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I can see it now, eh?

I have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hours, One Brow, to add the rep I wanted to add to you -- so I'll just say I completely agree. I personally find it ridiculous for people to assume the mods won't enforce this judiciously, in terms of the infinitesimal sliver of gray area that might actually exist. I see no reason to be upset about this policy at all.

Pick your battles. This is what you want to fight for? The ability to use homophobic slurs on a basketball message board? Possibly with a I-didn't-mean-"queer"-the-way-you-took-it wink? Grow the **** up.
I see teh rquest as being fairly clear, with little gray area.

I've never heard a speaker say, "That's so gay" in a non-pejorative use. I see little gray area about that clause.

Eric, apparently there is now an established meaning to such declarations that has nuthin to do with homosexuality, but that aint even the point. The point is what is "perjorative?" Lack of particpation? Lack of outspoken advocacy for? Lack of agreement? What? Why is is perjorative for me to say, for example, "I don't like dogs." Do I owe it to dogs to love, approve of, shelter, and feed them, if that's what they want?


The instant that I get a warning or infraction for calling someone/something gay, I will officially write up my Tateresignation. I wouldn't last one week under a queer rule like that.
Pick your battles. This is what you want to fight for? The ability to use homophobic slurs on a basketball message board? Possibly with a I-didn't-mean-"queer"-the-way-you-took-it wink? Grow the **** up.

Utterly missing the point. It is about an open ended and undefined policy. It isn't about maturity or an attempt to get get away with something. So why don't you shut the **** up?
Katie reminds of another thing that is irritating the hell out of me lately. All the gay celebs rushing to the defense of gay teens being bullied but using the false pretense of bullying as if they care that anybody outside of gay teens get bullied. Ellen, Kathy Griffin, Wanda Sykes, etc. never said anything about bullying until it was a gay teen that got bullied and killed themself. It seems it wasn't important enough until it happened to gays.
Bordy, I would say that you're retarded for even suggestin such a thang, but I don't wanna go gittin run plumb over by the short bus.

Pretty sure Bordy was being sarcastic... and it is a physically birth defect.
Katie reminds of another thing that is irritating the hell out of me lately. All the gay celebs rushing to the defense of gay teens being bullied but using the false pretense of bullying as if they care that anybody outside of gay teens get bullied. Ellen, Kathy Griffin, Wanda Sykes, etc. never said anything about bullying until it was a gay teen that got bullied and killed themself. It seems it wasn't important enough until it happened to gays.

Quit being such a Mormon.
Katie reminds of another thing that is irritating the hell out of me lately. All the gay celebs rushing to the defense of gay teens being bullied but using the false pretense of bullying as if they care that anybody outside of gay teens get bullied. Ellen, Kathy Griffin, Wanda Sykes, etc. never said anything about bullying until it was a gay teen that got bullied and killed themself. It seems it wasn't important enough until it happened to gays.

Kinda like PETA writing a letter to Arafat after some palestinian rode a donkey up next to a school-bus, and detonated a few tons of dynomite, eh, Marcus?. They implored him not to jeopardize the well-being of innocent animals. When asked if they disapproved of innocent jewish schoolchildren being maimed and slaughtered, the response was that they had no opinion on that, it wasn't a concern of theirs.

Do whatcha gotta do, but leave the poor donkeys outta it, OK?