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Health & Fitness Thread

Nice. What kind of times do you row?
I hate doing aerobic, it's so boring to me. But a rower is okay while I watch something. But I'm not even looking at the display on it. I just do some slow rowing for 20-30 minutes one day and then interval training other days. Usually 30 sec slow, 20 sec medium, then a full sprint for 10 sec. Then repeat for 10 min.
I hate doing aerobic, it's so boring to me. But a rower is okay while I watch something. But I'm not even looking at the display on it. I just do some slow rowing for 20-30 minutes one day and then interval training other days. Usually 30 sec slow, 20 sec medium, then a full sprint for 10 sec. Then repeat for 10 min.

Wuss. Push yourself. Here’s an easy one. See how many calories you can burn in one minute. I did 31 calories once. Heart rate had to be close to 200 at the end lol.