in it?
I've considered fasting one or two days a month once I plateau on my weight loss but no way in hell I'd eat one meal a day. But today I ate a can of Progresso minestrone soup (110 calories) around 11am and haven't had anything else to eat yet. I'm making pork chops with broccoli and brown rice for dinner.

I love broccoli and brown rice as well.